The year with Silvio Parnis

Published: December 21, 2014 at 10:31pm

Silvio Parnis – a 2014 retrospective of political activities, coffee mornings and Silvio Parnis Tours:

silvio parnis coffee morning

silvio parnis
































75 Comments Comment

  1. sierra says:

    Daphne, jien irrid inkun bhal dan.

  2. Mike says:

    U cwiec dak li jridu. U hemm nofs poplu hekk.

    Kuntent bil-loqom imma laqwa li taht il-lejber.

  3. Wigi says:

    Refresh your memory.

    Silvio Parnis’s ex assistant, Vincent De Bono, suggests on Facebook that Parnis has embezzled funds raised for charity and that he preys on the vulnerable to his own financial advantage:

  4. Dissident says:

    He must be making shedloads of money

  5. wow says:

    Sometimes I really believe that not everybody has to have a right to vote – INCREDIBLE.

  6. ken il malti says:

    Silvio Parnis is like a mini Billy Butlin.

    A coffee and patchouli-oil-soaked version.

  7. dutchie says:

    “Tul dawn l-attivitajiet ser jibdew jkollna ftit hin taghrif minn esperti fuq taghrif Generali”


    This is a parallel universe, right?

  8. Paddling Duck says:

    What is this ‘Fondazzjoni M’hintix Wahdek’ exactly?

  9. FGF says:

    I’m getting a panic attack just looking at the coffee morning bit-tombla pictures of those crowded halls. How sad. Way to go, Silvio.

  10. MrGlobeTrotter says:

    Xi dwejjaq ta’ nies – every time this guy travels he has to take his constituency with him.

  11. vanni says:

    Norman Hamilton had better watch out, as Silvio tat-Tours is gradually encroaching into his client base.

  12. Natalie says:

    I like those tombola photographs: a line of expansive backsides wearing looks of deep concentration to make sure that Lela ta’ Coffi doesn’t shout ‘Bingo!’ before they do. I also love the cheap handbags all slung over the chair-backs.

    They bring fond memories of when my grandmother used to take me and my sister along for a bingo session held in honour of the village feast. Although I couldn’t have been older than eight at most, I used to amuse myself listening to all the chatter.

    “L-imnieghel! M’hemmx li jitla’ c-cinku!”

    “Rose hi, it-tifel se jaqliblek il-kafe’.”

    “Uuhh, qas waqaft xejn illum, tielgha u niezla minn fuq il-bejt.”

    “Ara Karmena x’taghti b’rasha. Imbaghad tghid li ma torqod xejn.”

  13. Mr Meritocracy says:

    If he wasn’t organising all this for his constituents, you’d think that Silvio Parnis practically ran his own travel agency.

  14. Persil says:

    No wonder he is so popular. So many activities. How is it that he has so much time on his hands?

    He is a family man, works full time in hospital (I believe he does night duties and works Sundays and public holidays) and is a member of parliament, and he also chairs some committee.

    He must be very energetic and making loads of money. He must be very lucky.

    Still I do not envy him.

  15. Jozef says:

    The other Malta is not enough.

  16. eve says:

    Aghtihom l-ikel u t-tombla u jigu!

  17. George Grech says:

    At this rate he will soon replace Mr. Hamilton in London.

  18. observer says:

    LIFE IS A PARTY. Join the Silvio brigade.

  19. v says:

    When does he work?

  20. manum says:

    People live like cattle , prepared for slaughter.

  21. El Mundo says:

    Min jaf kemm qed jaghmel liri minn fuq dahar dax-xjuh kollha. U issa gej ma’ siehbu biex inik ix-Xghajra ukoll.

  22. Mananni says:

    Busy t-tifel! Tiskanta kemm hawn nies ihobbuha t-tombla u jqattghu nofs ta’ nhari hekk.

    U la jriduha Silvio jaghtihilhom. B’xi mod irid ilahhaq ma shabu hux, miskin.

    Qalbu tajba imma ta. Jaghti rigali kbar. Jibghat happy birthday lil kulhadd u minkejja li m’ghamlux ministru tas-sawt ma qatghax qalbu mis-swat u ghaddas rasu u kompla jahdem ghall-moviment.

  23. Bob says:

    Well there you have it. He is a popular guy, elected by a people who live in a restricted area. He represents their aspirations in life. At least he does not have the power to affect us all in the same way as his similar Joe Mizzi has.

