Ghamel opra insomma, l-istar candidate ta’ Malta Taghna Lkoll

Published: December 9, 2014 at 10:55am
What sort of person votes to make that seedy, sordid chap a minister of state? But more to the point, what sort of party leader thinks he's fantastic and what sort of prime minister puts a crook like that in charge of the police and the army? And he even gave him justice, too, originally.

What sort of person votes to make that seedy, sordid chap a minister of state? But more to the point, what sort of party leader thinks he’s fantastic and what sort of prime minister puts a crook like that in charge of the police and the army? And he even gave him justice, too, originally.

How pleased they were when they ‘acquired’ Manuel Mallia’s candidacy – qishom ghamlu xi akkwist (minghand il-Lidl). All that boasting and showing off, ivarawh fil-konferenza generali qisu xi statista kbir.

A poxy little man who doesn’t know enough to keep his criminals strictly as clients: didn’t I say they would end up hoist by their own petard because like all social-climbers from the sticks they think in terms of acquiring names and don’t know how to sort the wheat from the chaff because all Big Names With Money are the same to them?

Well, 20 months in and their star candidate has blown up in their faces, put a rocket under their Budget (budget…did we have one?) and bust his way through Joseph Muscat’s hymen – and no $30 operation is going to get that back, no matter how hard Evarist Bartolo leafs through his Rolodex.

Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves should have worked out why the Nationalist Party never wanted That One on its list, even though its selection processes were never the most stringent as we have seen.

Instead of putting him in charge of the police, they should have got the police onto him. Taghna Lkoll – I’m at the point where I think that it’s better to laugh because the alternative is being overcome by a desire to see those who put this seething, corrupt mess into power horsewhipped from here to the Mainguard.

You know who you are. Misskom tisthu.

16 Comments Comment

  1. Joe Fenech says:

    It’s the ‘poveracci syndrome’ again. Put a bunch of people with no morals and a permanent anguish of a poverty relapse, and you get the Maltese Labour Party.

  2. Freedom5 says:

    Granting an amnesty to prisoners to mark Labour’s victory. And given a hero’s welcome by prisoners at Corradino. Tal-misthija.

  3. WhoamI? says:

    Why is Sheehan wearing a wedding band?

  4. Peritocracy says:

    Is that pudgy hand going for the boxer’s gluteus maximus?

  5. Bonkers says:

    Can Manwel refuse to resign ? Or be assigned another ministry? I think he is nearly too old to be appointed judge?

    Or will it be a made to measure appointment? Scraping the bottom of the barrel. He can always organize boxing bouts with a little bet on the sideline.

  6. The Sting says:

    Oh Daphne don’t plant ideas – I would just love to see the Toad horsewhipped from wherever to the Mainguard.

  7. Bonkers says:

    Could John Dalli’s arraignment been a bargaining counter between Joseph Muscat and Michael Cassar before the latter’s acceptenance as appointment as Commissioner of Police ?

  8. canon says:

    Manuel Mallia will be a dangerous man for Joseph Muscat. He knows too much about the citizens scheme and Heneley & Partners involvement

  9. Mila says:

    Didn’t they have another star candidate, Cyrus, who also imploded? He thinks that showing photos of living-rooms rented with taxpayers’ money when he is not entitled to that position of trust is the way to go.

    When a dog misbehaves one should always point at the owner. This is no exception.

  10. Matt says:

    The people will learn the hard way- always. Under Gonzi, the country was peaceful and prosperous with hard working government. Now we are divided and very worried about our future. All thanks to the people who voted for MLP.

  11. Tabatha White says:

    They got want they needed from him.

    Now it’s back to the survival of the backers.

  12. Angus Black says:

    The taller (or fatter) they are, the harder they fall.

  13. C.G says:

    Hokkli spallti u jien inhokklok sormok.

  14. PWG says:

    Well said. Once Muscat started courting the likes of Mallia, certain people should have known better. Labour would have still won comfortably but not by such an extent.

  15. Minute Steak says:

    Issa jghajtu “Manwel, Manwel” taht it-tinda tghid? :)

  16. verita says:

    It seems we have two popes at the same time for the same seat.

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