The night Franco Debono took a woman’s handbag because she rejected him

Published: December 1, 2014 at 12:27pm


Sent in by Fruit & Nut (not anonymous to me, incidentally):

Around a decade ago, Franco Debono was at the annual gathering for lawyers and met a pretty one to whom he took a fancy.

After being rejected by her all night, he just couldn’t take no for an answer, so on her way out, he followed her, right up to her car and popped his head through the passenger window, snatched her hand bag off the passenger seat and told her that she had to follow him if she wanted her bag back.

She instinctively followed him, but when she realised they were heading far off, she diverted to a police station and the police officer on duty that night called Franco Debono on his phone and asked him to go to the police station to return the lady’s hand-bag.

If anyone thinks that he has ‘repented’ – where does repentance come in, with political views? – and if the PN take him back, so that “we will certainly regain ground” you are more mentally challenged than he is.

This crazy fruit basket is one of the reasons we are in this mess today, because the PN let him in without really knowing how very disturbed he is.

Had the PN asked a few women who had the misfortune to meet Franco Debono what they thought about him, they would have known to stay the hell away from him.

37 Comments Comment

  1. Antoine Vella says:

    Instead of accepting him the PN should encourage him to become more involved with Labour.

  2. Gahan says:

    I also know of an instance when this villager Debono thought it fit to wink at a girl half his age who was accompanied by her boyfriend who is twice his height.

    He should thank the Good Lord that she did not tell him what happened until they were home.

    • Qeghdin Sew says:

      What, should you beat someone to a pulp just because he happens to wink at your female partner?

      • J. Sammut says:

        Debono thinks you’re justified to beat someone over a pastizz.

        Villagers get the message differently to people like you. Brute force is needed for the likes of Franco. If he tries another time we will have someone experience a wedgie, and it won’t be her boyfriend.

        There were hundreds of people who justified the driver of a minister for shooting at another driver because the minister’s car mirror was broken. That’s what we in Malta call normal behavior.

  3. ciccio says:

    If the PN accept him back, then they have to accept everyone.

    If there are signs that he is uncomfortable with Labour, then perhaps it is the time for the PN to bring out a billboard with the picture of a rooster and the caption:


    Ghax jaghmilni Law Commissioner.

    Hekk, hu go fik.

  4. dutchie says:

    Who taught him those wonderful tactics of pulling women? No wonder he’s successful.
    What a loser, and a bad one at that.

  5. Respect says:

    If the PN takes him back they can come and knock my door all they want before the elections because I will not vote for them at all and will vote Labour instead for the first time of my life.

    • LIXU says:

      Agree with you, but instead of voting Labour I willl simply tear up my vote.

    • Eddy Privitera says:

      Don`t you realise Daphne is taking the micky out of you all when she says that Dr. Franco Debono ” is uncomfortable ” working with the PL government ????

      • pacikk says:

        Unfortunately Eddy, people don’t change their traits ot habits, so it’s only a question of time until PL will go through what the PN went through during the last term in government. All it takes with people like Franco is one small request of his that is not entertained, and he breaks loose again.

  6. matt says:

    So he was a delinquent juvenile than.

  7. Paul Attard says:

    I will do the same.

  8. A. Charles says:

    That is the best photo of Bebono; his face is in definable.

  9. freedom5 says:

    Oh . My . God. Daphne please keep this story and JPO’s gun incident as the two top stories right up to Christmas.

  10. Mila says:

    And don’t anyone dare say that doing that to a woman is a joke because that falls into the category of more sinister things.

  11. milton says:

    Thank God it was not JPO..he would have tried to take her underwear for his collection.

  12. Viva il- Farizej says:

    Cock a doodle doooooo

  13. Maltri says:

    He’s a wet-wipe short of a lady’s handbag.

  14. Carl Savage says:

    Donnu t-‘top student’ taghna mar ‘snatch’ kors mal-qahba ta’ Charlon. Ara kemm gie jidher il-poni fuq il-flok, Ma. Le coq antisportif.

  15. ken il malti says:

    If he pulled that stunt anywhere else, he would be charged with theft and hauled to court.

    His photo and name would appear on tabloid newspaper articles with the headline of: “Purse Snatching Lawyer To Serve Six Months in Jail”.

