This comic strip from Australia strikes a real chord in Malta

Published: December 11, 2014 at 12:09pm


12 Comments Comment

  1. Wilson says:

    Well, its so true about Australia not so for Malta. The nation isn’t calling them a packet of moron flavoured biscuits, there are too many morons in the street.

  2. A. Charles says:

    Fil-very kaz “tutto il mondo e’ paese”.

  3. Neil says:

    Talk about striking a raw nerve. This is so uncannily close to home.

  4. vic says:

    Does anybody remember this tune?

    “Inzlu minn hemm, ja nies bla demm,
    ghaliex il-poplu lilkom aktar ma jridx hemm.”

  5. Spock says:

    It’s definitely “government by slapstick”! Can’t think of a better one myself .

  6. Ginu says:

    That’s a comic strip, not a cartoon.

    [Daphne – Of course. I have corrected it. Thank you for pointing that out.]

  7. Rumplestiltskin says:

    “Moron flavored biscuits.” Brilliant.

  8. gaetano pace says:

    Cookies are the national biscuits in Malta. Everything gets cooked here, roadmaps, fibs, lies, scandal, with Joseph being the chocolate chip in the cooking.

  9. Melissa says:

    I follow both Maltese and Australian news closely.

    I swear Tony Abbott and Joseph Muscat are related. Unfortunately, Tony Abbot is the prime minister of a much bigger and better country, which makes his imbecilic behaviour so much worse.

    And even so, somehow Australia ‘works’ so much better than Malta ever will.

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