Soleil and Etoile chauffeured to school in PM official car escorted by police security with flashing lights
December 11, 2014 at 12:19pm
The twin daughters of the prime minister and the Spouse of the Prime Minister, Soleil and Etoile, were chauffeured to San Anton School this morning – a quarter of an hour after the school bell had rung – in their father’s official car (which is really the family saloon leased to the government for his official use), escorted by a white police security car with flashing ‘get out of the way’ lights.
This appalling, third-world behaviour has got to stop.
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Well they are Soleil and Etoile, aren’t they – sun and star? Why are you surprised at the flashing lights?
Attakk fahxi fuq ulied l-Altezza Rjali Tieghu.
Attak fahxi fuq l-istutizjonijiet ta’ dal-pajjiz mill-prim ministru, mill-familja tieghu u shabu.
Anzi attakk fenomenali.
One day I’ll have to write a fat tome on the Language of Maltese Indignation.
Attakk isn’t enough. It has to be attakk fahxi, qalil, u sostenut.
(P.S. Ambassador, you’re spoiling us!)
Attakk fahxi fuq Il-fond konsolidat.
Who is the lady (?) in red?
That’s a man
She leads the Special Olympics team but didn’t merit a mention in the official government press release about Mrs Michelle Muscat congratulating the Special Olympics team.
Anna Falzon
Why is the Spouse of the Prime Minister not ferrying them to school herself, on time, in her own car, at her own expense? It’s not like she’s got much to do.
Has she venished into tin nair?
She’s still in bed, reading another chapter of Fifty Shades of Grey.
Needs, wants, desires, expectations all have to bow to stark reality.
Could remind one of Africa. Was there a dust cloud behind the car?
Is it not about time that the perks of the jobs in parliament are laid down in black and white. It is quite obvious that one cannot rely on personal ethics and common decency anymore.
They are not teaching them to the value of being on time.
[Daphne – Not quite the point, is it.]
Who cares what values they’re being taught! They’re their children and not children of the nation.
These children were not elected to parliament to serve the country.
Michelle Muscat wasn’t elected to public office, either, and just watch her go.
Their father was sleeping and their mother had yet another appointment with the hairdresser.
Must be the big bad wolf on the prowl.
Xi bzieq ta’ nies. Mur gibu kien l-ewwel Primi Ministru ta’ Malta. Qisu qatt ma kien hawn Prim Ministru bit-tfal.
They are teaching them the value of being divas for Eurovision. Ssssh, attakk fahxi fuq it-tfal – JPO.
And does anyone really think that the Spouse is ever going to allow her husband to concede defeat in an election, and give up this Eva Peron (she imagines) lifestyle? Warning bells are ringing louder every day.
X’jirrezenja zigg? And lose these perks which, I suspect, are the most important element of being Prime Minister to him and his spouse?
Well Her Majesty Michelle did say they wanted to make the best out of it didn’t she.
Min qatt ma ra xejn hekk jaghmel.
Hu go fik, ja poplu.
Dalwaqt naraw Facebook post ta’ Jeff Pullicino jeqred u jitkaza li qed issemmi t-tfal ta’ Muscat.
Manwel u Corduta mahruqin sew.
Kellu tort xejn anqas minn Joey fiha dina, imma hu miskin, safa’ bla xufier u babysitter mhallas mill-poplu, waqt li siehbu, orrajt, iddobba karozza mikrija ghall-mara biex taghmel ix-xoppin, u kera l-Alfa tieghu lilu n-nifsu biex iwasslulu uliedu l-iskola privata bl-iskorta tal-pulizija u s-sireni.
Id-decizjoni iebsa fil-hajja hija li tkun onest, u mhux li tiddeciedi tispara fuq siehbek biex isalva gildek stess.
Imbaghad jigi jitkellem fil-parlament fuq l-umilta’ li ghandu. Xi dwejjaq ta’ nies.
They can’t raise their own children properly and then we expect them to take care of education and child care policy.
Another nail in Malta’s coffin thanks to all the switchers who voted these amoral idiots to power.
They don’t know any better. They really believe it falls under their perk entitlements.
What a bunch of hopeless peasants.
