Why did the chicken cross the bridge?

Published: January 30, 2015 at 8:10pm

It needed a hot pink G-string in man-made fibres for its hen party.


5 Comments Comment

  1. Tutti Frutti says:

    You’ve got to be a real turnip to like those stalls but dislike Renzo Piano’s design for the entrance to the city.

  2. Mila says:

    Well, Labour has always been the party who thinks cheap is brilliant. That keeps the trough full for the anointed few.

    I just saw the new traffic light and traffic signs poles in Msida. They scream cheap design. They look as if il-haddied tal-kantuniera put them together.

  3. A Montebello says:

    You’ve made me laugh before, many times. This killed me.

    I called my mother to read it out to her and she hollered and called you (endearingly) a “brikkuna”, and then we laughed some more.

    Because really, if you don’t laugh, you cry.

  4. Mila says:

    This is not relevant to your post but it must not go unnoticed:

    ”The union also objected to the deceitful language used by the corporation management in its transfer letters to the workers.

    The letters stated that the Engineering Resources Ltd had accepted their request to be seconded to another department.

    The union said none of its members had requested transfers or to be seconded so the management was using such words to give the impression that the transfer was requested by the workers.”

    Now why do the two words ‘Leisure Clothing’ keep coming to mind?


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