  24. Wilson says:

    So a political appointment has been turned into a business venture. Nice. What did you say the corruption index was?

  25. Rumplestiltskin says:

    This guy promotes himself as a serious politician? He’s more like a village, cheap tour/event organizer.

  26. Mila says:

    Silvio Parnis has turned making money from his ‘fund-raisers’ into an art form. I am left wondering how his supporters could possibly be so clueless.

  27. Socrates says:

    Nistghu naraw fid-dettal l-audited accounts ta’ dawn l-attivitajiet li qed jorganizza dan il-profeta?

    Nistghu naraw kif tqassmu u min ibbenefika minn dawn il-flus?

    Silvio Parnis zgur li mhux wahdu fit-tahwid ta’ dak li qed jikkaratterizza l-kilba tal-PL fil-gvern.

    Ic-cittadin jibqa’ wahda ghal madwar tliet snin ohra fid-disperazzjoni li taqbdu (30,000+) meta jiftakar fl-izball straordinarju u esagerat li wettaq meta kien fost dawk li tella’ l-PL fil-Gvern.

  28. Machiavelli says:

    Are all prices inclusive of VAT?

    Don’t you need a Department of Public Lotto permit to organise tombola and a licence to organise tours?

    A confirmation of the low IQ and gullibility of a percentage of our population if one was needed. I despair that these people have a vote.

  29. Joe Fenech says:

    I noticed that the activities are held during the week. Isn’t he a government official?

  30. Nighthawk says:

    This doesn’t look like fundraising to me, it’s a full blown business.

  31. Volley says:

    Qed jaghmel negozju Silvio Parnis!

  32. Proof reader says:

    In between attending coffee mornings, he should find the time to catch up with Maltese language vocabulary and grammar. Or else hire a proof reader.

  33. Jozef says:

    ‘….Each ministry has a whistle blowing officer who is responsible for receiving to whom any reports must be filed.

    In a questions and answers section on the Office of the Prime Minister’s website, it is stated that whistleblowers will not be protected if they fail to file their reports through the correct channels…..’

    From liberal progressives to circumscription of same. Whistle blowing shall now be in triplicate copy, and managed by each ministry.


  34. C C says:

    Ghax meta tibqa minghajr ministeru tas-sawt b’ xi mod trid timligha l-gurnata u fl-istess hin tibqa tidher.

  35. Angus Black says:

    Religjuz il-boy!

  36. Issa Daqshekk says:

    Kont qed nithajjar inhallilu xi haga fil- wirt.

  37. etil says:

    As you will probably be having a Christmas/New Year holiday break, I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

    Thank you for your interesting and informative blog-posts during 2014. You certainly help boost our morale whenever it is at a low ebb due the ‘mistakes’ the PL government is making over and over again.

    Thank you once again.

  38. issa naraw says:

    Today inspector Gabriel Micallef quoted the wrong law in some drug arraignment. The very fact that anything this inspector does even with the best intentions raises eyebrows means that his position is untenable.

  39. joe says:

    Minn fejn bnija l-villa, Silvio Parnis – villa daqs dinja bil-pool. He was just a health assistant at the state general hospital.

    Can somebody explain where he got the money from?

  40. gn says:

    Min jaf Chris Fearne x’jidhak, daqs kemm ma jinhamlux.

  41. L.Gatt says:

    Party animal, insomma.

  42. fm says:

    Il-vjagg li jmiss ma’ Silvio Parnis – gimgha fl-Azerbaijan.

  43. Someone says:

    It seem that the ‘kostings’ for the 23 January coffee morning/tombola went awry.

    The event was advertised at 2 euros. What seems to be a carbon copy of the event 35 days later was upped to 5 euros, i.e. an increase of 250%.

    Who regulates these events and what happens with the proceeds? Are they part of the MP’s personal income or is there some specific regulation?

  44. Bottom says:

    Oh the irony. Something has been happening here as well. Across the pond cardinals draw the short straw, but on this pebble the kitsch wannabes at FCN are awarded fat contracts to suffocate us with their unholy mediocrity in return for their silence. Perhaps you could have kept your mouth shut about this too Lou Bondi to save any dignity you might have left.

    Lou Bondi
    8 hrs · iOS ·
    Something does seem to be happening here.

