Shades of 1980s Xandir Malta

Published: December 18, 2014 at 10:34am

Back then, the public broadcaster wouldn’t mention Eddie Fenech Adami’s name at all (he was then the Opposition leader). Now he’s an “ex deputat tal-Partit Nazzjonalista”.

It’s not looking good.

eddie fenech adami ex deputat

56 Comments Comment

  1. Denpi says:

    Absolutely shameful! Where is at least an ounce of respect to an ex prime minister and ex President of Malta? Has Malta really regressed again to the 80s?

    • just me says:

      He is also President Emeritus.

      [Daphne – Former president.]

      • pacikk says:

        May I ask what’s the difference, Daphne?

        [Daphne – One is proper, idiomatic English and the other is not and is improperly used as a title when former presidents have no such title. ‘President Emeritus’ was first used in Malta by Guido de Marco when he left the job. Before that, we always said former president as a descriptor as distinct from an honorific, and never used the fact that a person was once president to give him a nonexistent honorific.]

    • Adam says:

      I completely agree with you. Absolutely shameful!

  2. Bendu says:

    Eddie was mistaken when, in an interview before the last general election, he answered a question about whether the ‘bad old days of the 80s would return’ if Labour were in power. Then he replied ‘No, those times will never return’. How wrong he was.

  3. Watcher of lies and swine says:

    Hnizrijiet tal-hniezer li jighxu fil-hara taghhom stess u jippruvaw ihammgu lil haddiehor bil-hmieg taghhom stess biex huma jidhru relattivament nodfa.

    It-teorija tar-Relattivita ta’ Einstein hekk jinterpretawa.

  4. Very True says:

    Dak l-ex deputat Nazzjonalista tefa lil Partit Laburista 25 sena fl-Oppozizzjoni.

  5. Plutarch says:

    Exactly what I think, Daphne. This is very telling and ominous.

    The PL has its back to the wall and is hitting out 80s style and true to form.

    Crackpots Jeff and Franco would be “ex-deputati Nazzjonalisti”.

  6. RoyB says:

    Coraggio, fuggiamo.

  7. A Montebello says:

    They won’t take us back to those times.

    We won’t let them. Bastards.

  8. mc says:

    The screen shot is taken from a programme about the 40th anniversary of the Republic. The programme focused on the role of the presidency, past and present.

    To be fair, it did try to be balanced, although at times it tended to glorify Malta becoming a republic.

    It featured interviews with ex-Presidents or their relatives, including Eddie Fenech Adami, Ugo Mifsud Bonnici and Mario Demarco.

    Diverse views were presented and then it was up to the viewer to decide.

    Having said that there are other areas of blatant bias at PBS. For example, pre-2013, TVAM was presented by two well-known personalities, one with leanings towards PN the other with MLP leanings.

    Today it is presented by pro-PL pseudo-journalists. The end product is clearly biased (like for example their feature on the ‘percessjoni’ of traffic).

  9. Space Bones says:

    Isn’t Reno Bugeja in charge of such things?

    During the PN government years, as far as I know he was always treated with respect and came across as moderate and fair.

    Why do people like him become so spiteful and let their true colours come thundering through just because ‘their’ party is in government?

    If he is obeying instructions, then shame on him for being a tool. If this is his own doing, then he’s a prick. And apologies for using that word.

  10. Bullivant says:

    So the public broadcaster has also forgotten that Eddie Fenech Adami was Malta’s President?

    Well one can also have the same amnesia about contributing to l- Istrina.

    After all I can contribute to my favourite charities directly and do not need this unregistered Malta Community Chest Fund to do this for me.

  11. Arnold Layne says:

    This is preposterous! Imagine the reaction if Mintoff had been referred to merely as a former MP. And he wasn’t even a president.

    • Josephine says:

      Jekk joghgbok issemmiex lill Mintoff. Dak lanqas kien jixraqlu il-monument li ghamlulhu.

      Batejna tahtu u issa li mar igawdi ghal dak kollu li ghamel f’hajjtu, jehtieg li ninsewh.

      Dak kien disgrace ghal pajjizna u l-hdura li l-Laburisti qeghdin juru illum il-gurnata hija kollha tort tieghu, ghax hu xewwew lill-partitarji tieghu kontra l-PN.

