Silvio Scerri child-beating: a comment has come in which I had already confirmed independently

Published: December 3, 2014 at 11:09am

This comment has been posted by a regular reader of this website. He thought it best that it isn’t published – however, I had this information already and also photographs of the child’s injuries, which were submitted to the police. I hadn’t published the photographs, and won’t be doing so now, because this involves a child.

This is the comment. I confirm that it is true.

Silvio Scerri beat his adorable 6/7 year old son with a belt, so severely that the skin on his legs was broken. The school had to provide plastic bags with ice to stop the swelling.

A police report was lodged by St Edward’s College.

The man is despicable on so many levels.

What good would filing a police report do in this situation?

What good would filing a police report do in this situation?

81 Comments Comment

  1. Honest says:



  2. bored says:

    oh dear God …

    • Spock says:

      Every day brings more sickening news of cruelty and corruption coming from the gang that rules this country ; verament ma’ niflahx izjed – especially when I hear about cruelty to children ; that’s when my tolerance levels hit rock bottom .

    • Josette says:

      And the police haven’t done anything about this either? What a teeny little man probably with a teeny d**k who wants to show everyone how big and strong he is.

  3. Mila says:

    ”…what grows in the vacant field where empathy should be is a joy in manipulating people, a lack of remorse, a lack of guilt.” British journalist Jon Ronson immersed himself in the world of mental health diagnosis and criminal profiling…”

    One of the things Ronson continues to say is that people with these traits are over-represented in the very top management levels, but should we be surprised?

    The only thing which stands between you and cold use and abuse of everyone around you is your sense of loyalty, justice, fairness and empathy among others. Remove all that and people would be just like used wrappers to you, to be discarded when you can no longer make use of them.

    People with these traits also make up a percentage of the prison population and research has shown that these are the criminals which can not be rehabilitated. Whoever says otherwise has not done his research or has ulterior motives.

    • kev says:

      That psychopaths rule the world has long been known, and it gets worse the higher you go up the hierarchy (and believe me, it goes very, very high up until it gets obscured by clouds).

      The problem is that people tend to believe the deceit because they cannot imagine that they are ruled by such evil-mindedness and the corporate media does not help a bit because these same people hold clout over conventional reality – which is deceitful to the point of incredulity.

      The bigger the lie, the more it is believed, and that’s a fact.

    • hmm says:

      I had read this article – it’s excellent as it aptly describes what is wrong with society, governments and large companies or institutions.

  4. La Redoute says:

    How can anyone report this man to the police and expect the police to take action?

  5. Gracecam says:

    He should go down for child abuse, and the child kept far away from him, for the child’s own safety, as he was capable of doing it once he is surely capable of beating this child on other occasions.

  6. brian sinclair says:

    He is SCUM serving a well connected group of criminals defended by a ruthless minister who has lost all control and is so hungry for power. It is in itself so scary. Some people who should know better are not identifying the danger. They will when it will be too late.

  7. Tabatha White says:

    What good would filing a Police report do on many levels?

    Poor children, that are caught up in this.

    No good will come from their tainted spoils.

    • hmm says:

      Can you imagine what Stephanie Chircop is going through? Imagine how she wants to protect her child and has been rendered powerless. I truly hope that many individuals help her fight this battle.

  8. Francis Attard says:

    If this beating has taken place since Scerri took the custody of the children, Joseph Muscat has part of the blame.

  9. Someone says:

    In the United States, Adrian Petersen, a professional footballer was indicted for the same action, and then, his sport authority banned him for a whole season.

    Now bear in mind this is a sportsman and not a political appointee, who appears to be the de facto head of the police.

    Only in Malta isn’t funny any more…

  10. Charlene says:

    This child’s custody should be given to his mother. Silvio Scerri isn’t fit to be a father.

  11. pablo says:

    They were merely “warning shots” and the child was three times over the limit, come on now.

    Does this guy, like Sheehan, also babysit the Minister’s daughters?

  12. Peritocracy says:

    Utterly heartbreaking.

    Maybe Michael Farrugia, Minister for the Family and Social Solidarity, could step in and follow this up.

    • Peritocracy says:

      Scratch that. It is his *duty* to find out why the police are not protecting the most vulnerable members of the family and society.

