Top comment: “the overarching constitutional argument against scaremongering by bird exterminators”

Published: January 29, 2015 at 6:05pm

Giovanni Bonello sent in this comment earlier today, beneath my post about the lawyers’ press conference.


What was yesterday signed by the 12 jurists (including myself) is the irrefutable legal argument, which I fully endorse.

In my view, there is also a more overarching constitutional argument against the scaremongering of the bird exterminators – “all hobbies are now in danger”.

No, they are not.

There are some superior values that are expressly protected by the Constitution or by law. Among these are the landscape, the environment, the guardianship of nature, the survival of biodiversity.

There are ‘hobbies’ or ‘traditions’ which go against these protected values, there are hobbies that are neutral, and there are hobbies that actually promote these values.

It is perfectly permissible to abolish or regulate, by law or by referendum, hobbies or traditions that go against the higher values secured by the Constitution or by law. Spring hunting is about the only popular hobby or tradition that violates these protected higher values.

It is perfectly permissible to hold a referendum that would abolish an activity harmful to values endorsed by the Constitution and by law, such as spring hunting.

But it is wholly unconstitutional and illegal to try to hold a referendum to abolish an activity that does not go against any superior value protected by the Constitution or by law.

I assume full responsibility for this assurance.

7 Comments Comment

  1. Charles Mizzi says:

    This makes perfect sense but I find the last paragraph to be undemocratic.

    It is legal for a bunch of MPs, that are proxies of the electorate, to alter the Constitution or any law but it’s illegal for the electorate to do the same through a referendum?

  2. Jozef says:

    Unless of course, we prefer tradition to the constitution.

    Just wait for the class struggle whimpering.

  3. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Total RESPECT to Giovanni Bonello.

  4. tbg says:

    “There are some superior values that are expressly protected by the Constitution or by law. Among these are the landscape, the environment, the guardianship of nature, the survival of biodiversity.”

    If the harming or non protection of the above values is unconstitutional, then why is a referendum required? Spring hunting (or all hunting for that matter) should be banned outright.

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