    Updated – Pope Francis issues blistering critique of Vatican bureaucracy, lists 15 ‘ailments’ -…
    Pope Francis issued a blistering critique Monday of the Vatican bureaucracy that serves him, denouncing how some people lust for power at all costs, live…
    Like · · Share
    3 people like this.

    Kenneth Zammit Tabona The terrorism of gossip! He’s amazing
    8 hrs · Like

    Gino Micallef Super pope
    44 mins · Like

  45. GP says:

    That poor baby (top pic)

  46. Matthew S says:

    What fun do people get from attending such activities? I really don’t get it.

    The photograph at the top of the page looks terrifying. Being trapped in that room would make for a particularly dreadful nightmare.

  47. Xjim Purtani says:

    I wish you Daphne and all the rest, a very Happy Christmas and the best for the New Year.

  48. Maltri says:

    ‘tal-mothers day.’ Cringe.

  49. Dan says:

    I’m trying to figure out what they’re doing in the top picture of the sixth screenshot.

    They seem to be sitting in one of the hotel rooms, staring idly at the balcony door. However, Silvio Parnis thinks it’s a moment worth capturing, and he posts it on Facebook to convince us that his weekend breaks are a ton of fun.

  50. Alfredo says:

    Dear Daphne,

    Last week I had the opportunity of visiting prison during a small celebration held for the inmates and I got chatting with one particular guy who didn’t seem like an inmate at all.

    I don’t know his name but he is clearly identifiable through a tattoo on the left side of his neck. When I asked him why he was doing time in there he said that he was appointed as Karmenu Vella’s secretary when he was still a minister under the new Labour administration.

    Last November he was sentenced to 4 years imprisonment for accepting money to advance a tender. This shocked me because as far as I know, this news didn’t make it to the headlines, or else Karmenu Vella would have had to resign…. or is that really the reason why he was sent to the EU?

  51. Joe Fenech says:

    Dear Daphne, here’s wishing you and your family a Joyous Christmas and a Happy New Year.

    Keep informing us about things/news that government hides from us.

  52. A Mifsud says:

    Merry Christmas, dear Daphne. Best wishes to you and your family.

  53. Pattaya says:

    The way this guy speaks you could tell he is up to no good, he sounds very creepy and obnoxious.

  54. johno says:

    Merry Christmas and God bless

  55. ciccio says:

    Dear Daphne, Best wishes for the Christmas and the New Year.

    Let’s hope that the New Year will be full of other Silvio Parnis adventures which will make us laugh – and despair.

  56. victor says:

    Daphne, whilst appreciating that you well deserve your need for family time, your followers’ need for your contributions is not to be underestimated. Heartful thanks. Wishing you all the extreme best and followers. Merry Christmas.

  57. tinu says:

    Daphne, wishing you and your family all the best for Christmas and the new year.

  58. Darren says:

    Maaaaa x’biza jekk tinqabad ma’ dawn in-nisa kollha Laboristi tar-raba’ distrett tal-ewwel ritratt.

  59. Matt says:

    Is that young girl his wife?

  60. cindy exctasy says:

    I think we should hold people in public office accountable for the lives and the lies they live.

    People did not understand when you exposed the goings-on in a magistrate’s life. Daphne, you must expose the sordid `private lives` of ministers. It is not acceptable for a minister of justice to be cheating on his wife and young daughter.

    He should be held to high standards as he cannot expect to be respected when he is living a lie.

    How can people respect the justice system in Malta when the minister in charge goes on Facebook trying to show what a good father he is when he is carrying on with other women?

    If he does not understand why this is unacceptable it is even more reason for him to be forcibly removed.

  61. Bartolo says:

    Busy man

  62. Jozef says:

    Wasn’t aware Kenneth shall now manage the ‘flea market’.

    So Palazzo Ferreria becomes the backdrop for endless rows of Tom and Jerry beach towels and kinky underwear.

    How baroque.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Kenneth is a like baroque backside: prominent, contrived, dramatic, ubiquitous and present at every heroic happening. But ultimately, still an arse.

  63. Tye says:

    Kenneth had morals but used them according to how fashionable a situation was.

    You can’t play around with morals – morals have no fashion, they are fixed rules. Morals are not red or blue.

    Good morals are what maketh a man.

  64. Tye says:

    Malta has become one big charity shop that reaps big business through fund-raising.

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