  13. Socrates says:

    Silvio Scerri should not resign: Manuel Mallia or the PM should kick him out immediately and never return him to any post of responsibility.

    If this does not happen, then this Government is doomed to die much earlier than it has already been anticipated.

    • guze' caruana says:

      Joseph Muscat must bear responsibility for these obscenities which are happening at Home affairs. U mela jmur jigdeb taht it-tinda li l-protezzjoni civili qatt ma kellha apparat?

      Kellha fuq li kellha u gdid ukoll, imma z-zmien ghamel tieghu anke fuq il-fire engines. Anzi ntuzaw tajjeb ferm u min jaf kemm salvaw hajjiet ta’ nies.

  14. Allo Allo says:

    Taghna Lkoll … u miĺl-ahjar

  15. Jozef says:

    Add on the lion’s share of total consumption next year; industry, and the figure will practically triple.

    Not so sure he’ll be able to effectively subsidise industry, breaking the most fundamental of EU regulations.

    It’s the three card trick, Mizzi looks absolutely burnt out, but he’ll die trying.

    • nadia says:

      It disturbs me that Jozef (whose opinions I always find very worthwhile reading) chose to add this kind of comment to this story.

      This is about a man beating his young son, a despicable act whether he is involved in politics or not. I understand that Jozef wants to get his bit in about Enemalta, but this is really not the place.

      And he has no comment about this story. Daphne, couldn’t you have added this under a different post?

      Politics overshadows everything in Malta, even the suffering of a young child.

      [Daphne – I can’t transfer comments to different posts. Generally I will delete something that doesn’t follow the thread of the discussion, so as not to send things down a different route. But I missed this.]

      • Jozef says:

        No it wasn’t the place, and yes, these things leave me speechless.

        The comment with the link was submitted much later.

  16. Patrik says:

    That almost makes me cry.

    I know there are plenty of abusive people out there and unfortunately these things happens to often. But the saddest part of this is the complete failure of the police and courts to protect this poor child. That some people are so far above the law that we allow the sacrifice of our future generations is a travesty.

    Beaten like that and the police do nothing. Justice and accountability – even for the protection of children – is obviously not a priority.

  17. Someone says:

    The guy’s surname is Peterson not Petersen.

  18. Maltri says:

    We all know who he is now.

  19. NA says:

    What an animal.

    If this thug remains in his position, it is just abuse of power. The prime minister should know better.

  20. chico says:

    Well done, St Edward’s

  21. Antoine Vella says:

    Silvio Scerri is despicable and so are the police officers who will not protect his son.

  22. anthony says:

    First Mallia surrounds himself with PL scum.

    Then when they f*ck up big time he pleads in his defence to be a holier-than-thou, albeit lapsed, Nationalist.

    Is he crazy or what?

    • Jozef says:

      No, that’s how perverse Muscat’s thesis is.

      ‘Don’t mind if we’re the same 80s Labour, the true Nationalists will see to it we’re not.’

      Then the paradigm of Nazzjonalista borghese u sinjur, explodes in a scandal worthy of vintage Labour; depot, shootings, et al.

  23. Benny Hill says:

    What an absolute POS.

  24. Hotelier says:

    This post has ruined my day and made me very angry.

    I cannot believe how some people can do this.

    It seems Mr. Scerri would be more at home in North Korea or some ISIS camp.

    • Francis Saliba M.D. says:

      Isn’t he doing his damn best to change Malta into another North Korea as soon as possible and isn’t Joseph Muscat giving him all the time necessary to accomplish the abominable task?

  25. Volley says:

    I’m not surprised. As we say in Maltese: ma min rajtek xebbahtek

  26. Noel Cini says:

    It is too hard to believe to be true to be honest.

    [Daphne – I’m afraid you’re going to have to believe it, because it is.]

    • manum says:

      @ Noel Cini , I am afraid that you miss the point here, do you for one moment believe that Mrs Caruana Galizia is going to invent such a serious allegation?

      It should be crystal clear that these news are so serious that doubting their veracity is like doubting your self existence.

    • Volley says:

      Tiskanta hux Daphne kemm hawn nies li jhallu rashom taht it-tapit.

