Janice chases her boyfriend’s boss and cabinet colleagues with a mike…but not very hard

Published: January 25, 2015 at 6:41pm

janice and daphne

Here’s the Justice Minister’s Super One girlfriend in action, chasing her boyfriend’s boss and cabinet colleagues with a mike. But as you can see, she’s not chasing them terribly hard.

TVM’s Daphne Cassar has beaten her to it.

Because even Janice Bartolo must know that it’s, well, kind of awkward. As if working for the party station doesn’t compromise her enough, she’s doubly compromised by sleeping with one of the people she’s meant to chase.

She certainly chased the Justice Minister, though, didn’t she. She chased him until she caught him, and it wasn’t with a mike or a recording device, either.

12 Comments Comment

  1. WhoamI? says:

    Dak il-fahal ha kwart mir-ritratt. U ghandu two thirds minn gismu ma jidhirx ukoll.

  2. mf says:

    She must have been fcukked-up tired.

  3. H.P. Baxxter says:

    SUPER topical:


    “Art is a power, and much of its true power is invisible, private, memorised and held even in prison cells and on forced marches, so you can see why totalitarians of all kinds dislike it. “

  4. curious says:

    That must have been one tough question they were asking Muscat. Xi kruha ta’ wcuh.

  5. Rokku says:

    I see that Glen Bedingfield has more chins than a Chinese telephone directory. Which reminds me Super One has become a right bedding field.

  6. stephen says:

    I look at you with disdain, cheap journalist. I’m the Prime Minister you know.

  7. Tom Double Thumb says:

    Talking about chasing, is anybody chasing a few members of the largest ever cabinet in Malta? Some, like George Vella, Louis Grech and Edward Scicluna, seem to be practising the vanishing trick for long periods.

    A few ministers are constantly making the news, mainly for the wrong reasons. I think that, in a quiz prgramme, a very difficult question would be, “Can you name at least 50% + 1 of the Cabinet Ministers?”

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