Middle-aged Maltese men and Facebook just don’t mix

Published: December 17, 2014 at 12:35pm

funnel cloud

27 Comments Comment

  1. pablo says:

    Every country has a Frank Spencer. We got ours right here.

  2. simca says:

    Considering that he lives on a cloud, I feel that his comment must be taken a bit more seriously.

  3. Wilson says:

    It is quite apt. Labour is funnelling cash exactly like that.

  4. majmuma says:

    Vera tromba

  5. Mila says:

    ”A spokesman for the Maltese government said that it is monitoring the situation but was not in a position to comment any further.”

    • Gahan says:

      Keep calm -they’re working in silence from eight to five, posting comments and up-voting themselves on the Times of Malta comments board.

  6. Jozef says:


    Two weeks to the super reformed bus service.

  7. Mila says:

    ‘Protesters say ambassador has 72 hours to leave Malta’ but government stays mum.

    One wonders what the ‘or else’ is and what authority do those who are presumably civilians have to give such ultimatums.


  8. QahbuMalti says:

    Dear Daphne,

    Many of us are fans of yours and hang on to your every word. Unfortunately, we have no way of knowing when you are back unless there is a new post. As a result many of us will check this page two to 26 times a day.

    When you shut up shop to be with your family you owe it to us not to have a Luciano Busuttil or Karmenu Vella or Joseph Muscat or Manwel Mallia in the photo accompanying the last post you put up before going on shutdown. So may I ask that your last post be accompanied by a photo of something we can live with instead of something that turns our stomach.

    I am sure you understand.

    Happy Christmas and thank you for what you do to show up this most transparent government.

  9. bob-a-job says:

    Holy…A clouded brain.

  10. Paul Vincenti says:

    Is shit were holy, we would have a lot of holy shit.

  11. Don Camillo says:

    That funnel cloud looks remarkably like a turnip.

  12. Don Camillo says:

    And there’s nothing holy about it.

  13. Pat Zahra says:

    Batterija baxxa.

  14. Augustus says:

    How many years must a kohrabi grow old
    before he can call himself a man
    The answer my friend
    is in the funnel cloud
    the answer is in the funnel cloud.

  15. Mila says:

    And now the Department of Information has spoken and it seems that our ‘not afraid to take tough decisions’ government had to quickly consult with, among others, and horror of horrors, the EU, because we have found ourselves in a pickle.

    What is difficult to understand is why ‘civilians’ seem able to threaten an embassy and why our government is having such difficulty.


  16. pacikk says:

    It is really a case of ‘it takes one, to recognise one’.

    Ma smajt xejn mill-weather forecast li ltaqghu zewg trombi u hemm cans ta’ ciklun.

  17. Tye says:

    People who do Facebook must really have a lot of time on their hands. I know people who can hardly find time to answer emails due to the heap load of work they have.

    I wonder who’s doing what up there. Sounds cosy.

  18. Joe Attard says:

    How exciting indeed. The bar for Maltese politicians must be at a historic low.

  19. SG says:

    Such outstanding use of the lexicon, yeah right.

  20. Brian Sinclair says:

    My worry about this person is that he has graduated from a supposedly respected university.

    I cannot understand how somebody with such a stupid brain could have done that. What is the Maltese law degree worth, exactly?

    It certainly doesn’t reflect well on the University of Malta. He is not the only example.

  21. gn says:

    Hasra ma refatux maghha u sparixxietu, dik il-funnel cloud.

  22. Ta' Sapienza says:

    Ra tromba, it-trumbun.

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