From Friday’s Public Accounts Committee hearing

Published: January 25, 2015 at 11:39am

gonzi tender

18 Comments Comment

  1. gn says:

    Tal-biki xi tlifna.

  2. pablo says:

    F’sekonda, b’mod kalm, kixef l-arroganza u l-korruzzjoni ta’ min qieghed jipprova jhammiglu ismu.

    • etil says:

      They are not happy with winning the elections by a 9-seat majority. They are out to kill completely. Why are they still so unhappy or rather, insecure – the mind boggles.

      • hmm says:

        Spiteful people can never be happy. They thrive on bringing other people into their unhappy world.

        They are never capable of appreciating what they can achieve but want to take away the achievements of others. They live in an unending cycle of spitefulness and unhappiness.

  3. giraffa says:

    I never thought I would miss Lawrence Gonzi so badly. Surrounded as we are by thieves, idiots and opportunists, listening to him speaking brings such a nostalgic pain.

    How in God’s name did the country vote out this intelligent, integral and honest politician, for the current baboons?

    • bob-a-job says:

      Mainly because he was too hard-headed to accept that he was surrounded by a number of incompetent fools who made up his team and ran his party not to mention a few members of parliament he could well have done without.

  4. Bubu says:

    For all his conservatism, I miss Lawrence Gonzi.

  5. Candy says:


  6. canon says:

    Risposta ezatta.

  7. jack says:

    Lawrence Gonzi reduced to tu quoque and scrambling all over the place.

  8. aidan says:


  9. P Shaw says:

    U imbaghad Eddie Fenech Adami, bir-rispett kollu waqt intervista ricenti, baqa jinsisti li s-sewwa jirbah zgur. Qed jghix go holma utopjana.

  10. bob-a-job says:

    The session may be viewed here.

    The comment is at around the 40:45 mark.

  11. av says:

    After listening to the Public Accounts Committee hearing on Friday, I am inclined to believe that Mrs George Farrugia chose those words for the sole reason of compromising Lawrence Gonzi.

    If she were on such close terms with him, then she would have just called him or dropped in at his home and tried to get him to talk about it. She wouldn’t have emailed him.

    Even the dumbest person knows that when trying to corrupt someone, it is better not to leave any traces.

    I wonder if she acted in that way upon counsel from some crafty lawyer.

    • aidan says:

      Crafty frog.

    • bob-a-job says:

      I don’t think so.

      Mrs Farrugia did what many people do when they want to meet someone important they are NOT familiar with – they pretend familiarity in the hope that it would be reciprocated.

      Today they take selfies with complete strangers just because they are Members of Parliament.

      A Member of Parliament once told me that he discovered a huge family including distant cousins on being elected, people he had no inkling of before.

      That goes to show you.

  12. Luke says:

    At a point when Justyne Caruana was questioning Gonzi I wanted to cry.

    This great statesman, being interrogated by a nobody, treating him like a child, being disrespectful, rude, verament tal-biki.

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