Problem, what problem? Michelle shops while her husband drops

Published: December 6, 2014 at 5:21pm

While the air was filled with the smell of Manuel Mallia being fried to a chip this morning, and her husband the prime minister called an urgent meeting at his office for the entire Labour parliamentary group, Michelle Muscat had her chauffeur park the state-funded Chevvie on a double yellow line outside her husband’s office, right in front of the sentry on duty, and went off shopping with a friend in Valletta today. P. S. She wears white socks.

Michelle Muscat, on left, shopping in Valletta this morning as though nothing that is happening is of any concern to her

Michelle Muscat, on left, shopping in Valletta this morning as though nothing that is happening is of any concern to her

Michelle Muscat 6 12 14_2

60 Comments Comment

  1. Mila says:

    In fact it is not of any concern of hers. She is just there to spend the dosh and as illustrated by your yellow line comment, to break the rules.

    What has she actually done that requires a brain?

    [Daphne – Help put her husband into power. That woman is much smarter than her husband in terms of low cunning, so don’t underestimate her.]

  2. Benny Bradlee says:

    Just like Asma Assad and all the other wives of dictators.

    What next a profile on Sunday Circle just like Madame Assad did on Vogue while her husband was igniting the Middle East?

  3. La Redoute says:

    How does a housewife from Burmarrad pay for a genuine Louis Vuitton shopping tote?

  4. Augustus says:

    Nero played the fiddle while Rome was burning. So what the heck, Minnie shops while Mickey falls.

  5. etil says:

    Aw Mich, bdew is-sales.

  6. Peritocracy says:

    She must have suddely realised that she’s going to have much less time to enjoy all this than she thought.

  7. deceduti says:

    Can you see that the streets of Valletta … no one in the street. For those who do not know, this is every day in Valletta. No wonder businesses grumble.

  8. RF says:

    Maybe Varist tomorrow will suggest some medical procedure ro his colleagues in distress to get back their b*lls.

  9. Candy says:

    Disneyland in the Mediterranean.

  10. fm says:

    Ma jimpurtax nahseb il-kabinett kien qed jiddeciedi posizzjoni gdida ghas- sinjura Muscat biex iggib lura il-flus tax-xirja.

  11. Mallia says:

    I don’t know if anyone has given this opinion but here’s my two cents worth. The way things are looking, I’m coming to the conclusion that Muscat could not ask Mallia to resign, for the simple reason that he knew the whole story at the same time as Mallia thus making them both guilty of an attempted cover up.

    I think Muscat should get some advice from John Dalli on how to wriggle out of this one.

  12. Kollox Kontra says:

    Is that Valletta? Or a ghost town? Bahh. And then the Finance Minister cannot believe that retail trade is down and blames the statistics.

  13. gez says:

    She … was resolv’d … to make Hay whilest the Sun shin’d.

    The proverb was used as early as 1673 when it was cited figuratively in Richard Head’s glossary of the language of thieves and beggars ‘The Cunting Academy’

  14. Hmmm says:

    And she heads straight for the discounts; what a cheapskate.

  15. Natalie Mallett says:

    Ha tahtaf l-ahhar naqra tal-ahhar hux miskina. Minn jaf kemm ilu jaqla tghajjir ir-ragel talli halla l-Manuel idahhlu f’din l-ixkora.

  16. Antoine Vella says:

    Less than two years in power and they are already so cut off from reality; even the Cabinet refuses to acknowledge that the government is facing a crisis.

  17. mxs says:

    U l-poplu jhallas.

  18. Beingpressed says:

    This sounds crazy but it’s almost like that whatever Mallia has on Muscat could provoke a general election.

    One shouldn’t speculate though.

  19. Dissident says:

    She needs some new plus size winter clothes

  20. kurzita says:

    Nixtieq nistaqsi jekk hux soltu li Marlene Farrugia tirreferi ghal gvern bhala l-partit fil-gvern.

    Wara l-kabinett fit-tarag tal-Berga ta’ Kastilja irreferiet darbtejn ghal gvern b’dan il-mod.

  21. Pier Pless says:

    PBS is currently showing Fantastic Four. I understand it is about Joseph Muscat, Manuel Mallia, Kurt Farrugia and Paul Sheehan.

  22. White coat says:

    And shall we, the people, eat cake?

  23. No_Name says:

    Is she wearing Burberry now? Kemm sirna sinjuri!

  24. willie inatinovic says:

    Please don’t tell me they’re shopping for jeans.