A 24-hour chauffeur service and nanny with police escort is worth much more than €500 per week.
Had we been located a few miles further south, we would by now fully qualify as a Tin Pot Little African Country.
When it all stops after the next election, those poor girls will suffer psycho-social symptoms when the royal treatment ends.
Who cares! We should be more concerned with what the country as a whole will have to suffer because of these clowns.
The Spouse of the Prime Minister should teach her children that they are no different from others. She is doing the opposite.
She is determined to raise them to believe that they are entitled to the adulation and subservience of everybody else. This would be a recipe for disaster even if they were royalty, let alone when their position is permanent and they will have to return to anonymity and normal life at 16 at the latest.
But before then, they will already have become objects of ridicule if not outright contempt by all those around them, most particularly their peers.
The “attakk fahxi” on them is not coming from the public in general or by any individuals but by their own parents who cannot see beyond their noses and the miserable future they are preparing for two at present innocent children.
Grab all you can, while you can.
In other words, mejta bil-guh.
Sa fejn naf jien San Anton School min jasal tard suppost jittiehdu passi dixxiplinarji.
Tghid gara hekk illum?
[Daphne – You can’t punish children for being late when they are dependent on their parents or school transport to take them there. The only thing you can do is speak to the parents.]
Surely not when the parents got the head teacher an invitation to meet Prince William. That debt was paid in advance.
Some parents are told off that’s the funny thing – they most definitely are not, trust me.
Michelle Tanti Muscat: show-off minn qieh in-Nigret.
The school authorities should speak to the parents. After all, dan gvern li jisma’.
Iva, dan gvern li jisma. Jisma kollox, hlief zewg tiri ta’ pistola.
Gvern li jisma’ – lil tal-qalba.
Nippremjaw – lil tal-qalba.
Malta taghna biss.
Who needs a tax credit on school transport when you can use the family saloon with a police escort?
Stop it you damned schizophrenic!! You are either mentally sick or perhaps instigating someone to lay his hands on you so that you can toll labour with violence. You have no right to talk and instigate hatred on the primeminister daughters.As long as you criticise this legislature with positive arguments its ok but you have no right to touch the untouchables!. Shame on you!!!!
Giorgino, we’re not discussing his daughters. In fact, we do not care about them.
We care about their father and unelected mother using public funds, his official car and a police escort to actually have them driven to school, which is their mother’s job given that she has no other.
I think it is the Prime Minister and his wife who think they are untouchable.
I don’t know about you, but I am certainly not happy having to drive out of the way of the Prime Minister’s car because his CHILDREN are late for school.
So now it’s official, is it? The Muscats are untouchable.
They truly are living in Cuckooland. Joseph “I was a nerd when I was young” Muscat now believes he’s king of the world.
I’ve seen this a number of times in a professional setting, and I’m happy to say that even die-hard but intelligent supporters of such a person sooner or later wish to throw the king out.
As Muscat himself famously said, the kink is naykit.
Giorgino, can you even understand what you read? This is not about the children.
It’s about abuse of power by their parents.
And before anyone says that such and such PN minister used to do the same, I’d say, so what? It was wrong then and it’s wrong now – wrong with a police escort to boot.
The Primeminister Daughters. That’s a good one.
Let’s start a Moviment Gdid: ignore “get out of the way” lights when GM cars are being escorted – then wave frantically and scream “no, please don’t shoot” if harassed by the police.
First make sure it isn’t an ambulance.
Are they so dumb as to think that one stands in awe when one sees them wasting our taxes in such theatrics.
Do they think they will ever be at par with parents at that school who really ‘arrived’ through education and hard work?
I happen to drive down the Mgarr bypass more than 4 times in a day so I’m used to the long queues there.
But if I happen to be one of those cars waiting nicely and politely in the queue and I see such a thing happening behind me, if the police are flashing their lights, am I obliged to make way?
