For the first time since 1984, we have a total hamallu for a prime minister

Published: December 2, 2014 at 10:16pm

I honestly don’t know how people can take this. The prime minister should have exemplary manners and bearing. Perhaps people delight in his vulgarity? Do they get a frisson of pleasure from it?

35 Comments Comment

  1. Alf says:

    and so say all of us, and so say all of us. For he is a hamallu and so say all of us

  2. gn says:

    Joe Debono GRech ghaddieh illum fil-parlament.

    Lill-ispeaker qallu: Ejja Chalie, Chalie ejja hi.

  3. Joe Fenech says:

    Send him to an intensive anger-management course.

  4. sistinam says:

    Makes we want to cry! I am so ashamed and embarrassed! I used to be so proud of Malta!!

  5. Very True says:

    TOM poll. After weeks of being a majority of 70% yes vote:

    Driver incident: Do you agree with Simon Busuttil that Manuel Mallia should go?
    Don’t know
    Total number of votes: 57832

    Cyber attack or the elves have regrouped? State controlled?

  6. James Caruana says:

    Dan l-individwu vera jaqq! Punt tal-misthija iehor kien il-fatt li meta l-editur tal-Pravda qal u rrepeta li ma jafdax il-pulizija, il-Prim Ministru, li ghandu kull dover jiddefendi l-isem tal-korp, ma qal xejn u baqa’ jitbissem. Clueless air stealers!

  7. hmm says:

    He cannot uphold his mask anymore, which means that he is desperate. This is worrying as desperation brings on much vengeance.

  8. Tabar says:

    Mr. Prime Minister, sarcasm is the lowest form of humour. If friends are not willing to tell you your own faults [ghax laghqa] pay your enemies to do so, for your own good. For the sake of Malta here we do it for free.

  9. Makjavel says:

    Tifel tal Brigata , mhux hekk rabbitu nanntu?

    Anzi ma gibitx xi wahda tajba.

  10. Orlando Ellul Micallef says:

    What a Fuc**n Wanker the PM is – in his fan Abela Garrett terminology.

  11. gakk says:

    Better late than never. I thought you were not bothered to bring it up

  12. il-Ginger says:

    Honestly, I just give up.

  13. Kevin says:

    I just love the way Dr Busuttil keeps cool and zips in to sting like a bee.

  14. Antoine Vella says:

    From “what the hack” Muscat has upgraded to “m’intiex żigg”.

  15. Cikku says:

    I’m so glad you pointed that out . I was utterly gob smacked when I heard our PM use such a cheap expression. I just could’nt believe what I heard – let alone digest it. How embarrassing! This is Malta’s Prime Minister for crying out loud and not some cikku l-poplu having a coffee break with his fellow colleagues at work.

  16. David J Camilleri says:

    Mintoff, Wistin, Lorry Sant et al used to delight acting and talking in such a vulgar way. It seems, that 25 years down the line, our prime minister thinks that people will be amused with such language and it helps him to score political points. Yes, hamallu taqtalu denbu, hamallu jibqa.

  17. anthony says:

    When people turn vulgar it means they have no valid argument left to put across.

    Balzan, Muscat, Orlando et al have obviously lost the plot and have nothing left in their armamentarium but vulgarity and rudeness.

  18. Grezz says:

    Il-osbricc, x’inhu cool, menn!

  19. Harry Worth says:

    Actually referring to something else … il-baxx, baxx jibqa’

  20. Honest says:

    Persuna baxxa, vulgari, mahmug, maledukat u fuq kollox bully.

  21. Luke says:

    That, and he also tends to use ‘gieh kemm hemm’ a lot. He used it when confronted with questions on Manel Mallia, who by the way resembles this character in Sin City A Dame to Kill For:×280.jpg

  22. Martin Felice says:

    Manners – he has no idea what the word means.

  23. ken il malti says:

    He is going to make KMB look like a classy genius.

  24. Sampei says:

    Apart from the absolute bad manners and crassness, this video shows with absolute certainty that the prime minister has no inkling that the government and a political party are separate and distinct. And he cannot believe that Simon Busuttil has the audacity to actually say something of the sort.

  25. H. Prynne says:

    A scary/funny dream I had early this morning:

    I am at a disco with friends and Joseph Muscat, as Prime Minister, is the guest deejay. He tries to be funny and makes a remark about the missing disco ball. I turn to my friends and say that it’s okay, we can always use his head.

    He hears me (he is miles away but you know how dreams are), gives me that bitchy, teenage school girl dirty look he has and then he laughs as if he thinks it’s the best joke he’s heard all night.

    After a while, an intimidating man in a black suit comes over and asks for a urine sample so they can do a drug test. I stare dumbfounded for a bit and he puts an arm on my shoulder, trying to steer me to the toilet.

    As he does, I tell him to make the request in writing and my lawyer will answer in kind. He keeps repeating the request in a rude Ramona Attard way till I shout, “I’m breastfeeding, you dumb f*ck. I wouldn’t take drugs even if I wanted to.”

    I shrug his hand off my shoulder, grab my bag and go out to the car park and start to phone you, Daphne.

    Then I woke up, a bit panicky to tell the truth.

    A sign of the times we’re living in unfortunately.

  26. tinnat says:

    He’s angry, he’ frustrated that he is no longer the Nation’s Golden Boy, and he’s losing it.

  27. wacko says:

    I have completely lost faith in the morals of this country. I am far from a saint. I can swear a hundred times harder than most people, but when it comes to formal ethics, I know how to shut my cake hole.

    What depresses me the most are the replies that the general public give to these reports on most social media. They range from “u iva ma qal xejn hazin” to utter insults against the PN and their current and former leaders.

    No wonder we have the PL in government. We (the nation) deserve it. The moral fibre is so rock bottom that I see a bleak future for our society. Wish I am wrong.

  28. Tal-Malja says:

    Another cover-up.

    Instead of ‘Zobb’ he said ‘Zigg’.

  29. Volley says:

    As the saying goes: People get the government they deserve.

  30. Tom Double Thumb says:

    If you genetically graft Duminku Mintoff’s vulgarity onto Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici ‘s political knowledge (lack of it) you get Joseph Muscat.

  31. remember the eighties says:

    KMB was classy compared to this twat.

  32. Joan Rivers says:

    What a disgusting cabinet people have been swayed to elect: angry free-riders, home wreckers, red-necks and addicts, peppered with colourful language which shouldn’t even be transmitted on TV.

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