  27. The Phoenix says:

    Silvio Scerri was at a loss this morning in Valletta. He seemed to be wandering around aimlessly from one cafeteria to another.

    He looked confused and rather dejected. Could it be that he has already been informed that he is the fall guy? Because I can’t see Mallia being forced to resign, or Ramona and Kurt being turfed out.

    Those two are too close to the heart. I guess Silvio will be made to go, with the Acting Commissioner a close second. Nothing else will appease the Beast.

  28. Tabatha White says:

    He would make a perfect fall guy.

    And, unless he is locked up, just as able to continue wrecking behind the scenes.

    One wonders to what depths Silvio Scerri, Joseph Muscat and Manwel Mallia will go.

  29. verita says:

    Do you know who I am? Yes, a wife beater and child beater.

    • pete ross says:

      He should be transferred to the Corradino kitchen where he can easily and legally beat eggs with an egg-beater for Mallia’s bosom friends to digest to their hearts’ content.

  30. nadia says:

    Sadly, incidents like this are beyond politics and it is unbelievable that this man gets away with this.

    Sadder still is the thought that if he does get fired he will no longer be in the public eye and will anybody care, or know, when he beats his girlfriend or children.

    • Boudicea Iceni says:

      Sadder also is the fact that children are left in the care of such people, when everyone knows what is going on.

      Children do not only come into existence whenever a court case is held.

      They and their mothers have a 24 x 7 reality to deal with that includes threat, menace and this bad influence on a daily basis.

      Every time the phone rings, every noise acuter, the senses are on emergency alert all the time.

  31. Tony borg says:

    Mad-dajjef jaghmlu l-arja! Jekk huwa veru il-pulizija ghandgha tintervjeni favur it-tifel u tara li huwa protett.

  32. ChrisM says:

    How can the PM allow a person with a history of woman-beating, child-beating and being investigated for conspiracy to murder to hold such a position in office when he clearly belongs in prison ?

  33. Confused says:

    What a coward. First he uses his children to get back at his ex-wife, showing complete disregard for their well being. Now this. What a nasty man.

    I suspect that now that people know what a coward and nasty low life he is will trigger him to act in a more despicable manner.

    He cannot confront or deal with people he perceives as being stronger or superior so he either takes it out on the weaker ones or uses underhand methods to deal with others. Literally scum.

  34. Frank Muscat says:

    Rest assured that on the basis of the said report the police are in duty bound to take action

  35. tinnat says:

    If he’s capable of doing that to his own son, just imagine what he’d do to someone he does not know.

  36. Francis Saliba M.D. says:

    We all know “who he is, now”.

    A wife beater and a child beater and that qualifies him for a sumptuous cage in the Prime Minister’s zoo with the label “Chief of Staff, Ministry for Home Affairs, Malta (Taghhom Ilkoll)”

  37. Observer S says:

    As Muscat would say, “M’ghandix problems li nerfa decizjoni jien ghax ma nistahbiex wara haddiehor.”

    Then it’s time that he take responsibility for promoting these values and behaviour into leadership and dissolve this dysfunctional government.

  38. Arnold Layne says:

    This man is very bad news and if he is going to fall from grace, he deserves every inch of it.

    Nevertheless, let us not let this distract us from the ones who actually carry the political responsibility: Manuel Mallia and Joseph Muscat.

    Silvio Scerri should be exposed for the scum that he is, but Manuel Mallia and Joseph Muscat cannot be let off the hook.

  39. Denpy says:

    So this adds on the physical abuse to the emotional abuse on his children by trying to lead them to believe that their mother (Steph) does not love them.

    By telling their mother the wrong time and date of the Holy Communion ceremony he most certainly wanted to show his kids that she did not even care enough to come. So sad and yet sadly true.

  40. Adam's Rib says:

    Has any official action been taken re this case of child beating yet?

    How much lower can this country sink that the Police Minister has a head of secretariat like this one?

  41. ian says:

    We sure all know who he is know. A f*cking coward too scared to pick on someone his own size and gender.

  42. xejn b' xejn says:

    I am truly gobsmacked and incredulous in the face of such declarations.

    How could Manuel Mallia have recruited such a hideous beast.

