Silvio Scerri is still head of secretariat to the Police and Army Minister, and Ramona Attard is still there too

Published: December 9, 2014 at 7:47pm

The Department of Information has updated its details for the Police and Army Ministry, and Silvio Scerri and Ramona Attard are still there.

Carmelo Abela

Head of Secretariat to Carmelo Abela

Head of Secretariat to Carmelo Abela

Quinton Scerri, ex Super One reporter, now private secretary to the Police and Army Minister

Quinton Scerri, ex Super One reporter, now private secretary to the Police and Army Minister

Ramona Attard, far left with the PM's chief of communications - still communications officer at the Police and Army Ministry

Ramona Attard, far left with the PM’s chief of communications – still communications officer at the Police and Army Ministry

45 Comments Comment

  1. Tabatha White says:

    This is a corrupt government.

    It needs to go.

    • tinnat says:

      That is such a tautology that it needn’t be said. HOW it can be made to go is the dilemma. Time and proper investigate journalists are all that are needed.

      • Tye says:

        Very simple: PN work harder, stay professional and enjoy the Maltese people out there.

      • Tabatha White says:

        It has to be said: remember the “18000” who were so easily deceived.

        They might now think all is in order.

  2. pale blue my foot! says:

    Carmelo Abela is Mr Nice Guy compared to most Labour MPs. He doesn`t have the balls to get rid of Silvio Scerri.

  3. Candy says:

    Muscat’s balls may not be big but they’re bigger than Gonzi’s.

    • Very True says:

      Are you kenti of ejja kenti, the famous horse in Gozo?

    • king rat says:

      Hey Gonzo, compare like with like.

      Lawrence Gonzi only had a one-seat majority but our boy king has a number of get-out-of-jail-free cards, and he has twisted and turned for an eternity and now promised a role for our disgraced politician.

      For f*ck’s sake think before forming an opinion and think even harder before expressing it.

    • anthony says:

      If Muscat had any balls at all he would have sacked Mallia months ago.

      He has been an embarrassment and a liability to the party in government since soon after March 2013.

    • Albert Bonnici says:

      Where the hell are Muscat’s balls anyway?

  4. Beingpressed says:

    Mallia went into politics to do a job to serve.

    To serve who though?

  5. James Caruana says:

    ….and Martin Bugelli

    [Daphne – He’s been there since the spring.]

    • Hmmm says:

      Martin Bugelli is a turncoat too?

      [Daphne – I wouldn’t know about that. But he’s very tight with Silvio Scerri on a personal basis. They go back a long, long way.]

      • Jose Manuel Herrera says:

        Martin Bugelli is a parasitical lackey of the highest order. As a young man he was one of Minister Joe Grima’s (Dom Mintoff’s minister) acolytes.

        Then he conveniently shifted his allegiance to Ugo Mifsud Bonnici’s tribe and got his rewards, and then he shifted again.

      • Martin Bugelli (not a pseudonym) says:

        Get your facts right, please.

        I do however confirm what Daphne stated – that I and Silvio Scerri go back a long way, to childhood actually.

        I do not break personal relationships with old friends just because we do not anymore share the same political opinions.

        [Daphne – Hi Martin, I don’t think that’s what people are saying here. It’s not about Silvio Scerri’s politics – Alla hares nigu f’dak l-estrem – but about what sort of person he is. I’ve never broken off a friendship with somebody because of politics, but I have over the years decided to keep quite a few people at arm’s length or break off contact altogether because they’re pretty bad or even dangerous people, and I don’t necessarily mean in a criminal way.]

      • QahbuMalti says:

        I have known Martin practically all my life and he has been a Nationalist throughout his adult life – without flinching. He is entitled to his opinion but before people make assertions they should know the facts.

    • James Caruana says:

      Yes, very conveniently when his contract as head of EU representation was going to expire his predecessor at the Ministry of Home Affairs was kicked out by Silvio Scerri to make space for this old buddy of his. Iehor ghall-iskip.

      • Hmmm says:

        I remember him in Ugo Mifsud Bonnici’s secretariat acting as PRO, pretending to be bluer then blue.

    • J.J. says:

      Birds of a feather.

  6. Ginu says:

    What about Mallia is he doing another John Dalli?

    [Daphne – That’s a joke. It tells you at the bottom that it’s a joke, and it also explains why this has to be explained.]

    • ciccio says:

      It is a joke and it says that it is a joke, but it is what I expect him to do in reality.

      In the meantime, he should plan a trip to Lourdes.

    • Ginu says:

      Of course it’s a joke, I was just wondering whether Manuel Mallia will do a John Dalli vs. the Commission.. and Bocca just did that scenario :)

      [Daphne – Oh, I doubt it. I think he’ll just retreat to his Faberge-egg-infested ‘studju’ and plot his revenge ai termini. And given that he’s got a large army of criminals at his disposal, it’s not going to be pretty.]

