Joe Mizzi: what a mess

Published: January 29, 2015 at 9:38am

First he flies to Spain for a spot of backroom dealing with the bidder who then won the bus service contract, and now he refuses to publish his deal with them.

Ma kienx hemm xi arlogg tal-lira jew xi football tickets, ghal li jista jkun?

joe mizzi

23 Comments Comment

  1. Francis Said says:

    All this secrecy leads to speculation. Speculation leads to uncertainty and suspicion.

    Suspicion makes one smell. The putrid smell of corruption.

  2. canon says:

    Dealing with the bidders behind people’s back is shady.

    Even former PM Lawrence Gonzi referred to Joe Mizzi’s visit to Spain to meet the bidders when he appeared before the Public Accounts Committee.

    Minister Zammit Lewis objected to that, saying that it has nothing to do with what the PAC was discussing.

  3. xifajk says:

    you have to see Glen Bedingfield’s comment on facebook re Simon Busuttil defending Toni Bezzina. Skont Glen, “Jaqbillu jiddefendih ghax jieklu”

  4. Mila says:

    ”…Joe Mizzi drop the biggest hint yet that the contract signed with Autobuses de Leon will probably be tabled in parliament sometime in March, once an extensive information campaign is launched.”

    If you ask me the devil is in the ‘extensive information campaign’ where I expect to be told what to think, feel and see.

  5. makjavel says:

    Halsulu il-biljett tal-Korrida.

    Wara haduh jiekol paella.

    Imbaghad tawh xebgha tadam.

    Wara indilek dilka Vaseline u iddikjara id-dhul tax-xarabanks il-godda minghajr tbatija.

  6. gn says:

    Dwar zejt u tal-linji, kollox mar-roadmap mexielu.

  7. Fred the Red says:

    This guy specialises in hot air balloons.

  8. Watcher of lies says:

    To the 29 million euros, an increase of 19 million euros a year over what Arriva got, one must also add the significantly lower cost of diesel, resulting from the crash in the price of oil, that the Spanish operator will soon be enjoying, if not already being the case, at the expense of the Maltese tax-payer.

    We tax payers are subsidising commuters, a high percentage of whom are tourists on holiday.

    Hence we are subsidising holidays for foreigners. Gonzi had rightly took this fact into consideration and did not subsidise bus tickets for non-Maltese but Joe Muscat was highly NEGATIVE about this just decision.

    In fact Muscat reduced bus tariffs for foreigners as soon as he got into the seat of power, subsidising foreigners by the same amount as Maltese commuters.

    Shame on Muscat.

  9. ChrisM says:

    A bunch of hypocrites, the whole lot of them.

  10. Jack Bean says:

    Kollox bis-‘soft launch’, sieħbi!

    Tassew li l-poplu Malti mazzun biex emmen daqshekk bi ħġaru lil dawn il-qabda inkompetenti, giddibin, faċċoli u arroganti. Donnu li l-poplu Malti ma jitgħallem qatt — jaħraq idejh darba, tnejn u ma jitgħallimx.

    Mur ġibhom kieku dawn il-bużullotti ġraw taħt amministrazzjoni PN. Il-veru poplu li jinxtara bil-kliem sabiħ.

  11. Mila says:

    ”In a parting shot, Mr Mizzi said that the new service – which is already operative – has resulted in better service on more routes without putting extra cost burdens on users of the service.”

    Because, you know, tax money grows on trees. And since Mr. Mizzi is saying that this service is better, then who are we, brainless people, to think otherwise?

  12. catharsis says:

    Ma tarax. Dawk l-affarijiet in-Nazzjonalisti biss jaghmluhom. Imnalla kien Lawrence Gonzi li tkelkem dan l-ahhar ghax kullhadd donnu waqa’ fil-muta.

  13. gort says:

    And what about the Madonna taz Zejt oil dry well in Gozo that Joe Mizzi commissioned in1998?

    Malta ended up paying 30 million euro for that well thanks to joe mizzi when previously mlata never paid a penny to foreign oil companies for drilling of oil wells.

    Lots of arloggi tal-lira I presume!

  14. Be-witched says:

    Joe Mizzi – an eternal, innate, utter mess everywhere. Full stop.

  15. gort says:

    Joe Mizzi may be a mess, but as former whip he knows too much about his colleagues in the PL, their business ventures and personal life.

    That explains his immunity on matters corrupt. No one would dare to corner that old rat or risk getting exposed himself. He is probably beyond the control of the PM who calls him ‘the Jew’ behind his back.

  16. bob-a-job says:

    Mizzi jizerzaq – u dan għadu ma sabx iż-żejt.

  17. anthony says:

    You cannot expect anything but a mess from a through and through fraud.

    If he raises one of his arms high enough, the entire Maltese archipelago would not survive the fallout.

    Arlogg tal-lira?

    It smells more like a Big Ben.

    His cupboard is a twenty-first century Chapel of Bones.

  18. Joe Fenech says:

    Brilliant photo. Says it all really!

  19. Barabbas Borg says:

    One wonders what does he have to hide? I also once heard him say he said he has some rocks in his garage showing evidence of oil in Malta. Or did I misunderstand him on that occasion? Not sure.

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