Kim Jong Un’s people are entering Europe via Schengen visas obtained through Malta

Published: December 11, 2014 at 1:10pm

North Korea is the world’s worst totalitarian state. Any North Korean who leaves the country with permission, and more pertinently who is able to travel to Europe, is a member of the regime.

Opposition MP Jason Azzopardi – “Issa gejja tieghek, Jason”: the PM in parliament – asked the Police Minister (Manuel Mallia) how many Schengen visas Malta has granted to North Koreans since March 2013.

The reply came from the new Police Minister, Carmelo Abela. Malta has received 55 applications for Schengen visas from citizens of North Korea since March last year.

All but two of them were approved through the Maltese embassy in Beijing.

I trust all the major EU embassies, the British High Commission and the US embassy are taking note.

Kim Jong Un

Kim Jong Un

44 Comments Comment

  1. Wilson says:

    You bet!

  2. Alexander Ball says:

    I bet he does a mean Gangnam, even with a dodgy leg.

  3. Opps says:

    “Tinkwetax Joseph, tieghek gejja dalwaqt.” – Manuel Mallia

  4. Mila says:

    With friends like these…

    ”Fidel Castro gets China peace prize”

    ”The Confucius prize was launched in 2010 as an alternative to the Nobel Peace Prize, which had just honoured imprisoned Chinese dissident writer Liu Xiaobo.”

    ”It is a stark contrast to the view in the West of Castro as a dictator who ran an oppressive one-party state for nearly five decades.”

  5. Galian says:

    I was listening to the parliamentary questions while walking my dog and had to stop to make sure I heard correctly.

    Even Carmelo Abela sounded surprised by this information – though these people are experts at faking emotions so one cannot really tell.

    [Daphne – Kif spiccajna u, jahasra; listening to parliamentary questions while walking the dog. Oh for normal life.]

    • Michelle Pirotta says:

      I can so relate to Galian. The last time I remember doing that (listening to parliament on the radio), was when I was studying for my exams, I think my A Levels.

      I used to take breaks to switch on, listening to Mintoff rambling against Sant and his boxxla socjali. Happy days (not).

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        And Fabri giving us the latest trance and Eurodance classics, then cutting to trasmissjoni mill-Parlament. Oh happy days.

      • Salvu says:

        It’s the TSMOLA syndrome.

        (Twenty Second Month Of Labour Administration)

    • Neil says:

      That was my first thought too (vide Daphne’s comment). It should be nothing more than background noise while you’re doing something else, if you must listen to it. While walking the dog you should be listening in to your favourite MP3s.

      ‘Oh for normal life’.

      • Galian says:

        Don’t worry Neil, that is what I usually do, only sometimes I miss the ‘ir-risposta se tinghata f’seduta ohra’ or ‘l-informazzjoni mitluba ghadha qed tingabar’ tragi-comedies.

    • rene says:

      Let’s look at the bright side. Time is passing at supersonic speed.

    • Alchemist says:

      Precisely Daphne…that’s why I go fishing. No radio, no shit, just me and the sea.

  6. Watcher of lies and worse says:

    U kemm dahhlu flus fil-but ta’ dawn il-visas moghtijin lill-korrotti Nord Koreani f’ambaxxata Maltija Mintoffjana gewwa pajjiz korrot kommunist Ciniz?

  7. La Redoute says:

    That question was about Schengen visas. Now we need to find out how many Maltese passports for North Koreans Mallia approved.

  8. Stephen Borg Fiteni says:

    It might be relevant to post this here:

    “Joseph Muscat has expressed his will “to work hard to expand the friendly relations between the Malta Labour Party and the Workers’ Party of Korea and between Malta and the DPRK”

  9. Mike says:


    I know this is the Daily Mail, but the issue of the absent disabled in North Korea is something that has long been discussed

  10. curious says:

    The Maltese are risking a great, big smelling of the coffee, wahda u sewwa. Then it will be too late.

  11. vanni says:

    So those are the networks Joseph was farting about?

    He can keep them.

  12. Pablo says:

    Oh so now we know what Sai is there for. It’s not for bottles of water.

  13. mario camilleri says:

    So, putting it plain and simple, shall I say that as at today, at least 53 North Koreans are fully fledged MALTESE citizens for all intents and purposes?…i.e. they and us, ‘real’ and ‘genuine’ Maltese, have the same passport.

    [Daphne – Please distinguish between a visa to enter Malta (which is a visa to enter Europe’s Schengen area) and Maltese citizenship.]

  14. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Not to put too fine a point on it, but the one person who should have all her alarm bells ringing and who should be sending off urgent reports from the cipher room even as we speak – that’s Ambassador Abercrombie-Winstanley – is too busy Tweeting about picturesque Malta.

    • High Tea says:

      Maybe that’s just a cover.

    • viva n nort koreja says:

      Well she, like all other diplomatic staff since Obama took office, have been informed that US foreign policy now consists of promoting the welfare of dolphins, the legalisation of ‘yeh maaan’ marijuana and gay ‘marriage’, oh yeh and getting all over-zealous about it too with the addition of eye-rolls and frothing at the mouth if you state the obvious – that these are all fluffy distractions from the real problems.

      Meanwhile Rome is burning.

  15. verita says:

    Many North Koreans will now be roaming our streets as they did under the Mintoff regime. Kim’s father was in Malta at that time to learn English and no one was aware of it except his tutors.

  16. Chef says:

    We were promised that candidates would be ‘screened thoroughly’ as part of due diligence prior to the granting of the visas.

    Therefore one must ask how this was done considering that all information/data regarding the candidates is in all probability located in North Korea. And North Korea isn’t the most cooperative, compliant or reliable of information providers is it?

  17. Chef says:

    Please ignore my last post. I realise that I have mixed the passports and visa granting procedures.

    [Daphne – Not really, no. Applicants for visas from countries like North Korea still have to be thoroughly screened. And we don’t know whether these are or are not applicants for Maltese passports anyway. They might well be.]

  18. Watcher of lies says:

    Can our government tell us if these North Koreans are Kim apparatchiks or escaping from his atrocious regime? Meanwhile can our government condemn Kim Jong Un for this atrocity?:

    North Korea is systematically “cleansing” its population by making those with mental or physical disabilities disappear, a defector has claimed.

    Ji Seong-ho, 32, who escaped from North Korea after losing his left leg above the knee and his left hand at the wrist, said the disabled are considered a stain on North Korea’s image and a “humiliation” to the ruling regime.

  19. Freedom5 says:

    Who is bothering to watch Caqqufa and the rest of tear-jerker Maltese teleserials, when we have the Maltese government with a new exciting episode everyday.

  20. Malti ta' Veru says:

    No doubt these visitors are coming for the wrong reasons.

  21. Manuel says:

    No wonder Muscat’s scam is all secretive.

  22. Volley says:

    This is worrying indeed. ‘Thank you’ switchers.

  23. C Falzon says:

    The only reason Joseph Muscat suddenly started ‘liking’ the EU is because being in it gives him currency to trade with dictatorships and it is probably the only thing that keeps him from pulling out.

    Schengen visas are probably just one of many such things he is trading with them. There are all sorts of other back-doors he can open to let them in past the bastions of the EU.

  24. Jon Schicker says:

    I beg to differ. The USA is the world’s worst totalitarian state.

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