      • Mallia's clients says:

        Meinrad Calleja was hanging round in Valletta today. Just a coincidence, I hope. Or rather, Muscat should hope.

  7. Mila says:

    So Michael Cassar has been put in the centre of the old web with the disgraced spider instead of acting, assisting within arm’s length.

    Does anyone really believe that this siehbi, that siehbi and the other siehbi will suddenly fall in line?

    Imagine Police Commissioner Cassar trying to instil order and discipline with Assistant Commissioner Ray Zammit expected to second him.

    Zammit, who cannot play telephone if his life depended on it. Because, after all, if Zammit was not maliciously covering up, then he must have a problem relaying information. We cannot have it both ways can we?

  8. Tye says:

    Hekk jigri meta tahseb li karigi gholja jistghu jintlahhqu minn nies kwalunkwe.

  9. Tye says:

    J’Alla li dawn il-cover girls u boys tal-magazine Gwida u dawk il-BillBoarders ihobbuha tassew lil Malta Taghna Lkoll ghax mhux sew ikollok xufier ta’ Ministru jxejjer arma tan-nar f’postijiet pubblici.

    Ghax Malta Tieghi Ukoll. Irrid nghix f’pajjiz fejn il-vjolenza neradikawha u mhux ihegguha.

    Malta Tieghi Ukoll. Irrid nghix f’pajjiz fejn il-kriminali inehhuhom mit-toroq u u mhux sajf shih – 35 serqa u ebda halliel ma nqabad.

    Malta Tieghi Ukoll. Irrid nghid f’pajjiz fejn meta niftah ir-radju, Internet u Tv, ma rridx nibqa nisma b’tahwid fil-kabinett fejn ir-rizenji qed isehhu ta’ spiss u f’temp ta’ sentejn irrizenjaw il-ministri.

    Malta Tieghi Ukoll. Irrid nghix f’pajjiz fejn b’dawk il-pagi kollha u b’kabinett mill-aktar expensive li l-PN zgur ma kellhomx, ghandi norqod mistrieh li pajjizi miexi fuq ir-rubini u mhux f’dal panic u tahwid kollu.

  10. Makjavel says:

    If the new minister wants to start on the right foot, he should clear out that secretariat and bring in his own people. That is the normal, standard way of doing things.

    As it is, he’s going to be running that ship with the people Manuel Mallia chose. Not only will they do as bad a job for him as they did for Manuel, but Silvio in particular will keep Manuel briefed of every last detail, because that’s where his loyalty lies.

    And Abela will be hanged, drawn and quartered before his 100 days are up.

  11. Tye says:

    Malta Tieghi, Malta Tieghek, Malta Taghna Lkoll.

    But some people need to learn how to behave.

  12. Mary says:

    Quinton Scerri? Dak mhux li ghamel fjask fil-Kunsill Lokali ta’ Haz-Zabbar?

  13. Gahan says:

    I think we’ll have the tail wagging the dog.

  14. J Farrugia says:

    Quinton Scerri is the ex boyfriend of Nuxellina of Hal Qormi.

  15. mortisja says:

    Is Quinton Scerri the mayor of Zabbar? Can he retain both posts simultaneously?

    [Daphne – He was. There was something of a falling out.]

  16. Dave says:

    Plus ça change

  17. Adrian says:

    So now even Quinton has got his compensation so that everybody remains happy in the luxury that Labour got them accustomed to.

  18. John says:

    I believe Quinton and Ramona were dating over summer or at least one of them thought they did.

  19. Helen C says:

    Isn’t it strange that Silvio Scerri and Ramona Attard kept their place?

    It is also odd that Quinton Scerri is there too – isn’t he under investigation for something or other?

  20. Ghoxrin Punt says:

    Not a good start for our new minister. I suspect he will not be there for long.

  21. gn says:

    Quinton Scerri…mmm.

    L-istess persuna li nqabad f’xebgha “korruzzjoni” wara li ghamel l-itwal mejda tal-ikel fir-rahal tieghu.

    L-istess persuna li shabu l-Laburisti xkupawh il-barra minn sindku.

    L-istess persuna li jobghod lil Ronnie Pellegrini (hemmhekk naqblu).

  22. Vincent says:

    U ejja msieken, dawn baqghu hemm ghall-handover ta.

    My question, handover ta’ x’hiex?

  23. Norman Vella says:

    Appell lil Owen Bonnici biex “inaddaf u jixkupa” lin-Nazzjonalisti.

    Aqra aktar hawn:

  24. Henry James says:

    Carmelo Abela immediately struck me as a bit of an odd choice. The only justification I could find was that maybe Joseph Muscat wanted to put a clean face to try and restore confidence in the institutions.

    With this latest twist to the story I suspect that probably Abela was actually picked to please Scerri.

    I doubt that most of the other available candidates would be ready to compromise themselves by keeping such a character as their chief of staff.

  25. Albert Bonnici says:

    Jose Herrera – passed over yet again.

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