The screen-grab that says it all

Published: December 13, 2014 at 7:07pm

Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando

Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando 1

Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando 2

Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando 3

63 Comments Comment

  1. Tinu says:

    A hungry man is an angry man

  2. High Tea says:

    “Onorat li nimxi wara Joseph”

    He got the teeth right.

  3. ciccio says:

    This one looks benign next to the one in your screen grabs.

    But both seem to have teeth problems.

  4. Jack Beans says:

    “Meta ma jkollkomx iżjed argumenti taqgħu personali. ISTĦU !”

    Ara min iridna nistħu wkoll !

    Dak li sa ftit snin ilu il-Lejber kien jiddeskrivih bħala “politikament u moralment korrott”.

  5. pazzo says:

    Bniedem indannat, biegh ruhu u gismu lil eghdewwa tieghu.

  6. Bilboa says:

    He definitely flunked Anger Management

  7. J Farrugia says:

    I don’t know why but the first thing that came to my mind when seeing these was to print them and pee at them.

  8. Lizz says:

    His orange make up actually conceals his anger. Note how much redder the spot on his neck under his ear, missed by the fake tan, is.

  9. edgar says:

    Horrible teeth for a dentist and the Earl Grey is not doing any good to his blood pressure

  10. Francis Saliba M.D. says:

    No caption? I have seen that look on a cobra moments before it spits its venom.

  11. Markus says:

    A psycho case study

  12. beffa says:

    Was that photo taken when he saw Lara undress?

  13. Gobsmacked says:


  14. WhoamI? says:

    Dan ir-ragel dentist? Halqu loki.

  15. Nik says:

    “I just cut one and it’s going to be a slow burn”

  16. Tal-Madum says:

    Bniedem jaqq

  17. says:

    F***king nasty piece of work.

  18. Tal-Malja says:

    Not sure whether anyone has noticed that in the first of part of Xarabank, Jeffrey Pullicino had two glasses in front of him. One was clearly water but the other was a small brown plastic cup, hiding whatever was in it.

  19. Allo Allo says:

    That makes a first class Halloween mask

  20. Francesca says:

    Botoxed to the hilt! What a sad man politically, socially and morally.

    • Angus Black says:

      I was going to remark that the picture makes a good ad for Botox, but you were faster and went straight to the point,

      My sentiments exactly.

  21. Tinnat says:

    There was a worse moment – towards the end, when Peppi had the temerity to interrupt JPO and JPO’s look as he turned to Peppi was pure evil insanity.

  22. t.farrugia says:

    something smells fishy

  23. verita says:

    Fast and furious

  24. Tinu says:

    A rolling stone gathers no moss

  25. Ronnie says:

    It reminds me of the cover of The Shining.

  26. Kz80 says:

    L-iskarpan biz-zarbun imqatta’.

  27. John T says:

    Jackass Psycho Offloaded

  28. H.Galea (NRK) says:

    Would have been more profitable to look after his dental health and hygiene

  29. Magical Realism says:

    Is that a botoxed angler-fish minus the l?

  30. Ta'Sapienza says:

    Must be hell, complete with biki u tghezziz ta’ snien.

    Saviour jonqos.

  31. Rizz says:

    I’m sure I will not be able to sleep tonight

  32. U Le! says:


  33. mf says:

    Zibel ibbotiljat.

  34. U Le! says:

    If ever there is a remake of Jesus Christ Superstar they should model Judas on that face.

  35. P Shaw says:

    I cannot figure out why Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando is so angry (indannat to be exact)

    His master and friend is in Castille, his nemesis lost the general election, his ex-wife’s partner is no longer in cabinet, he has three children, he has a girlfriend who accommodates and admires him (dumb yes, and consequently fully compliant), he is a chairman of a national entity and is paid for doing nothing, he earns EUR170,000 for his dentistry practice, and he parties all the time. What else does he want?

    I cannot comprehend his outburst since he has obtained all he wanted, and all pay-backs/vindictive acts that he schemed. He must be ecstatic by now.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      That’s the question that has been puzzling me for the last 21 months. It counts for the Taghna Lkollers too. They’re all living the life of Riley. They’re rich, some of them millionaires and more. They’re all powerful. Their word is policy. They party. They wine and dine. They have sex with women half their age (or with men for those who prefer it). Why should they be so highly strung?

  36. SB says:

    Would love to ask him for any company recommendations for botox job.

    [Daphne – He does his own. He has a botox sideline at the Smile Clinic where he pulls and fills teeth.]

  37. CIS says:

    That is why Labour sent him. They wanted the PN to be ‘msawta’ from their EX. We have gotten used to this tactic now. It is backfiring on the PL and the envoy as well.

  38. George says:

    Ummi ma x’biza’. Dak min hu? Dak jghix f’Malta. Ja gungla li hu. Ikber u ddeporta ruhek ta’ nies, jekk taf kif.

  39. john doe says:

    Just told my naughty son, if you do not go to bed, this man will come and get you.

    He is tucked in bed nicely now.

    Please do not report me for child cruelty.

    It has just been a very long day.

  40. pluribus says:

    Imaginaw dal-bniedem b’arma tan-nar f’idu.

  41. C.G says:

    Aghtih break, Daphne, ghax se tinqatalu xi vina.

  42. Mikiel says:

    The one who is most wicked here is Joseph Muscat who is using ex-Nationalist JPO against Nationalist speakers. However JPO has become a time bomb on the prime ministers’ lap. Who will act the Sheehan part to bring him down. Will it be Lara?

  43. mhux mazzun says:

    He reminds me of Boris Yeltsin after an evening drinking Earl Grey.

  44. holly says:

    Ara veru Mr. Nasty. These photos need to be censored before they terrify our children. Release them for La Befana.

  45. Madoff says:

    He looks like someone sitting on a toilet on a bad day.

  46. Kalipera says:

    A couple of horns would be very fitting on JPO’s head. Smoke coming out of his mouth and nostrils would complete the job. The man’s black heart and soul show through his face.

  47. tony says:

    Cry baby

  48. Rumplestiltskin says:

    The hate is palpable in those pictures.

  49. erskinemay says:

    Quos vult perdere Jovis prius dementat

  50. alex says:

    I am really sorry for this guy; he needs HELP.

    Those with mental health problems need a lot of help especially when they can’t or won’t admit that they are ill, like in the case of this poor chap.

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