Some more insight into Silvio Scerri – which I have confirmed

Published: December 3, 2014 at 10:13am
They're well matched

They’re well matched

Sent in by H. Prynne this morning:

That Silvio Scerri is a mean bastard. During his son’s Holy Communion ceremony last summer he, his girlfriend and his daughter sat in the parents’ section while the child’s mother, Ms Chircop sat at the back.

I hope Simone, his current partner, knows what she’s doing. Once an abuser, always an abuser.

It doesn’t take much to see that this comment is authentic. But fortunately, I can confirm it separately. Stephanie Chircop sat at the back of the church at her own son’s First Holy Communion, while Silvio Scerri sat at the front with his girlfriend in the role of mother, because he didn’t want her there at all.

First he gave her the wrong time and day, then when she found out and made a dash for the church, she found them sitting in the front together, and to avoid making a scene that would embarrass her son, she didn’t go to the front as well. He refused to let her have her photograph taken with the child, and she only managed to sneak a quick snap.

49 Comments Comment

  1. canon says:

    It is interesting to know if he received holy communion.

    • Sam says:

      People who have no qualms about destroying their family will have no qualms about much else.

    • observer says:

      He wouldn’t have been the first of his kind to do so.

      What does receiving Holy Communion mean to person like these? Just posing in a procession and putting out their hands to be given ‘a wafer’.

    • Gaetano Pace says:

      Even if he did, the Lord is the one to forgive but he has to be a repenter and resenter of his evil.

      For as long as he cherishes his derangements and misdeeds, forgiveness will never be forthcoming.

      In solidarity with the mother that is going through such hard painful times and most of all the children being used as pawns.

      If he has the bile to use his children as pawns I can only imagine, from the little psychology that I know, what he would do to someone he deems the might of Rome should fall on him.

  2. NA says:

    Meta bil-Malti tghid lil xi hadd demel u ahdar. Nies bhal dan il-bezqa dejjem jsibu kappell jigihom llum jew ghada.

    Ma kienx ikun xi ex ragel t’ ohti u nhallih jaghmlilha hekk! Tapit bil-gilda tieghu kien ikun hemm fil-knisja wara c-cerimonja.

    Keep it up, Daphne. You are doing what all other so called journalists don’t even dare to do. Keep highlighting all this scum perhaps the switchers realize what big mistake they have made.

  3. Lady Oscar says:

    What a disgusting piece of work this sorry excuse for a human being is!

    • Peritocracy says:

      No wonder Joseph Muscat likes to say “zigg”. He’s surrounded by them.

      • Spock says:

        In the same way that “zigg”is a euphemism of “zobb”, so are the “men” around him a euphemism of “manliness” – and that includes the the Great Leader himself .

  4. Denpi says:

    Poor woman. Such blatant abuse towards her and also towards their children. Who knows what lies he tells them about their mother.

    • Peritocracy says:

      Hopefully when they grow up a little, they will come across the emails Daphne published yesterday that show how their father intervened to destroy their and their mother’s livelihood.

  5. etil says:

    It is his partner who should make a dash for it before it is too late for her.

    • Josette says:

      His partner is apparently as bad as him. And probably thinks she is immune to his cruelty.
      What an absolute bastard!

  6. Someone says:

    Very in keeping with the spirit of Holy Communion. I bet he went up for communion himself…

  7. Gahan says:

    How can this abused woman ever find help in a police station?

    • La Redoute says:

      Manuel Mallia is on record as saying that if a woman with an abusive partner can call on him if reporting her partner to the police is ineffective.

      • Spock says:

        In the same way that “zigg”is a euphemism of “zobb”, so are the “men” around him a euphemism of “manliness” – and that includes the the Great Leader himself .

      • Spock says:

        Mela ghandna mohhna mistrieh.

  8. Ruby says:

    Where is the good and kind Mrs Muscat? Will she do / say nothing about this abuse?

    • High Tea says:

      She’s busy choosing her outfit for the next chav event she’ll be hosting as The Wife of the Prime Minister.

      • WhoamI? says:

        More like “The Spouse of the Prime Minister” I would have thought.

        Wife has another meaning altogether. Hekk, dik li toqghod zaqqha mal-cooker us sidirha mas-sink.

    • canon says:

      In that case the woman has to refer to Madam President. The president has more authority than Mrs Muscat.

  9. bored says:

    I don’t pity his current girlfriend, this Simone. She is either very stupid or a doormat.

    She is an adult, so if she spends some time thinking outside the box she will have realised by now what a vindictive son of a bitch he really is.

    To take your children away from their mother by stealth and cunning is nothing short of shameful. Unless she is a drug addict or abuses her children, the children are always better off with the mother.

    The court which decided to give these children to their father must either have had hard evidence of something terrible or else Silvio is above the law and got his way and was awarded custody of their children.

    As far as I know the law nearly always favours the mother. Shame. I feel for this Stephanie. Scum is the closest to a nice thing I can come up with for Silvio.

  10. Francis Saliba M.D. says:

    If these are the qualifications necessary to worm oneself into the prime minister Muscat’s inner circle all those who are not “IN” are entitled to hold their their head high, very high indeed.

  11. Volley says:

    L-ironija hi l-poplu Malti talla dittatur fil-poter, b’mod demokratiku.