    At this point I cannot but thank God that Manuel Mallia has left the PN camp, although I do augur that he is pushed out of the political scene altogether as he is damaging the country beyond repair.

    [Daphne – Manuel Mallia was never a PN politician. He was an ordinary voter, like you and me.]

  43. Kevin says:

    Even if Muscat didn’t know about this, then with this news he should fire him. It is the only way that he could establish that he still has an ounce of decency and humanity left in him.

    I better not write what I think of lowlifes who beat their children.

  44. Thoughtful says:

    It sounds like even Manoel Mallia’s children may have been safer after all with his driver than Scerri’s child was with his father. Beyond belief. Or maybe not.

  45. Augustus says:

    One look at his face and you know immediately that he is a cruel bastard. He should have never been given the custody of his children.

  46. Brimbu says:

    He certainly has a way of losing his temper and his child’s respect with it. The poor child will remember this for life.

  47. Frank Muscat says:

    If the wording of the report is correct then I fail to understand why the school did not report this heinous child abuse to Appogg in the first instance, Appogg would then have convened a Case Conference to which the Police would as a rule be invited.

    [Daphne – Appogg was involved already. Crimes are reported to the police and not to other organisations.]

  48. Joe Fenech says:

    It’s about time that Malta starts taking mental health, personality disorders and abuse seriously. This is ridiculous!
    For f*ck sake – a criminal working in the PM’s office.

  49. John T says:

    Kattiv ir-ragel…. biex issawat it-tifel tieghu b’dak il-mod memx aktar limitu ta’ kattiverja x’jista jaghmel.

  50. Tabar says:

    Unlike me Michelle Muscat must know this woman personally so for the sake of loving us so much please I beg you help this vulnerable woman, that would be something worth doing and you will have our admiration. Il bqija kullhadd jaf jippoza.Some people more than others must know exactly what this poor woman is going through because they experienced it first hand, if not from their own husband they could have seen it happen to the one who gave them birth.

  51. anthony says:

    May I suggest that Silvio Scerri be transferred to the post of chief-of-staff to the Education Minister, Varist.

    With his profound experience in dealing with children and hymens, I am sure he would make a good hash of it.


  52. pete ross says:

    I would like to make something clear and this is very important. Silvio Scerri owns Nexos, the company that blinded the Prime Minsiter and other PL politicians during that(in)famous Zurrieq PL activity.
    No criminal or other actions were taken.

    Silvio Scerri’s company Nexos was also the contracted company that erected the stage lighting at Ta’ Qali for the re-enactment of the MLP’s slop opera Gensna. During the erection of the stage lighting by Nexos workers an accident occurred which left three workman injured, one of them suffering from a permanent disability.

    The latter worker sought redress from the Occupational Health and Safety Authority (stress on Authority). He was informed that the OHSA did not carry out any inquiry about the serious accident.

    This means that the OHSA broke the law by not carrying out its responsibilities. One can easily deduce why. Silvio Scerri used his well-known tool, using his powerful position to instil fear, this time in the OHSA’s operatives not to investigate the serious accident in which three workers were injured one of them seriously and permanently.

    But the worst part is not the above. The worst part is that for all media and politicians, this seems to have been given a pass. This is a very serious matter. The OHSA has failed to carry out its duty according to law as an authority.

    This is analogous to the MFSA failing to investigate a fraudulent financial deal.

  53. Gaetano Pace says:

    The medium is the message; Manwel bowing his head to Scerri. All words are superfluous.

  54. Guza says:

    Poor mother, seeing her son in such a situation and being unable to do anything!

    Poor child, for having such a COLD CRUEL father.

    Any child needs love, security, a loving touch, a comforting voice, especially when they are passing through difficult times.

  55. marco says:

    What a disguisting piece of s*** this Silvio Scerri is ! Biex ma nsemmux pampalun iehor li jhuf madwar Manuel Mallia…. Joe Galea aka l-Olandiz !

  56. Be-witched says:

    What is our Prime Minister waiting for – another inkjesta while Silvio Scerri continues to beat his children with belts?

  57. pacikk says:

    Somebody ought to restrain this man and send him to an anger management course. Too many cases to leave him on the loose. Beating your own son (or any other child, for that matter) senseless tops the list for such a course.

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