Owen Bonnici’s Manchester tan

Published: January 24, 2015 at 12:27am

Looks like the Justice Minister has got on the wrong side of the television make-up lady. Maybe she disapproves of love cheats. Or maybe he was running late and snatched up a bottle of Janice’s foundation from the bathroom cabinet on the way out – and picked her summer bottle by mistake (because men don’t know about these things).

Even the Spouse of the Prime Minister has given that one up. But then in forges Owen, looking like something you’d see in bandage mini and studded shoes with six-inch heels outside a pub in Greater Manchester.

owen bonnici fake tan


25 Comments Comment

  1. ken il malti says:

    Why the fcuk is he orange?

  2. Joe Fenech says:

    Aren’t they afraid of ‘fabbriki tal-cancer’ any more?

  3. bernie says:

    “fabbrika tal-kancer”. Haven’t heard that phrase uttered by a single Labour politician for almost two years now. Hypocrites.

  4. canon says:

    It could be that Owen Bonnici was blushing due to emotional stress.

  5. caulkhead says:

    The future is Orange.

  6. George says:

    Who’s that lady with the orange face?

  7. ciccio says:

    I know he wants to appear liberal, but me thinks he is working too hard at it.

    What colour is that, anyway? “Vintage orange”?

  8. Angus Black says:

    Owen should be careful about his ingestion of beta-carotene.

  9. Wilson says:

    Because he deserves a Manchester tan.

  10. Zunzana Blu says:

    Is his face expanding, or are his mouth, nose and eyes getting closer to each other by the day?

  11. anthony says:

    Could be he had just popped a tablet of Sildenafil.

  12. KALANCC MA (cantab) says:

    But why all this animosity? Isn’t it obvious that he is blushing? If he isn’t he should be.

  13. WhoamI? says:

    L-aqwa dawk il-boroz taht ghajnejh! Kollha bl-inkwiet dawk.

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