Yes, I have always wanted to be Robert Musumeci or Manuel Mallia

Published: December 21, 2014 at 9:49pm

Look at Leli Mallia’s deep remark to Robert Musumeci. Talk about delusion.


34 Comments Comment

  1. Tabar says:

    Friends with benefits

  2. Don Camillo says:

    Il-Marija Madonna itlob ghalina, l-imhuh ta’ dawn fejn qieghed? Qatta pussies iriduha tal-machos. Kummenti patetici minn miskin ghal iehor.

  3. PWG says:

    To think I thought that this Musumeci guy, before he started mixing with the wrong company, would go places. Now he is reduced to defending the indefensible. How very sad.

  4. sierra says:

    There it goes! Il- moviment ghandu bzonnok. No doubt Mallia will be kicked upstairs before soon.

  5. Banana republic ... again says:

    Brown nosing each other, how ridiculous.

  6. Ginu says:

    And he will be thanked for the services rendered…

  7. H.P. Baxxter says:

    “Issoferma l-kredibilità”.

    Madonna, dan il-Golem ta’ Mallia.

  8. josephine says:

    ‘issofferma’? ‘penalisti’? What a pretentious pompous git.

  9. Drinu says:

    Do they honestly believe in this moviment crap?

  10. Qeghdin Sew says:

    ‘Issofferma’ = ???

  11. Persil says:

    Mallia destroyed himself. How can Labour’s success depend on him, Dr. Musumeci.

    Musumeci is the first Maltese architect and lawyer, I think.

    Also Bishop Scicluna is lawyer and bishop.

    [Daphne – Musumeci is the first in Malta to be both a lawyer and an architect not because he is some kind of renaissance man, but because nobody else bothered to do something so pointless. It also means that he isn’t a gifted architect. If he were, that would have satisfied him and been his life’s calling instead of leaving him hankering for another profession. Did Renzo Piano go to law school in between creating beautiful buildings? Musumeci also operates in a circle made up almost entirely of lawyers and was probably feeling a little left out.]

  12. George Grech says:

    Another shameful incident involving Paceville bouncers. And where were the police ?

  13. observer says:

    “…their failure (?) in your success (?)”

    Not even the great Confucius himself could offer such invaluable pearls of advice to his juniors.

  14. Joe Micallef says:

    “Issofferma” beats “tiventilla” hands down.

  15. Tom Tom says:

    “They see their failure in your success”: Words of supreme wisdom from a super brain.

    Dr Mallia, if either you or Dr Musumeci are presented as examples of success, while they (among whom I presume you include Mrs Caruana Galizia) are a failure, then I would willingly and with pleasure join the failures any time.

  16. jissofferma? says:

    Good lord, what is it with these people? First we had ‘jivventila’ and now we have ‘jissofferma’. A word which sounds sufficiently pompous, but exists only in the dictionary of the sub-literate.

    The right word is jafferma, not jissofferma. Soffermarsi, an Italian word, means to wait, to hesitate. I don’t think Dr Musumeci meant that his Moviment is hesitant in its credibility.

    But there you go. Don’t expect too much, if you’re not a glutton for disappointment.

  17. Socrates says:

    Alla jgennek qabel jitilqek.

    Dan il-messagg ifisser dak li hafna Maltin u Ghawdxin qed jonqsu milli jifhmu sabiex jindunaw dawn il-qabda carlatani u buffi x’tassew huma: imhuh mizerabli u personalitajiet frammentati b’mod l-aktar tangibli. Tant ibikkuni li sirt nithassarhom ghax qeghdin fi stat psikologiku irriparabbli.

    Viva l-PL bil-konfuzjoni kollha u l-krizi papali ta’ identita’ li qed igarrab frott l-injuranza u l-hamallagni grassa li qed jeghreq fihom.

  18. Mila says:

    “Overall, a lack of reading with its concomitant lack of thinking skills is becoming alarmingly apparent.”

  19. james gatt says:

    Salt laghqin u ruffjani. U min irid jitkellem? Dak li kecciethu l-mara ghax ratu li hu reddiegh tal-prima klassi.

    Min irid jitkellem? Min kien igelled is-sriedaq u huwa l-iktar imbeccilli li hawn f’pajjizna. Dawn l-iskart tal-pajjiz li hadd m’ghandhu jankrahom mieghu ghax ikunu dak li l-inglizi jghidu the albatross round your neck.

    U bhalhom disgrazzjatament hawn hafna lesti ready and waiting.

  20. Volley says:


  21. Jozef says:

    I see the true Nationalists feel unwelcome in the Moviment.

  22. M. says:

    “His arraignment took longer than expected because defence counsel Franco Debono noted that an order from the Attorney General’s office to prosecute Mr Polidano contained the wrong law.
    When this was pointed out in court, with Dr Debono requesting his client’s immediate release as the proceedings were null, Magistrate Farrugia gave Police Inspector Gabriel Micallef some time to consult the AG’s office. When the sitting continued, Inspector Micallef walked in with the correct document, admitting the mistake.”

  23. chico says:

    How can one describe this childish exchange between two “grown ups”? Rhetorical reciprocal rubbish is what I call it.

  24. Candy says:

    “Skuzani, imma ghadni mwahhal mall-magistrat”.
    “Ok siehbi”.

  25. fm says:

    ‘Issoferma?’ Din trid tkun avukat biex tifhimha. U le jahasra moghdijin bil-hmerijiet.

  26. fm says:

    Hokkli dari ha nhokklok darek.Kukkanja.

  27. Lizz says:

    ‘Issofferma’. And we have to suffer such fools.

  28. Eddy Privitera says:


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