UPDATED/ Carmelo Abela to be new police + army minister

Published: December 9, 2014 at 11:12am

The word was out at first that it was going to be Michael Falzon (see video below) but now it’s been announced officially that it will be Carmelo Abela, the chief government spokesman who pulls in Eur73,000 a year from various grace-and-favour government appointments alone.

Abela has been pointedly left out of the cabinet so far but has been mollified for the last 21 months with public money.

37 Comments Comment

  1. carlos bonavia says:

    I think Don Manuel will get to keep half his portfolio – faces will be saved and opposition appeased.

    At least, that’s what the PM and all his followers think.

  2. Someone says:

    Why do you do this? Now Manuel “Hdura” Cuschieri and Jason tal-Gardening will throw another hissy fit about a mole in the Office of the Prime Minister.

    If Falzon is confirmed, what will become of the A.L.E. section (or whatever its later incarnation is called) and what will be his view on hunting regulations enforcement, seeing that he is an avid bird killer himself?

  3. john says:

    This is good news for all the other trigger-happy and murtali men in Malta.

  4. SPAM! says:

    The hunters will be happy.

  5. Jojo says:

    Oh my God, hopeless case, maybe a puppet.

  6. saggio says:

    Peace of for hunters and trappers (sorry)

  7. Anthony Grima says:

    Oh God! ‘Minn go t-tagen ghal go n-nar’!

  8. High Tea says:


  9. Maria says:

    Carm Abela as minister instead of Mallia? A man who works at a bank? Would have preferred Michael Falzon.

  10. Peritocracy says:

    The big question is will he keep lying scum Silvio Scerri as chief of staff: http://i.imgur.com/p7Amhb1.png

  11. Volley says:

    Still I can’t fathom Manuel Mallia being a backbencher. How will he survive?

  12. Reporter says:


  13. Manuel says:

    I never expected Michael Falzon to be the new minister.

    After conceding defeat in the 2008 elections, he was looked upon with suspicion and doubt was shed upon his ability to lead.

  14. Niki B says:

    Will he be making less money as a minister now?

  15. Antoine Vella says:

    One of the good things happening this week is that Silvio Scerri will also have to ride out into the sunset, together with his boss. Dare we hope his wife will find justice, finally?

  16. kram says:

    So now he is going to have a pay reduction?

  17. Mila says:

    It seems that Old Joseph Mus-Hubbard’s cupboard was really bare and he did not do much better when he scraped the bottom of the barrel did he?

  18. Karl Abela says:

    I think that this was the best way to solve the problem with the oversized desks in the new parliament building by replacing Mallia with a skinnier person.

  19. Banana republic ... again says:

    It would be great to hear Herrera’s opinion

  20. the box says:

    Oh. I thought it would have been Jose Herrera.

    [Daphne – He probably did too.]

  21. not surprised says:

    Ahhh the puppetmaster still appointed one whose allegiance is to him.

  22. Sharpy says:

    Issa tara kemm se jaqdi Zwieten dan. Hu diga kien xammar imniehru u beda jitmejjel bin-nies, ahseb u ara issa x’se jaghmel.

    Sew jghidu min mejjet ghal qatra u min mejjet fis-sakra u dan wiehed minnhom.

    Qatt ma naf li mort ghand xi wiehed mill-kandidati tal-Labour taz-Zejtun li hemm fil-parlament u ghinuni f’dawn l-ahhar 20 xahar u qatt ma naf li sofrejt ingustizzji daqs kemm sofrejt f’dawn l-ahhar xhur.

    L-ohrajn forsi hadu matul 25 sena imma dawn kielu kull mhemm f’sentejn u lil min qed ibati geluh ibati aktar.

    Mistoqsija wahda ghandi – veru li biex jghinuk il-politkanti trid tkun xi kriminal jew inkella m jkollokx ragun fuq il-kaz tieghek? Ghax mill-esperjenza nghid li hekk trid tkun u jaghzluk u jirrangawlek zgur.

  23. Claude Sciberras says:

    Mela se niffrankaw ftit flus. Or is he now going to add the ministerial salary to his current earnings?

  24. Someone says:

    The refusal to leave is a clear sign that “il-kbir ghadu gej”.

    Mallia will never stomach this – to be summarily dismissed by someone he so blatantly considers his junior, and not only age wise.

    One of the new Police Commissioner’s first tasks should be to review and beef up the PM’s security detail.

  25. Someone says:

    U Jose Herrera baqa biz-z…. zigg.

  26. jim says:

    PBS and Super one officially integrated.

  27. Albert Floyd says:

    I wonder if this is a promotion for Carmelo Abela or not. Does a cabinet minister get paid less or more then 73,000 euro? Can somebody tell us please?

  28. Antoine Vella says:

    It’s fitting that Manwel Mallia should be followed by Carmelo Abela. They’re quite a pair those two.


  29. Zejtun ins Too says:

    I remember Carmelo Abela as an altar boy at our parocca. The sharks are going to eat him alive.

  30. Augustus says:

    The new minister is another mutu mutu, qrunu f’butu. Min jaf x’jidghi Jose’ Herrera.

  31. Bob says:

    Will he still be paid 70K+?

    Will he lose his pay as a spokesman?

  32. gn says:

    Michael Falzon is not on good terms with Joseph Muscat. Ghadu merfuh minn ma’ Muscat talli kien gab lil Martin Schulz jghid favurih fil-kontestazzjoni tal-leadership.

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