  25. Edward says:

    The only reason I believe Muscat will not take responsibility for this is because if he does, he will have to take responsibility for everything else that is going wrong: the power station, for example.

    A lot of his popularity is held together by his ability to get away with things, and his constant use of red herrings which he constructs and executes smoothly.

    That is why his supporters like him. They like bolshie. They want bolshie arrogance, not democracy.

    Answering to authority is seen as weakness by him, but mostly by many of his supporters. As for his new supporters, they will see that actually they cannot rely on him being their bastion and protection any longer, and will quickly jump ship once they realise they have backed the wrong horse, while very quickly hiding anything that proves they sucked up to him and voted for him for simple selfish reasons.

    Should he give in to this, his veneer will crumble. He will have no choice but to answer to everyone about everything that has gone on, and his reign will end before long.

    I don’t think this is just about protecting Mallia. This is also about protecting himself.

  26. Tal-Malja says:

    I think Simon Busuttil has more recordings/transcripts of what was said and done that night. He will expose them in due course.

    It’s going to be a white Christmas.

  27. Censu says:

    Daphne, for me the top comment of the week was your very own below:

    “The prime minister has made a mockery of them (the judges) and has sought to use them, their good name and above all, the high office they held before retirement for iniquitous purposes.”

    In their position, they should be able to see this.

  28. Nana says:

    Now she has money to buy expensive stuff if it’s not given to her for free.

    Remember meta kienet titkazza li ma tistax taghmel soppa ta l-armla ghax il-pastard ghali u l-hajja infern.

    Now she should comment on the prices of everything skyrocketing – you can hardly bake some sweets.

    When you compare the prices from last year to now, the 58c is a joke.

  29. Someone says:

    “Let them eat cake…”

  30. Maria says:

    And she’s still wearing Burberry.

  31. pazzo says:

    Jien f’xi bixkilla jew qoffa nifhem – anzi ommi miskina kienet tibghatni nixtri go gewlaq jew xi basket tad-drapp li kienet thit hi min xi libsa li kienet tissarrar.

    Fhimt sew li Missus Muscat marret tixti l-belt b`basket MAJESTUZ TOTE LOUIS VUITTON li jiswa 5250 liri sterlini?

    Qed nifhem sew ghax jien injorant fejn tidhol il-moda.

    Izda jekk inhu hekk, dawk il-kittieba u hassiba tax-xellug kellhom mitt ragun jghidu li l-partit tal-haddiema spicca.

  32. curious says:

    Are they going to ask who Times of Malta’s source is? This is a recording and not a transcript.

    The powers that be are adamant that the Police Commissioner and his men should take the blame while Mallia and Kurt wriggle out of it.

    This must be the very first call. Even if it was the Police Commissioner who mentioned the warning shots, there was ample time for Kurt to verify what happened exactly before he released the press statement.

    The transcripts published by the PN media yesterday make it clear that they were not warning shots. Even according to these first calls, it is more than clear that Sheehan aimed at Smith:

    PC533: Le, le wara hemmhekk tajtu ġiex tiri jien.

    Commissioner of Police: Kif rikeb ġol-karozza?

    PC533: Mela.

    Commissioner of Police: Kif rikeb ġol-karozza dan tah kemm il-tir tajtu?

    PC533: Tnejn.

  33. Peter Vella says:

    He won’t drop, neither will Farrugia or Mallia. They will shift the blame onto someone else and come out of it smelling roses (as far as the gullible are concerned).

    Seems like Ray Zammit is now the latest scapegoat.

  34. Bonkers says:

    Quite broad in the beam, methinks.

    [Daphne – With very, very few exceptions, it’s normal for women in the Mediterranean to be ‘broad in the beam’ over the age of 40. When they are not, it is because they are on physically deleterious starvation diets that lead to the ruination of skin and hair and eventually, health.]

    • Bonkers says:

      Not helped at all by baggy trousers and posture.

    • tinnat says:

      It’s not women in the Mediterranean. Many parts of coastal Spain defy this assumption. I have no clue, but boy am I envious.

      [Daphne – They’re starving themselves. The scenario wasn’t like that a generation ago, just as it wasn’t like that in Malta. Spain was a land of big mamas. I was thought of as being freakishly skinny before the fashion for self-starvation set in. It was so unfashionable and uncommon for a woman to be skinny in Malta that the Labour Party media actually used to insult me about it and depict me as a skeleton or bag of bones.

