Market stalls are inspired by traditional Maltese culture and heritage

Published: January 30, 2015 at 1:56pm


market stalls

27 Comments Comment

  1. Tania says:

    At first I thought the stall was a bus stop

  2. Edward says:

    Do they come with the same sign of “Keep Out”?

  3. ciccio says:

    U ejja, they can’t be that bad. This is what a row of those stalls will look like in strong winds.

  4. RF says:

    Do we have to keep that market in Valletta forever? It’s time they set up and invest in good shops like every other serious businessman.

    • Jack Bean says:

      “Hekk ħa nkunu wettaqna wegħda oħra moll-programm elettorali tagħna.”

      Dan kien il-muvument ‘Tagħna Lkoll’.

      Għal dan ivvutaw l-i-‘switchers’.

  5. grech john says:

    They are likely to fly away in strong winds. Labour how low can you go?

  6. bob-a-job says:

    I don’t think anyone has really understood the basic concept of these stalls.

    The stalls have been designed to double as folklore settings in the carnivalesque official opening of the Valletta 2018 celebrations. The Maltese Crosses will be removed and worn by actors in a ‘Gensna’ type ‘rok’ opera.

    The permanence of the stalls will offer refuge to those seeking shelter for the night so as to free the ‘no-go-areas’ of Safi and in particular Marsa for the likes of Charlon Gouder.

    The stalls superb design and aesthetics do not impair Renzo Piano’s efforts in anyway, if anything they compliment them. Beauty, after all, presents a standard of comparison.

    What’s more the stalls’ designer, William Lewis, is prominently featured of the MLP’s webpage and is presented as the MLP’s ‘Segretarju Organizattiv’ and an architect in his own right who runs his own company and has been assisting the MLP for the past 18 years. The website explains that Lewis was involved with the ‘Forum Żgħażagħ Laburisti’ and gave Louis Gatt a helping hand in the ‘uffiċċju Elettorali’ (MLP)

    In 2012 his genius was discovered by Ambassador Ray Azzopardi (former head of MLP radio) who handpicked him to assist the MLP in the 2013 electoral campaign.

    Renzo Piano’s name, on the other hand, does not surface anywhere on the website at all.

  7. Mila says:

    It seems that this government has a serious case of what the left hand does, the right hand does not know about.

    All that talk about konsultazzjoni and trasparenza and so forth.

    Needless to say, if even ‘chief’ Jason Micallef finds the stall design mediocre, it must really be the pitts.

  8. Dunstan says:

    Come on, don’t you get it? Those are SIX STAR stalls.

  9. Talking Through His Hat says:

    The stalls look like Chinese rickshaws.

  10. edgar says:

    Will Silvio ‘Tal-Mqaret’ Zammit be setting up a snus stall there with J Dalli BA?

  11. saggio says:

    For city gate to be complete, I suggest that the government now relocates the Luqa penis monument there.

  12. Phili B says:

    Eight-pointed cross, yes, but Maltese my foot. Can’t they even Google it to make sure?

  13. RF says:

    What were the architect’s previous projects? Bird-cages for Franky Tabone?

  14. ajeje says:

    Daphne, let’s hope that these stall do not end up being dumped. They can be used as horse shelters, or at best bus stop shelters.

    Mhux zmien il-hela.

  15. Tabatha White says:

    I’ll bet this has been worked out to play out a role in a marketing photo or specific footage aimed at x market.

    Any other value nil. Any other interest nil.

    Every square millimetre that can be exploited for squander will.

  16. Ciikku l-Poplu says:

    Ma nafx kif accetawna fl-Ewropa ghax taht dal gvern aktar jixirqilna membri fil-Magreb.

    Immagina tidhol f’belt medjevali u fortifikata bhal (ghal min siefer) San, Giminiano, Assisi, Erice etc u fid-dahla issib tilqek dik il-pastazat, qliezet ta’ taht, ghasafar film gaggeg etc.

    Biex inkomplu nitfu l-melh fuq il-ferita ser jibqu hemm permanenti anki meta ma hemmx suq. Belt kapitali Ewropeja b’dahla qisha ta’ xi Medina t-Tunezija jew Marokk. Gvern minghajr identita Ewropeja. Dan kien Il-kuncett ta’ qabel l-elezzjoni li “cool to be Labour”?

    Hasra li l-passaporti ma ghadhomx hodor bhal ma ghamilhom il-Labour qabel in-1987.

  17. pluribus says:

    Qishom dura ghall-kacca.

  18. TC says:

    It looks like some plumber had some left-over pipes and decided to build a shed for his donkey.

  19. TC says:


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