Prime Minister’s aide sends me sarcastic email and pic he appears to believe is attractive

Published: December 18, 2014 at 9:52pm

And once more I must ask, in a week packed full of prominent weirdos like Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, Frankie Tabone and Martin Scicluna: hemm xi wiehed normali?

Is it my perception like the traffic, or is public life in Malta packed with freaky men? Looks like I’ve acquired Glenn now to add to my collection of them.

Glenn Bedingfield email

GB profile pic

77 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    I like my staff to be cheerful.

  2. Antoine Vella says:

    He uses wine as a staff. Or is it just the wine bottle?

  3. Banana republic ... again says:

    He could do with “some serious staff” where the sun doesn’t shine.

  4. District 6 says:

    Did he purposely misspell “stuff”?

  5. Dott Abjad says:

    Oh no, ‘Glann’ also now.

    [Daphne – I know. Dalwaqt naghqad football team ta’ rgiel nevrastenici.]

    • canon says:

      We would like to know the starting lineup.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Malta XV – 2015 season

        Loose-head Prop – Franco ‘Le Coq Sportif’ Debono
        Hooker – Charlon ‘Wallet’ Gouder
        Tight-head Prop – Jeffrey ‘Smith-Smythe-Sammut’ Pullicino Orlando

        Second Row – Glenn ‘Barrel o’ Barolo’ Bedingfield
        Second Row – Manuel ‘Leli’ Mallia

        Blind-side Flanker – Robert ‘Perit Dottor Perit’ Musumeci
        Open-side Flanker – Emmy ‘Lobster’ Bezzina
        Number 8 – Martin ‘Seventy-nine’ Scicluna

        Scrum-half – Kenneth ‘Kitten’ Zammit-Tabona
        Fly-half – John ‘DalliBA’ Dalli
        Left Wing – Michael ‘The Drummer’ Briguglio

        Inside Centre – Cyrus ‘Steel Soldier’ Engerer
        Outside Centre – Randolph ‘Toy Soldier’ Debattista

        Right Wing – Norman ‘Europa Europa’ Lowell

        Full-back – Alfred ‘Mop’ Sant

    • A. Charles says:

      Start with a netball team.

  6. Xejn Sew says:

    Il-gangala fejn hbejtha, Glenn?

  7. Wilson says:

    This idiot should not open his mouth at all, because if it weren’t for the Nationalist governments of the last 25 years, he’d still be eating hobz biz-zejt made with cooking oil, and drinking some Verdala wine out of a chunky glass his mother got free with points on the groceries.

    • Lara Sbroffa says:

      That’s probably exactly what he was used to, which is why he now thinks it’s something special to go out and drink a bottle of halfway decent wine. That’s why he boasts and tweets about it.

      And like all hamalli, he goes for brands and boasts about the best ‘wine brand’ he can think of.

      No wonder the prime minister is sinking fast, with aides like these.

      • albona says:

        And Barolo too. Good, but so nineties.

      • A. Charles says:

        That , Ms. Lara, is the most counterfeited middle range wine in France.

      • Jozef says:

        As is Ca’ Bianca in Piedmont, the ‘Barolo boys’ exposed for the speculators they were, leaving the region’s growers with mere change and pushing those who didn’t subscribe to their commercial regime out of business.

        He’s one of those who consume everything, turning quality into an exercise in exclusion, when wine, like cheese, is by definition variety and distinctive tastes.

        The fact he has to include superlatives to define his taste is the reason why everything is raped for status’s sake.

        If he loves wine, how come he never visits the places of origin? Of this, is vehement consumption made, an intolerable ravenous rape of others’ labour, simply to build some ‘cellar’ made of stacks of dominant market trends.


      • Jozef says:

        From Petrini’s Slow Food phenomenon, defending genuine taste from moronic idiots like our Glenn. home to the Ark of Taste, a real and proper safe vault for future generations.

        These are the ones who revolted against Dalli’s lacklustre, some say agenda driven attitude to GMO’s and the introduction of copyright on natural produce. Fancy that, farmers prohibited from growing apples on THEIR trees because some mega corporation said so.

        John Dalli wasn’t removed just because of the Snus affair, that was simply the perfect opportunity.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        I love wine so much I never drink it. I just sniff it.

  8. Mila says:

    Another one who does not know the difference between ‘stuff’ and ‘staff’, unless of course he has a habit of tasting the staff.

    I seem to recall that a valid licence has to be displayed on the windscreen so if his was not, stating the fact does not make him law abiding.

    I have the sneaking suspicion that what he tried to say was ‘and to not let you worry in vain’ but then he might be of the ‘mhux xorta brigade’ and not know the difference.

  9. Karlu Manju says:

    Did he really write “staff” or are my eyes deceiving me?

  10. Lizz says:

    ‘Staff’? Well, his sort pronounce ‘staff’ like ‘stuff’, hence his confusion.

  11. Plotinus says:

    Glenn Bedingfield, please learn how to spell.

    The noun is licence. The verb is license. That is, if you even know what nouns and verbs are.

  12. Carmel Said says:

    Is he actually allowed to taste his staff?

    • Lara Sbroffa says:

      Not really – you can end up in trouble with the police for that. Konrad Mizzi tastes his staff, though. And the Justice Minister tastes the staff at Super One. But it has to be consensual.

