Robert Musumeci and Codruta Cristian sive Mallia – embarrassing themselves on Facebook again

Published: December 21, 2014 at 11:41am

Does Codruta Cristian (sive Mallia) not understand that her indiscretions on Facebook, her ‘hahahahahs’, smiley faces, xxxxxxs and generally idiotic remarks are giving away Manuel Mallia’s network of alliances?

Mallia was adamant, when the press asked, that he barely knew Paul Sheehan, that Sheehan had been ‘assigned’ to him by others. But then I had saved in time, before she took down her Facebook profile, some of the overly familiar exchanges between Sheehan’s girlfriend Dolcieann Farrugia nee Micallef and Codruta Cristian (“wish I could do more for you swt”; “tnks duda”).

Now here she is with Robert Musumeci. Of course we knew already that the four of them – Codruta and Manuel, Consuelo and Robert – are as thick as thieves (for the semi-literate, that doesn’t mean that they are either thick or thieves), but now is really not a good time to advertise the fact.

Musumeci post

herrera musumeci

13 Comments Comment

  1. Joe says:

    Does Codruta understand Maltese? If not, I do not know what she is laughing at.

  2. Nighthawk says:

    Speaking of Paul Sheehan, it looks like Mallia could have saved himself a lot of trouble.

  3. Tabar says:

    Nanti kienet tghid anke l-habsin jidhqu. Din ghalik, ‘duda’.

  4. sierra says:

    Musumeci ahjar isuq ftit aktar bil-mod bil-BMW 6s u ma jaqbizx double lines.

  5. Joe Fenech says:

    “beyond the wildest dreams?” But have they entered the realm of reality?

  6. Tabar says:

    Two of the same kind: GOLD DIGGERS.

  7. pale blue my foot! says:

    Musumeci is the epitome of “Johnny come lately” social climber. His white specs are a sad reflection of his wannabe aspirations.

  8. pale blue my foot! says:

    Musumeci is the symbol of buffoonery.

  9. spongebob says:

    Veru sewwa qallu Sean Bonello li ghal dawk li hadu paga fenomenali u qed jghixu l-bella vita li kienet beyond their wildest dreams.

    U l-ohrajn sa issa ghadhom jittamaw li forsi Muscat jahseb fihom.

  10. Tye says:

    Facebook and Malta are like the lion and the squirrel.

  11. the box says:

    Is it possible that she can go to have any Maltese lessons so that she doesn’t make a fool of herself – all she does is smiley, hahaha or nonsense.

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