    • lo squalo says:

      L-istess bhall-Germanizi meta vvutaw ghal Hitler. Ma jidher xejn li se jkollna futur sabih dawn it-3 snin li gejjin.

  12. how come? says:

    how come the boy is living with him and not with his mother?

  13. One must admit that Mr Scerri seems to have the right qualifications to be the right-hand man of the minster responsible for the armed forces and the police………… in a dictatorial country.

  14. Persil says:

    Dear Daphne if he treated his first wife like sh*t it does not always mean that the second will be treated the same, even if statistics say otherwise.

    But she has to be careful.

    I do not want to to be seen with someone who was abusive to his wife as some might think that I was part of it.

    I am sure that children want their mother not the partner with them especially on these occasions.

    Kieku kont jien, naghmel xenata u nigi naqa u nqum.

    Daphne, tell us more so we open our eyes come next election.

    • Melissa says:

      Believe me, Persil, they don’t change overnight. They may be a bit subdued, but the mean streak is still there. Possibly sold a sob story to the girlfriend.

  15. brian sinclair says:

    SCUM. I wonder how St Evarist sees this criminal.

  16. Sam says:

    Today is the 13th birthday of Tiffany, a girl who is no longer allowed contact with her mother (and vice-versa), and who is currently being brought up by her father and her father’s partner (new wife?).

    Tiffany’s mother – a sweet, quiet, decent human being – despately wishes that her daughter will know that she still loves her and wishes her a happy birthday.

    Each birthday, like that of her son, brings more heartache, knowing that they are growing up without her in their lives, and her having to live life without them.

    Almost one year ago today, this girl’s father had no qualms about visiting Lourdes with his girlfriend (and with John Dalli, but that’s another story), in much the same way as Silvio Scerri purportedly sat at the front of the church with his girlfriend, in the seats reserved for parents of children receiving their first holy communion.

    One day, perhaps these children will realise how much their mother loves them, no matter what, and how she desperately fought for them. I sincerely hope that one day, they will find it in their hearts to make contact with their mother before it is too late.

    Happy 13th birthday, Tiffy – from your mummy, not from me. She has absolutely no idea that I am writing this, but, as a mother myself, I find it very hard to not try to help get the message through to you.

    • Sam says:

      “and WITH a disgraced high-profile person”

    • Sam says:

      I must clarify that the children and their mother are not completely prevented at law from seeing each other. Let us just say that it has probably been made difficult for the children, to the point where they no longer want contact with their mother just to avoid the stress.

      I have seen it happen in at least one other case, where the child in question did not want to offend his father and his father’s girlfriend, with whom he lived. In ths latter case, however, I believe that the boy, now an adult, is back in contact with his mother – who never gave up hope.

      • M says:

        Yes, I agree.

        I was such a child, one parent keeping me away (with threats) from the other. They are afraid of the truth coming out.

        Eventually I sought out my estranged parent, and met after nearly 10 years.

      • Sam says:

        I am glad to hear that your case seems to have ended well, M – and I sincerely hope that both Tiffany and her older brother will eventually get in touch with their mother and that, meanwhile, she will not lose hope of it ever happening..

      • M says:

        You have to allow for a fair amount of brainwashing against the estranged parent.

        I was 14 when the sh*t started, and divorce proceedings began. It was nasty. I remember sneaking a birthday card in the post, and got sh*t for that, threatened with a beating.

        After a few years of being lost in an emotional wilderness, I started to question things (and found opposition, naturally).

        I think the trick is meeting the right people to help them ease themselves out of the mental/emotional prison that has been created for them.

        And no matter how much you try to piece facts together for understanding, the jigsaw puzzle will always have missing pieces.

  17. Socrates says:

    Once PL returned to ‘power’ (not to ‘government’), we’re back to their previous s*it.

    Arrogant people, incompetent ministers, abuse of power, lies and cover-ups and a most immature PM is what one should expect when PL are trusted by fools to ‘ruin’ and never ‘run’ this country.

  18. eve says:

    Injoranza grassa ghax it-tifel tieghu stess ibati.

  19. verita says:

    It is evident who behaves as a good parent to this child.

  20. ChrisM says:

    What a disgusting excuse for a human being.

  21. Tabar says:

    If his partner was her own woman she would have got up and given the right to sit with the child to the mother. Some women need to grow a backbone, especially those who fall for these kind of men.

  22. ian says:

    This man is scum. I get that the marriage can break down, but have the decency to treat the mother of your children with the respect she deserves. Il-vera bniedem jaqq.

  23. edgar says:

    When I look at the picture of these two men (did I say men?) I really cannot imagine how any woman can stay with them. Certainly with that fat geezer it is not for sex.

  24. Hope lives says:

    The ‘partner’ should have been the first to give her place to the mother, but she didn’t.

    Besides people don’t change so chances are she will be treated same way as the biological mother of his children.

    This man is a scumbag and his partner deserves nothing but scum for ignoring the mother of this child and sitting in her stead.

    PS Daphne, for reasons of privacy and protection towards my family I choose to keep my name private. This is the situation our current Government and its Ministers have put us in ..

  25. Tabatha White says:

    The Prime Minister’s Special Envoy Joseph Zammit Tabona must be so proud to be amongst this lot.

    What on earth was he thinking?

  26. guze' caruana says:

    Il-kappillan messu kecca lit-taparsi omm u halla l-veru omm toqghod hdejn binha.

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