Nadine Noko’s cartoon

Published: January 30, 2015 at 2:23pm

nadine noko

11 Comments Comment

  1. jim says:


  2. ciccio says:


  3. jim says:

    Didn’t know about Nadine Noko’s cartoons.

  4. Volley says:

    Says it all.

  5. F. Muscat says:

    Simple: those market traders have got their way and ruined the entrance to Valletta, and we’ll show them what we think about their selfishness by shopping elsewhere.

  6. Mila says:

    Information about Valletta in travel books will henceforth be transferred from the ‘about’ page to the ‘jokes’ page.

    ”The whole country is steeped in history, especially the elegant capital city of Valletta, which has been recognised as a UNESCO World Heritage …”

    Yes, sadly for us the ahhh will turn into a haha at our expense.

  7. bob-a-job says:

    When Joe Mizzi announced that he would be relocating the Valletta open air market to Ordnance Street he had to the left of him Kenit Zammit Tabona. (Kenneth għal tal-pepè biss)

    One cannot expect someone like Mizzi to understand how wrong that decision is, but one nonetheless would have expected at least a whimper of protest from Zammit Tabona.

    Mamma mia. How our Kitten has lost its claws.

  8. bob-a-job says:

    Has someone thought about the security risks in positioning those stalls right under Parliament House?

    What if someone decided to plant a bomb in one of them?

    This is particularly true in the event of the stalls becoming permanent fixtures.

    This is utter madness.

  9. gn says:

    Nittama li jhalluhom hemm dawk li ghamlu.

    Uliedna jkunu jafu xinhi d-differenza bejn progett Nazzjonalista u progett Laburista.

    U l-istorja tiggudika lil kulhadd wahedha.

  10. winston psaila says:

    Buy one; get one free.

  11. hmm says:

    Nadine Noko is a great artist, love her work.

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