There is such a thing as too much information, Mr Busuttil

Published: December 17, 2014 at 12:33pm

Will somebody please send this man the details of some Readers’ Wives site or magazine? They might be more interested than we are.

Oh, and send him another postcard reminding him that he’s a member of parliament. Please.

luciano busuttil 1

Luciano Busuttil 2

36 Comments Comment

  1. Mr Meritocracy says:

    So Mrs. Busuttil Fitzpatrick ‘does’ kohlrabis in her free time.

  2. Arnold Layne says:

    My first reaction at seeing the first picture was: “The carpet surely doesn’t match the curtains” and then I scrolled down to the second one.

  3. Jozef says:

    Ok so he still does, but what happened to the blonde?

  4. Mila says:

    Now WHY would one need to state that? Miskin.

  5. Conservative says:

    Pray, isn’t his wedding band on the wrong hand, on the “big” day when he said “I do”?

    And is it normal for young Maltese women to die their hair a completely different colour to what it should be for their wedding day without bleaching their eyebrows at the very least?

  6. gn says:

    Imbaghad ma jistax jara mara fuq l-internet ghax jittantah. Kuntent hafna jidher.

  7. Issa Daqshekk says:

    How does Mrs Busuttil Fitzpatrick like her kohlrabis? Roasted, steamed, frittered or raw?

  8. QahbuMalti says:


  9. canon says:

    Some say it is the 10-year itch that you should worry about.

  10. David J Camilleri says:

    I see that Mrs Busuttil is no longer blonde. Now she is a brunette.

  11. John T says:

    X’il-lostra irid dan ir-ragel? Indigest ftit – dejjem irid jaghimila tal-helu. Kif nghidu, tad-daqqiet ta’ harta.

  12. victor says:

    X’faqar ta’ nies.

  13. bob-a-job says:

    Was that the first time you said ‘you’re in’?

  14. manum says:

    Such a stupid man.

  15. Maltri says:

    Thank God for small mercies. There is no ‘it’

  16. Augustus says:

    Who cares. Wouldn’t it be better if he could tell us what he’s producing with all the money he’s grabbing from us poor taxpayers.

  17. peanuts says:

    Still do what?

  18. willie inatinovic says:

    Is that the same woman?

  19. H.P. Baxxter says:

    I feel dirty after seeing these pictures.

  20. Mila says:

    We seem to get too much useless information but too little of what we really need to know.

    ”F’dan l-isfond, il-Gvern Malti, fl-assenza ta’ Ambaxxatur Libjan għal Malta, kien qiegħed jirrikonoxxi Charge d’Affairs li ma kien ikkontestat mill-ebda naħa. ”DOI 17.12.14

    ”Mr Huseen M M Benown: Chargé d’Affaires a.i. Libya.”

    ”Sussegwentament, il-Gvern ta’ Tripli informa lill-Gvern Malti li riedu t-tneħħija tax-Charges d’Affairs li kien hemm u floku jiġi akkredidat persuna li tgawdi l-fiduċja tal-Gvern ta’ Tripli.”DOI 17.12.14

    ”A rival Libyan government based in the capital Tripoli, nominated Hussein Musrati as the ambassador to Malta.” TOM

    ”Immedjatament il-Gvern Malti rċieva wkoll Note Verbale mill-Parlament ta’ Tobruk biex ma jirrikonoxxix il-persuna nnominata minn Tripli, imma jirrikonoxxi persuna oħra li ntbagħtet speċifikament minn Tobruk biex tokkupa dan il-post. ”DOI 17.12.14

    The internationally recognised government, now based in the Eastern city of Tobruk, has appointed Al Habib Alamin as ambassador. He is due to enter the embassy today after having stayed in a hotel. TOM

    ”Dan wassal biex inħolqot sitwazzjoni fejn dak id-diplomatiku li jirrappreżenta l-Gvern ta’ Tripli ma jridx iwarrab minn postu biex ikun jista’ jieħu over dak id-diplomatiku mibgħut minn Tobruk. ”DOI 17.12.14

    Questions which are left wide open by the DOI statement:

    Is the person refusing to make way for the new ambassador, the Tripoli appointed Ambassador (Musrati) or the Charge d’Affairs (Benown)?

    Is it a coincidence that the Tripoli appointed Ambassador, which Malta seems reluctant to snub, shares the same first and last name with the previous Libyan ambassador to China who was appointed by Ghaddafi but resigned during a live on-air interview with Al Jazeera about the 2011 Libyan civil war, Hussein Sadiq al Musrati (Arabic: حسين صادق المصراتي‎).

    • Mila says:

      Is this problem being faced by other countries where there is a Libyan embassy?

      If not, why not? Had the Tripoli appointee already entered the embassy or not?

  21. chico says:

    I wonder, is Mrs Luciano Busuttil the daughter of Alfred (Freddie) Fitzpatrick, who lived in the same Mandragg block as Giga, and who found the murdered boy’s body and then lied to police that nobody was home even though there was a dead boy inside? Freddie Fitzpatrick would be in his late 60s today.

  22. Osservatore says:

    Ten years down the line and the peroxide fumes singed my eye lashes. Thanks Daphne.

  23. Clifford says:

    Nammirha lil Dorothy, ghax Kristu tlett sieghat biss issaporta msallab.

  24. Tye says:

    Mal-Labour, jekk turi li inti ‘family boy’ tigbed ftit punti – short-term.

    Long-term tqazzez ‘l Alla li halqek u n-nies ta’ madwarek, u maz-zmien tispicca mhux back-bencher imam back-seat.

    Daphne, ghamlilhom bicca kors fuq l-etika politika on-line. ‘Tenk u’.

  25. Joseph Borg says:

    Was our Foreign Minister fast asleep as was his lord and master during the Mallia saga?

  26. il-Ginger says:

    Shawty wanna thug

  27. U Le! says:

    At least he did not say to us, ‘I’m in.’

  28. mcassar says:

    Am I mistaken in saying that he got the ring on the wrong hand in the first picture?

  29. Brian Sinclair says:

    This guy’s a jerk.

  30. pirellu says:

    That wedding picture is the synthesis of ‘hamalli united’.

  31. Osservatore says:

    He thought that he married a blonde. He knew otherwise the moment he lifted her wedding dress. But beggars cannot be choosers, so he did and he still does.

  32. flixkun says:


    qed idahhal ruxmata flus mill-Kunsill Malti ghall-Isport u ma jghamel xejn. Ghax il-gvern appuntalu lil konsulent Mark Cutajar

  33. gn says:

    Dik in-naqa bracelet fir-ritratt tat-tieg taghmlu sexy ha nghidlek

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