UPDATED/False front update: Le père de Soleil et Etoile est français aujourd’hui

Published: January 9, 2015 at 9:58pm

hypocrite 1

See update note

See update note

This ace hypocrite would do better to put his money where his mouth is and adopt a less poisonous attitude towards criticism back home. It’s easy to bang on about freedom of expression when you’re doing whatever you can to eliminate the need to have to deal with its inevitable result.

And whatever language this man’s people tweet in on his behalf – English, Maltese and now, French – they make mistakes.

‘I shall (will) be in Paris’ translates as ‘je serai à Paris’ – without an ‘s’. ‘Je serais’ (with an s) means ‘I would be’. Major Diacono, wherever you are, you deserve an accolade that I should have remembered that after 35 years, with no call to do so in between.

UPDATE: A sharp-eyed reader has noticed that Joseph Muscat (or his people) copied, word for word including the erroneous ‘serais’, Matteo Renzi’s French tweet of an hour earlier.

28 Comments Comment

  1. Optimist says:

    English and French. Do these guys ever use social media to communicate in Maltese with those of us who may prefer that language?

  2. M. says:

    On Sunday, he will probably be in Paris with Michelle, Etoile and Soleil in tow for a free holiday and photos for the family album.

    • Madoff says:

      U zgur li jehodhom mieghu x’kull wahda. Kollha jisimhom bil-Franciz xi hlew.

    • Tabatha White says:

      Malta’s contribution for cartoon material.

      Here’s hoping the team working out of Libé will lend a focus to Muscat’s and other leaders’ hypocrisy.

  3. aidan says:

    Vera ha jiehdok mieghu biex tirraprezenta l-gurnalisti Maltin?

  4. c c says:

    When you are stupid enough to use Google Translate you’ll get these kind of errors. Maybe he spoke Finnish when in Brussels.

    [Daphne – Google Translate gives it accurately. I’ve just tried it. Verbs are pretty straightforward.]

    • Neo says:

      So, that means they are stupid enough to copy it instead of trying out Google Translate. Apparently the machine has more brains than these idiots.

  5. Conservative says:

    I am no expert in French, but I regularly visit the country and have some basic grasp of the language – shouldn’t it be – “Le dimanche…”, rather than just “Dimanche”?

    • Joe Fenech says:

      No, it’s just ‘dimanche’. ‘le dimanche’ indicates repetition: “Le dimanche je joue au football” (I play football on a Sunday).

      The last thing Hollande would want is to be lumped with Banana Joe every bloody Sunday.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Actually, he likes him and endorsed him in 2013.

      • Conservative says:

        Thank you, Mr Fenech.

      • Tabatha White says:

        Has Hollande met Shiv Nair?

        Does Hollande have expectations linked to Shiv Nair?

        What has Hollande done to help his amoral friend Joseph Muscat?

        Does Hollande realise that in befriending Joseph Muscat he is linking himself to dirty sources of finance?

        Has Hollande been informed that there are 42000 Libyans in Malta? I suppose the reason they’re here is directly related to their liquidity.

  6. Joe Fenech says:

    Tell Francois Hollande “je suis aussi totalitaire que eux” (I am as totalitarian as they are). The difference lies in the fact that Banana Joe comes from a European culture and is PM of an EU state.

  7. ciccio says:

    Breaking news.

    In Paris, in order to prove Malta’s commitment to freedom of expression, Joseph Muscat is expected to be wearing a specially designed T-shirt with the following message printed on it:

    Je Suis Daphne.

  8. WhoamI? says:


    Le pere de Soleil et Etoile copies mot per mot la tweet du Matteo Renzi typos and all.

    Note RENZI’s tweet (6:49pm), then Joey (7:39).

    What a massive dickhead, honestly.

    [Daphne – Well spotted.]

  9. ciccio says:

    Before the elections, the ‘French’ prime minister Joseph Muscat had said he would not hold a referendum on hunting. It’s in the video in here.


    Now Times of Malta reports as follows:

    “Soon after the decision was announced, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat tweeted that he took note of the judgement and would take decisions without delay. The people’s decision would be respected, he said.

    Justice Minister Owen Bonnici said the President was to be informed of the Court’s judgement by noon today. She would then have 10 days to decide on the date of the referendum, based on the Prime Minister’s advice. The Prime Minister is expected to give the President his opinion soon.

    The government, he said, would be sticking to its commitment to have the referendum and local elections held on the same day so the date of the latter would be moved accordingly.”

    So is the ‘French’ prime minister saying that he will hold a referendum on hunting, or is he just hiding behind the Janice Minister who is saying so instead of the prime minister?


    In the video clip shown on Times of Malta, the prime minister suggests that we know his position about the referendum on hunting. No, I don’t know about the prime minister’s position on the subject, at all. What is that position exactly?

  10. H.P. Baxxter says:

    What a muppet.


  11. nutmeg says:

    Never one to pass on a photo op. Another Ice Bucket Challenge.

  12. makjavel says:

    So was his doctorate written out for him and copied word for word?

    Sometimes I wonder if he can write his own speeches.

    [Daphne – He doesn’t have to. No prime minister does.]

  13. Mila says:

    May I suggest that he informs everyone, next to him tomorrow, that the country he governs has gone down 6 points, to number 51, in the Reporters without Borders’ 2014 World Press Freedom index.


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