      • Asclepius says:

        With the help of Evita Muscat, they can always organise a staff tasting evening at Girgenti, with proceeds going for charity.

  13. M says:

    Come on, Daph! It’s serious stAff jahasra!

  14. M.Mifsud says:

    ‘serious staff’ – like the serious staff they’ve employed at the Office of the Prime Minister, starting with him.

  15. Angus Black says:

    There Glenn goes, tasting his staff again.

  16. pale blue my foot! says:

    Rumour has it that Bedingfield has cannibalistic tendencies. In fact, when he ran a restaurant at Vittoriosa he actually tasted his staff and some mysteriously disappeared.

  17. ciccio says:

    It is not surprising that the inquiry into the Mallia shooting incident referred to the Head of Secretariat as Chief of Stuff.

    They really are a lot of stuff – all of them.

  18. J.J. says:

    Li Glenn jixrob Chateau Lafite veru kaz ta’ biskuttini f’halq il-hmir.

    • Lara Sbroffa says:

      Don’t for a moment believe that he does. But perhaps the Opposition should ask a question in parliament about how much Joseph Muscat is paying him.

      • Tom Tom says:

        The answer to that question would be like the answer he gave when asked how much John Dalli and Mrs Michelle Muscat, Spouse of the Prime Minister, are being paid.

        He said that HE was paying them nothing.

        True enough. He was not paying them anything OUT OF HIS OWN POCKET but from public money.

  19. Tabar says:

    Jahasra u lanqas wiehed sura ghax kollha kif Alla jridhom qedin. Xi dwejjaq ta’ nies.

  20. pablo says:

    Nissuspetta li irranga kollox dalghodu. Ha jghidilna meta hallas.

  21. SZ says:

    Is Glenn really on the stuff list at the Office of the Prime Minister?

  22. anthony says:

    This clown got his quadruple gangala under the austerity regime of GonziPN.

    That is when he got introduced to Chateau Lafite.

    During his MLP golden years his parents could only just afford that plonk “Lakrima Vita” at 30 Malta Cents a bottle.

  23. Steff says:


  24. Brian Sinclair says:

    These guys feel so good about being in power. What would they give to be able to speak and write proper English. Until then they will never make the grade on any forum.

  25. martha says:

    Wow David Thake must have really pissed him off during his show on the radio tonight!

    [Daphne – He sent it before the show.]

    • Matthew S says:

      He called David Thake’s show ‘the Thake-away programme’. A bit of an unfortunate joke (for lack of a better word) considering that he seems to have eaten enough take-aways for five lifetimes.

  26. Abram Gallo says:

    Lil dawn ha nispicca jkolli nirreferihom ghall-manikomju.

  27. bob-a-job says:

    Moses had the most serious staff.

    When he turned it into a snake it would hiss like Cyrus Engerer.

  28. Plotinus says:

    If you are going to use “for you perusal”, ” worry in vain”, “would also like to make you aware”, “paid accordingly” and my favourite, “thus”, then FFS use the word PHOTOGRAPH.

  29. Neil says:

    Serious staff? Really, you ignoramus? Imbasta nixorbu il-wajn Franciz vintage u “axpansive” hafna, u nifirhu fuq il-Fejsbuk, bhal xi tifla ta’ xi 14 is-sena.

    VARY CLESSY GLANN! Bloody idiot.

    What the hell does this achieve? I assume he was shitfaced when he sent you the email, Daphne.

  30. Plotinus says:

    The only serious staff within the OPM is in this email it seems.

  31. Neil says:

    Oh FFS, just noticed “Rotschild”. Rot’s Child maybe, Glann? Although there is the Rothschild quality of that particular drop of plonk as well.

    I REALLY want to believe it was just a missed keystroke as the bloated, wine-soaked buffoon was typing his childish little email, but I’m far from convinced.

  32. Mike says:

    And who paid for the Rothschild I wonder? A wine that sells for an average of €600 per bottle?

  33. Albert Bonnici says:

    Daphne, you are getting better every day. What a priceless collection you are acquiring.

  34. xejn sew says:

    He should have specified when he paid the car insurance and the road licence respectively, as well as when he took his car for vrt. Was that before or after he was in the news?

  35. Jojo says:

    All these arrivistes have become wine buffs, or (baffs).

  36. erskinemay says:

    It’s Rothschild.

  37. Nincompoop says:

    The poor dunce thinks ‘to peruse’ is synonymous with ‘to look at’.

  38. AC says:

    Another semi-literate aide?

  39. Peppa says:

    Glenn jixtieq jiddedika Hot Staff lill-keychain tal-Prim fuq PO Box Ghaxra.

  40. Gioconda says:

    He also misspelled Rothschild, or perhaps he meant Rot’s Child.

  41. observer says:

    The picture he sent you was taken when he was much younger and slimmer than he is now, before he ate all that food and drank all that wine.

  42. J. Borg says:

    Mamma mia, are they all semi-literate?

  43. ron says:

    Ferhan ghax bahnan.

  44. L.Gatt says:

    Who paid for his taste of Chateau Lafite Rothschild (that’s how it’s spelled)?

  45. pacikk says:

    Kollha devoti tieghek, Daphne

  46. james gatt says:

    Birds of a feather flock together. That’s why the PN doesn’t want them: they are corrupt.

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