      By today’s standards, I was a normal size, the difference being that I ate like a horse and no effort was involved. But back then, I stood out and people commented on it.

      The advantage many Spanish women have is that they have a tiny frame, just as so many Maltese women do (including me, despite my height). While this means that when they eat nothing they shrink right down, it also means that they can put on an extraordinary amount of weight without actually becoming completely rotund. Mrs Muscat is unfortunate because her frame is quite heavy even without the weight, and she really does try, apparently.

      Even those who, unusually, are genetically predisposed to be be skinny despite eating carelessly, like me, don’t stay that way after 40 or so, and must work at it. I don’t have that kind of dedication to such a pointless cause. So imagine the levels of starvation and extreme exercise that women over 40, who do not have those naturally skinny genes, must be putting themselves through.]

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      And listing to port.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      The breadth at the waterline would be of no interest to the nation, were it not for those “celeb” photoshoots and Style front covers (I hide a dog-eared copy in the attic, along with a can of cider).

      I think I’ll sue Labour for false advertising. I voted for a waif, not this.

      [Daphne – That photoshoot came after you voted, H. P.]

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Really? Koolaid tends to play tricks with my memory.

        But I could still sue. Those billboards promised a future made up of coloured hoodies, eternal sunshine and throngs of hot chicks, gagging for it.

        Where are they? And where are the hoodies, for God’s sake?

  35. Censu says:

    Francis Said in

    “Minister Mallia should go:

    1. €500, 000 in cash saga;
    2. 700 transfers thst have negatively affected the functioning of the Police and AFM;
    3. Unexplained rapid promotions in both sectors;
    4. The flee of 2 tankers;
    5. The resignation of the Police Commissoner with an Acting Police Commissoner long retired ftom the Corps who happens to be related;
    6. The decision to reverse the judgement of the previous Commissoner, his team of investigators and the Attorney General NOT to take John Dalli to Court;
    7. His total disrespect to the Office of the Ombudsman;
    8. The latest Court case filed by the Association re 3 year appraisal;
    9. Tbe latest incident on the news regarding the rogue policeman/driver;
    10. His insistence that he would resign if a residency condition would be imposed in the IIP prgram.

    Does one need more than these 10 points in 20 months of PL Government?

    I have always respected Dr. Mallia as one of the best defence lawyers in the Criminal field. But as a Minister his actions and decisions are unacceptable. His Chief of Staff should resign too.”
    The list goes on and on but the lies are the nails on the coffin.

  36. curious says:

    They have wheeled out Louis Grech this morning. Why? Where’s Joseph Muscat?

  37. pablo says:

    Muscat, interviewed by The Sunday Times, says that there are two schools of thought: 1. resignation first and inquiry later, and inquiry first and resignation (if required) later.

    He favours the second one, because he’s the one who made up that school of thought. It doesn’t exist anywhere else.

  38. Jozef says:

    Both Maltatoday and Times of Malta got their recordings this morning, and look, Kurt was duped.

    This Zammit is evil personified.

    Won’t justify how Farrugia rushed to issue a statement based on the ‘vetted’ version. Even because they’re running out of commissioners.

    [Daphne – “Kurt was duped”. Well, hardly. I think you forget that this website and Malta Right Now were both running the CORRECT version of events, based on eyewitness accounts, before Kurt Farrugia released the government’s statement.]

    • Jozef says:

      I know, and how does he explain Alexandra Mamo’s version given that same night? She who was there to seal the scene.

      The real impression they’ll give if they persist down this route is that Muscat just had to rush the version through, before anyone else came up with bullets hitting the car. And that’s the same magistrate and police officer Mamo herself.

      Pity about those pics – Farrugia’s version was holding so well until then.

      If Muscat prefers to portray an image of a PM reliant on gullible spokesmen and double-crossing police commissioners, so be it.

      Nobody that easily misled should be in such a position of power.

      Meantime, I still have to understand what Times of Malta is trying to do. I know what Malta Today’s Miriam Dalli doing.

    • Bonkers says:

      This affaire will just not go away by itself. It will only go when Manuel Mallia and his entire secretariat, the prime minister’s communications man and the Police Commissioner resign or are made to go. Christmas will not be a distraction.

  39. La Chouette says:

    I was in Valletta when this picture was taken and I also saw the two girls who took the picture as Mama Michelle noticed them, glared and stomped off with her backside wobbling leaving the young girls in fits of laughter.

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