UPDATED/More insight into the Taghna Lkoll underbelly

Published: December 10, 2014 at 12:28am

Look at this horrible photograph, the first one, taken at the boxing match where Manuel Mallia had a bet on Billy the Hitman. The man on the right is Magistrate Joanne Vella Cuschieri’s brother, Dennis Cuschieri Il-Babas, who has a drug record and is known to the police.

The man whose head is marked in red is Paul Sheehan, Manuel Mallia’s driver.

And the man on the boxer’s left is Magistrate Joanne Vella Cuschieri’s vote-canvasser. Or rather, he was her vote-canvasser during the last general election, but now she doesn’t need vote-canvassers anymore even though she failed to be elected.

Further down you will see the magistrate at the same match.

As soon as he took the justice portfolio off Manuel Mallia, Joanne Vella Cuschieri’s very close friend Owen Bonnici – his wife alleges that it’s actually a whole lot more than that – made her a magistrate and sealed her lips.

Just lovely.

vella cuschieri brother

Joanne Vella Cuschieri with Mr Hard Decisions

Joanne Vella Cuschieri with Mr Hard Decisions

Mr Hard Decisions with Dennis Cuschieri

Mr Hard Decisions with Dennis Cuschieri

How nice - here they are all dressed as puliti

How nice – here they are all dressed as puliti

Joanne Vella Cuschieri on the campaign trail with brother Dennis Cuschieri (left)

Joanne Vella Cuschieri on the campaign trail with brother Dennis Cuschieri (left)

Joanne and Dennis

Joanne and Dennis

She only got 208 votes - they know those Cuschieris round Sliema

She only got 208 votes – they know those Cuschieris round Sliema

Joanne Vella Cuschieri campaigning with Dennis

Joanne Vella Cuschieri campaigning with Dennis

Nice pic hon XXXXX

Nice pic hon XXXXX

My sister is a magistrate - issa nista naghmel l-arja

My sister is a magistrate – issa nista naghmel l-arja

Billy the Hitman must feel so good about himself: it's not only the Police and Army Minister who turns up to squeeze him, but Magistrate Vella Cuschieri, too

Billy the Hitman must feel so good about himself: it’s not only the Police and Army Minister who turns up to squeeze him, but Magistrate Vella Cuschieri, too

dennis cuschieri joanne vella cuschieri 1

dennis cuschieri 10

dennis cuschieri 9

dennis cuschieri 8

dennis cuschieri 7

dennis cuschieri 6

dennis cuschieri 5

dennis cuschieri 4

dennis cuschieri 3

dennis cuschieri 2

dennis cuschieri 1

dennis cuschieri marvin cutajar

37 Comments Comment

  1. kapxinn says:

    What’s with the tattoos of late? Has the devil sucked these brains dry?

  2. silvio Farrugia says:

    Xi hmieg. Viva Malta 40 Sena Repubblika Tal-Banana.

  3. Clueless says:

    The new middle class is looking great.

  4. Anacletus says:

    My analysis:


    1. Silvio Scerri is still there

    2. Films industry has been transferred to Zammit Lewis

    3. Zammit Lewis is Muscat’s best friend.


    1. Silvio Scerri must have found a way to make truckloads of money out of the film industry – he was sharing with Mallia.

    2. Muscat wanted his share; Scerri said yes; Mallia said no.

    3. Muscat was waiting for the right moment to get rid of Mallia.

    4. Right moment comes; Mallia is thrown out of the window; films industry passed over to Zammit Lewis and Scerri allowed to stay on.

    5. Now finally free of Mallia, Zammit Lewis will share the proceeds with best buddy Muscat.

    • kapxinn says:

      6. Best buddy Muscat shares best secret with Zammit Lewis, takes him to the alien underground base at Dulce, New Mexico.

  5. gn says:

    Franco Debono IV
    December 8 at 10:41pm ·

    the Roadmap : three police commissioners in less than two years

  6. zz. says:

    Actually there’s another connection there: check the sponsor of the boxer. What do an estate agency and boxing have in common? Mallia.

    What do Mallia and an estate agency have in common? Passport-selling requiring a residency.

  7. Beingpressed says:

    Alcohol, Scotsman, babysitting were thrown in just as a distraction.


  8. Fred the Red says:

    Gvern tal-kummiedji. Kellna nkunu l-ahjar fl-Ewropa Sur Prim. Minflok f’21 xahar gibtuna pajjiz taz-zuffjett.

    Fejnu Bundy ha jkantalna pajjiz tal-Mickey Mouse? Tghid qed jirrikordja fil-garaxx ta’ Willy?

  9. U Le! says:

    Now I understand what crieki go crieki really means.

  10. Queen's English says:

    Look at the photos of the magistrate’s brother. Apart from the scary tattoos and the way he never smiles, look at how thin he is and more importantly the rotten front teeth. Those do not come from eating candy. He must be very happy with Owen Bonnici’s new laws. Isthu ja ZIBEL.


    [Daphne – That’s no news. This denizen of the Lazy Corner is notorious for his lifelong habit and what he does to support it.]

  11. Jozef says:

    Is there any relation to Manuel Cuschieri?

  12. Mila says:

    Seems that people from the Ukraine are having no problem with coming and staying over.

  13. censu says:

    Ja qabda gaxxin.

    Hudu go fikom, switchers. Basta “we need a change”. Are you lovin’ it? Idiots.

  14. Tabatha White says:

    And these are the people who are placed in a position where they judge others? By what criteria?

    The hole is bottomless.

  15. canon says:

    We need another 25 years peace of mind.

  16. Jack Beans says:

    Seeing that magistrate participating in that boxing crowd makes me cringe.

    After the Arrigo scandal there was a lot of fuss and talk about judiciary ethics.

    But then Labour just flouts common decency — U ijjjaaa.

    Tell the new Minister Carmelo Abela that respect for institutions takes much more than changes at the top.

    You must first lead by example — something that is hopeless with this gang of cheats, liars and thieves.

  17. Appalled says:

    How could any responsible and caring parent allow his young daughter in the care of baby sitters such as these sleazy and degenerate- looking individuals?

  18. Tal misthija says:

    Joanne ta’ Mananni tal-Huttu u Willie.

  19. L.Gatt says:

    Nice cooker. State of the art.

  20. issa naraw says:

    God how I miss the years just post 1987. Censu, Eddie, DeMarco, Hyzler, Bonello duPuis, Rizzo Naudi, Lawrence Gonzi and others in their class.

    Like everybody else they had their weak points but real gentlemen and real class. How did we get here?

  21. issa naraw says:

    Dawk go xi boathouse l-Armier jew?

  22. el mundo says:

    Tal-biza – il-qalziet ta’ dak it-tifel kollu pipi.

  23. Ronnie says:

    The other guys in pictures one and pictures five are also very very bad news. They make Il-Babas look like an altar boy.

  24. clint says:

    You have at least 3 yrs more in the opposition . You still have time to take more lemons . Get a life and talk about the budget.

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