Taghna Lkoll: Ahna Maltin u nitkellmu bil-Malti, hi
February 15, 2015 at 9:58am
Those responsible for promoting tourism in Gozo have released the carnival programme in Maltese only. Perhaps the only kind of tourism they want to promote is ