So Manuel Mallia had broken off contact with human rights organisations

Published: December 17, 2014 at 12:56am

Mr Far Right Pistol-Packing Hardman-fancying Jackboots: it just figures. It also dovetails with the fact that he kept the Valenzia inquiry report hidden for almost two years.

On the front page of Times of Malta’s print edition – they’ve got a headliner within their story there, and they haven’t noticed.

carmelo abela

Human rights? Give me jackboots any day.

Human rights? Give me jackboots any day.

8 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Does this mean Norman Lowell will break off his support?

  2. A says:

    And Muscat insisted on keeping him as a minister. Shame on you, prime minister.

  3. Ivan says:

    Simple. You’ve got no human rights unless you’re one of his criminal clients.

  4. Betty says:

    I think Don Manuel’s first formal meeting with NGOs who work with asylum seekers was just after the pushback drama.

    I was told that the first thing he said to them was that he will not discuss that, but would stick to his agenda.

    His criminal lawyer mentality and style of running things showed clear.

    At least Carmelo Abela should know more about people management, though he has yet to prove himself.

  5. john grech says:

    ‘A Government that listens to the people’ (around them).

  6. Mila says:

    One hopes that by now everybody and his brother have learnt to scrutinize what this government does and not what it says.

    So it is early days yet and one must not forget that the Valenzia report was used as a tool before it was published but sat on rather than used to improve things.

    One has to be in a coma not to realize that we have been inundated with marketing and hype and very little action.

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