  16. the chemist says:

    Your typical Sat evening shite! U Gonzi jcempillu u jmurlu d-dar. We definitely had that coming.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Anzi ma marx bis-sliced kiwi fruit. Another massive salutary lesson for Simon Busuttil there.

      • A.Attard says:

        Mur gib iz-ziju l-arcisqof kien ghadu hajj x’kien jaghmillu kieku meta mar izur lil Manu Maltes. Vera patetika dahal u qallu “hawn ara gibtlek ftit frott”.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Mhux kwistjoni ta’ zijiet u isqfijiet. Is-sens komun jghidlek li xoghol il-prim ministru mhumhiex il-problemi trivjali u immaginati ta’ individwi, u mhux xoghol il-prim ministru li jzur id-djar taghhom.

        Lawrence Gonzi kellu tendenza inkwetanti ghall-micromanagement. Ovvjament ghamilha aghar ghalih innifsu meta inkluda wisq dipartimenti taht l-OPM (inkluz sehibna Pullicino Orlando), allura kollox kien jispicca ghandu.

        Il-policy motto ta’ Simon Busuttil ghandu jkun ‘Less Is More’, kif ihobb jghid Richard England.

  17. A V says:

    Franco Debono fancied the lady and when she rejected him he took her bag to spite her.

    Luckily she was sensible enough to realise that it was not true love that was driving him to act in that manner. He was trying to lure her to his den so he could have his way with her and she reported him to the police.

    Debono fancied the PN and when the party rejected him he used his seat in Parliament to spite it. Luckily Dr Gonzi was sensible enough to realise that it was not love of the country that was driving Debono to act in that manner. He was just trying to lure the whole party so he could have his way with all and sundry. Luckily Dr Gonzi stood up to him and denounced him.

    I bet that every time that lady reads an article about Franco Debono, she thanks her lucky stars for her narrow escape.

    The PN should follow in that sensible lady’s steps and thank its lucky stars too.

  18. winston psaila says:

    grab ‘n run.

  19. victor says:

    Hope PN will nail him down the minute they be in power . He will continue as a lawyer in Italy fighting mafia .

  20. Watcher of lies says:

    Franco Debono had his candidature rejected when things were in Austin Gatt’s hands. But the PBO accepted his candidature for the following 2008 election.

    That is the reason why Franco Debono hates so much Austin Gatt.

    Labour hates Austin Gatt for a completely different reason. Gatt had led the team that thwarted Mintoff’s plan to rig votes during the counting at Hal-Far in 1981 when the PN secured a majority of 4600 votes over the MLP. The MLP remained in the seat of power because it had more parliamentary seats than the PN even though the latter obtained an absolute majority of votes. This led to a worsening political situation that culminated in the killing of an innocent young man who happened to be sitting inside a PN party club at Gudja. Then this murder was turned into a frame-up by the Mintoff police which turned into the worst political situation Malta had ever seen.

    I know that many Maltese know this, but a foreign reader who happens to be reading this will realise what the current lot in power are made of, even though they changed their party’s name from Malta Labour Party to Partit Laburista in their attempt to detoxify the party from their dirty past.

    Now the MLP-PL are re-toxifying their party by the same old methods of governing: Corruption, instilling fear, frame-ups, cover-ups and cover-ups of cover-ups of frame-ups and disappearing reports from the police and other records.

  21. canon says:

    Today the PN has a committee to interview and scrutinize prospective candidates. The committee is making a good job.

  22. gaetano pace says:

    The only true Christmas present the PN could give Franco Debono is a gift voucher leading him, in the most amicable, respectful, thoughtful, Christian Christmas spirit, to seek psychological sound advice.

    Some of his scintillating sparks are very symbolic of the positive charges that come out of Labour acid batteries, Joseph being the negative lead.

  23. catharsis says:

    If the PN take him back they will lose supporters in droves.

  24. J. Borg says:

    And by the way, if the PN had to take Franco Debono back, it would deserve to lose not just the next election, but well beyond that.

  25. pacikk says:

    I don’t agree that PN did not know what they were in for when they took Franco Debono on board. Their only ransom stood in votes count, and that’s where Franco had his bag full. But they did know that he had baggage with him.

  26. leonardlombardo says:

    To hell with him – I do not want to mix with this traitor.

    Hasn’t he done enough in betraying the PN? Why should we accept him back – so he can turn his back on us again? This guy is a backstabber and once he is done with you he’ll stab you in the back, no questions asked.

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