[Daphne – This is a tough one. No, you are not obliged to make way for the prime minister, let alone for his daughters on their way to school. But if a policeman gets out of his car, identifies him as a policeman, and tells you to move, then you will have to do it if you wish to avoid being charged with disobeying police orders. While you are not obliged to obey an illicit order, you will still be made to jump through those hoops. Do what I do: carry on driving in the same lane and at your own pace, ignoring the revving engines and wailing sirens behind you. If there are no outriders, they won’t be able to do anything without actually stopping both their cars and having a policeman get out to ask you to pull over, which is useless as by that time you will have carried on away. If there are outriders, one of them will edge up against your car and make angry signs at you to get out of the way. Ignore him for as long as possible, then put down your window and make a gesture which indicates that you haven’t understood. How you take it from there depends on the context.]
You might be right, as usual.
One is not obliged to say Thank YOU or please, but just those small words distinguishes one from an educated person and a baboon.
What hamallagni!
If I was the one being chauffeured to school with a police detail with flashing lights I’d be so embarrassed.
But hamalli probably see it as some sort of status. Just like the hamalli who wear gold necklaces and chains and go out for their Sunday drive with the Mercedes with the seats covered in that plastic to preserve them.
What are you doing hanging out with hamalli on Facebook just because they hate blacks?
Not Sandy:P – What is the point of your reply ?
I can’t seem to work out what it has to do with his topic or what I said.
Have a good evening
Arroganza! Abbuz tal-poter. Tal-misthija.
I am not at all surprised and it is unacceptable, unless Dr & Mrs Muscat have a different interpretation of “public transport”.
Poor kids!
Some kids treated in this way grow up to be bullies so it might not be poor kids but poor everyone who has to suffer their antics.
Some of you will be looking for that little something luxurious to add a touch of class to your Christmas receptions.
On the way out after dropping my son this morning there was the PM being welcomed into the foyer.
I think he was inquiring whether Michelle had arrived. While I was driving away from the school, I saw the PM’s car driving towards it. I didn’t see who was inside but thought perhaps it was Michelle coming from the hairdresser’s to attend the Christmas concert.
Tghid il-pulizija kien armat?
스타 and 일 are really going to have a hard time growing up if their mummy and daddy keep filling their little minds with the same visions of grandeur that they are suffering from. Boy is that going to be a hard fall.
Just wait until they start dating. Mur zommhom.
Well most girls are totally up themselves these days so giving them wailing sirens and an entourage of tough men with names along the lines of Wenzu il-Kamikaze, Raymar L-Uzi and Frans il-Kalashnikov is just going to aggravate an already intolerable situation.
They will be ultra classy girls with an attitude problem (read Miley Cyrus…or Paris Hilton without the money).
[Daphne – Ultra UNclassy, you mean.]
Kardashians in the making.
From what I hear they are already arrogant on the school playground, saying ‘do you know who my dad is?’.
U billi hadna it-twins l-iskola bil-karozza tieghi/
Insomma b’daqshekk “x’fieeeeeha”? Mhux hekk kontu taghmlu qabel? Lilna qed taraw zejda?
Kulma ghamilna zejjed il-lampa blu fuq il-karozza ta’ l-iskorta. U s-sirena din id-darba ma uzajniex ta, madoffi.
Is it possible that both Joseph and Michelle know absolutely nothing whatsoever re protocol, etiquette, children’s upbringing?
They struggle with whatever they have to do – either they’re that stupid, arrogant show-offs or enjoy being picked on all the time.
This has just have to stop now. We are sick to the core of these chavs blowing our taxes to high heaven to fuel their egos and belief that this is their personal fiefdom.
I can`t wait for the day the people blow them away with their votes, however long it may take. That day will come.
I have done it and will do it again when I hear police sirens. I just ignore them and carry on driving at the speed that I was driving.
Wearing a bullet proof jacket might be handy in this case.
Our children wait in rain and wind around 7am at collection point and the socialist Muscats’ spoilt brats are taken wrapped in cottonwool. Kif tista’ ma tiddardarx, Peppi?
Hand out an invitation to the school head to meet the prince, among a number of hamalli and criminals, and you can bend the rules at will.
Kollox minn flus il-poplu Malti, li maggoranza taghhom jaraw kif ser jaslu bil-paga sa l-ahhar tax-xahar.
Well at least their driver takes them to school and not on a Wild West ride around Gzira. Thank God for small mercies.
People with deep insecurity need to do this sort of thing to feel important. One can really only feel pity…