      Pero hemm bzonn li din ta’ Eddie Fenech Adami li jigi indirizzat bhala ex-deputat Nazzjonalista ma tghaddiex hija xejn mhu xejn.

      Nipprotestaw u nuru li ma rridux akkost ta’ kollox li nerga nghejxu iz-zmienijiet tal-80s.

  12. the box says:

    Shameful and believable since we are in Malta and in 2014 under MLP.

  13. Stephen Borg Fiteni says:

    “Reconciliation” has failed.

    • il busu says:

      Reconciliation never really worked because Labour never wanted to.

      Today’s Labour is an extension of the 70s and 80s Labour.

    • blue says:

      Reconciliation doesn’t work with thugs and bullies. It justifies their actions as they got away with it.

  14. albona says:

    I think they were a bit too specific. Couldn’t they have just written ‘Ragel mill-Birkirkara’?

  15. Anthony Cachia Castelletti says:

    I agree that it is disgraceful of Public Broadcasting Services, but Eddie Fenech Adami does not need them to remind people of what he has done for this country.

  16. Vagabond King says:

    Reno Bugeja showing his true colours.

  17. Xjim Purtani says:

    Things have to be seen in context, without exaggerating, as it will lead to nowhere.

    This was the story of the events of 1974, and back then, he was still a young MP. If it is as is being claimed here, he would not even be allowed to talk on national TV, and freely express his views.

    Bringing back the 80s did not won elections in 1996 and 2013, and the narrow miss in 2008.

    [Daphne – Once more, you are wrong. If the description is the interviewee’s status in 1974, then it should be ‘deputat tal-Partit Nazzjonalista’ and not ‘ex deputat’.]

  18. Manuel says:

    TVM is already a natural extension of Super One. Soon it will be a Baku-style TV station.

    Muscat is aiming at becoming Malta’s ‘elected’ dictator.

  19. Fred the Red says:

    It is very clear to anyone with an average IQ that the country is fast descending the slippery slope.

    The state’s machinery and institutions, including those meant to oversee to the government’s operations, have been or are in the serious danger of being hijacked by Labour.

    In the case of the army, police and state broadcasting, it is already mission accomplished.

    The previous administration was rightly scrutinised at every turn from every possible quarter, not least by the Ombudsman, NAO, Data Protection Commissioner, as well as the various Commissions it set up itself to safeguard the rule of law and good governance.

    The bad press it endured was also largely because these entities were actually alive and kicking.

    Maladministration and corruption were exposed for what they were, reflecting badly on the government. Compare that with the situation today, barely 21 months into Labour’s term when the government’s best efforts are directed at sweeping embarrassments under the carpet.

    The Ombudsman stands out as a lone voice in the desert. One wonders what will happen when the incumbent’s term comes to an end.

    The once vociferous NAO seems to have become strangely subdued, confining itself to its annual report and little else.

    Now it is left to the media, not least this blog, to bring such matters out in the open.

    If anything, the deterioration over 21 months is even more pronounced than the first months of the Mintoff government in the 70s.

    One shudders to think what the future holds in store. The country is once again in free fall.

    • A.Attard says:

      It would be interesting to compare the situation now to the first two years of Mintoff in the 70s. Then extrapolate to when we will be seeing violence in the streets.

      Peter Darmanin would be well qualified to research the topic.

  20. Mary says:

    Dan l-ex deputat Nazzjonalista rebah fuq tlett prim ministri Laburisti: Dom Mintoff, Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici u Alfred Sant.

  21. sunshine says:

    Ghandek spellink mistejk Daf hi; Eks deputat dak

  22. michael seychell says:

    The P.B.S. chairman, Tonio Portuguese, the chief executive Anton Attard, and the head of programmes should apologise for this.

  23. Francis Saliba M.D. says:

    This is nothing to those who know about the Communist tactic of turning undesirables, no matter how distinguished into “non-persons”.

  24. Disgraceful, but does anyone expect any better from this administration?

    Deceitful, as well, but again this is the norm with this administration.

  25. rjc says:

    To balance things, next time the PM appears on TVM he’s going to be captioned:

    Joseph Muscat
    Ex gurnalist tas-Super One.

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