Maltese prime minister meets Corruption’s ‘Person of the Year’

Published: December 15, 2014 at 3:08pm

Well, that figures, doesn’t it. Marelli, x’imbarazz. Looks like EU membership wasn’t any protection against Laburist prime ministers with a passionate bent for totalitarian leaders. It does give us the means of escape from Malta, though.

corruption person of the year 1

world report 2014

16 Comments Comment

    • H.Galea (NRK) says:

      Faqqghu subajkhom Lejburisti – tibzghu xejn minn xejn ghax taghkom ghad tasal wkoll. Ma’ min rajtek xebbahtek, jghid xi cuc Malti.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Tasal meta? Meta? Meta fl-2023 isibu ruhhom fl-Oppozizzjoni u jkomplu skuzi j*****u kif dejjem ghamlu? Il-hazen, f’Malta, ma jmut qatt.

  1. tinnat says:

    You could also have said “Azerbaijani President meets Malta’s corrupt Person of the Year”.

  2. Wistin Schembri says:

    Come on Daphne! Muscat read this press release, issued by Transparency International last week, and he went to plead on behalf of this journalist.

  3. erskinemay says:

    Not for long though.

  4. Issa Daqshekk says:

    Hobnobbing with dictators and honouring a member of a ruling family known to run its desert kingdom with an iron fist whilst treating women like non-persons, gay men as criminals and non-Muslims as third class citizens.

    That’s Joseph Muscat for you.

  5. pablo says:

    There goes our Joey raising the bar all over Azeribaijan.

  6. Ta'Sapienza says:

    Deja vu all over again.

  7. Manuel says:

    This time round, Muscat did not invite any journalists from his friendly newspapers.

    He’s plotting something really huge with his friend the Corrupt Dictator, I am sure. He did not want to have any interference from any journalists, w en from friendly ones.

    No plov and kebabs for truth-twister Balzan.

  8. helen says:

    If anyone is at a loss as what to buy as a present for someone who graduated recently, it is really very simple. A one way ticket out of here asap.

  9. Mk says:

    I get the feeling that the Malliagate saga and the JPO show on Xarabank were events created to deviate the public and ‘any’ media from the true important events.

    That is, the signing of the future energy needs and power station to China and the MOU with Azarbaijan.

    Even the events’ timing is perfect for low media coverage and public importance. Signed just days within Christmas when everyone is on holiday mood, shopping, partying and traveling with family, clients and friends.

  10. Spock says:

    Ghidli ma min taghmilha u nghidlek x’int . Muscat is always very comfortable around these kind of people ;it’s only in places like the EU parliament that he sticks out like an infected , puss-laden boil.

  11. We are living in Financial Times says:

    What is Shiv Nair’s role in facilitating these contracts?

    Why would Malta Enterprise have us believe he is doing this for 6000€ a year?

    Why isn’t Sai Mizzi, then, not on the same remuneration scale?

    How do all the people linked to Shiv Nair, and who were ruthless in removing all obstacles, profit from these multiple links to his multiple bases of corruption?

  12. saggio says:

    Don’t think it is a wise decision to deal with countries that have totalitarian leaders.

    This becomes even worse when the deal consists of selling the only power generating source of the country.

  13. John Higgins says:

    Birds of a feather flock together.

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