My fur lady – because it was so cold on Republic Day

Published: December 17, 2014 at 10:53am
Shoot the wardrobe mistress

Shoot the wardrobe mistress

The Civil Liberties Minister (don't worry, my dears, no fox has been killed for that)

The Civil Liberties Minister (don’t worry, my dears, no fox has been killed for that)

Mrs Muscat (because black is perfect for a celebration)

Mrs Muscat (because black is perfect for a celebration)

Mrs Edward Zammit Lewis (Elena ta' Bagollu)

Mrs Edward Zammit Lewis (Elena ta’ Bagollu)

30 Comments Comment

  1. George Grech says:

    Is-sur Edward donnu ghassa tas-sur Owen li ma jmurx imissilha l-fufu lil mara.

  2. Josephine says:

    X’passata qed nghaddi bil-body language ta’ dawn li qed jissejjhu ghal dan il-mument VIPs.

    Ara veru baqaw lura. Lanqas jafu kif ghandhom jilbsu ghall okkazzjoni.

  3. Josephine says:

    Il-body language taghhom tghid kollox. Nies suspettuzi wisq.

    Irridu jaghmlu show imma jahasra ma humiex kapaci lanqas biex jilbsu sew ghall-okkazzjoni.

    Kemm tidher id-differenza minn nisa tal-ex ministri & Co tal-Partit Nazzjonalista.

  4. CiVi says:

    Helena Dalli looks like an obese version of Puss in Boots.

  5. Mila says:

    What an idea, a throw sewn into an overcoat. And please do stop showing us that ill-fated hem.

    It seems that besides the fur-collared coat the temperature also called for gloves.

  6. Wilson says:

    Black must be the national wardrobe colour.

  7. George Grech says:

    Maaa, x’biza. Ziti qaltli kemm liebsa pulit Marie Louise Coleiro. Imma insomma ziti mid-dar ghat-tombla u mit-tombla ghad-dar. Kienet qeda tqis b’xibirha.

  8. Kif inhi din? says:

    The President’s coat looks like it’s been washed on a hot programme. Sack the lady-in-waiting.

  9. Mananni says:

    The president looks like the Christmas tree near the Magic Kiosk in Sliema.

  10. fairy tales says:

    I don’t know where to start from. Helena Dalli looks like a chimney cleaner, an elegant witch, Mary Poppins.

    I am not in Malta and all that fur gives me the impression that it was snowing on Republic Day.

    Even the photographer who took Mary Louise Coleiro’s picture in profile should be shot. The defect in the hem of the dress is very evident.

  11. Issa Daqshekk says:

    Helena Dalli looks like the pigeon- lady in Mary Poppins.

    How did the human rights and equality minister feel when the Saudi Arabian prince got his gong?

  12. bob-a-job says:

    (don’t worry, my dears, no fox has been killed for that)

    Not on the grounds of the illegal estate I own and don’t know I’m developing, anyway.

  13. victor says:

    Sewwa jghidu l-ilbies ma jaghmlux nies.

  14. L.Gatt says:

    On Face Book someone posted a picture of a Christmas tree with red lights next to this picture of Mrs. President. It was hilarious as the shape and colour were exactly the same. What on earth was she thinking wearing that outfit?

  15. K says:

    Has anyone noticed the way Michelle Muscat is looking at the president in the first photo?

  16. Comment says:

    Kien hemm hafna minnhom bil-fufu. U iswed ghal morning celebration – mela dan xi funeral – u tights iswed ukoll.

  17. Lizz says:

    Now I get it.

    Michelle Muscat dressed up in a Zorro outfit, and Madame President as Sergente Garcia.

  18. ken il malti says:

    Image these people in Northern Minnesota or North Dakota or Thunder Bay Ontario at this time of the year.

    Geez, they don’t know what cold really feels like.

  19. Tonio says:

    Il-partit tal-haddiema suppost dan, u naqbzu ghall-fqir. Imbaghad kollha jriduha tall-aristokratici u imbaghad l-ohra Madame le President de la Republique taghna lkoll taf tilbes milli jidher. Xi kruha ta’ outfit.

  20. Albert Bonnici says:

    Why is Jo-Jo wearing his New Year’s Eve f’Paceville coat? The very essence of elegance, the whole lot of them. Give me a break.

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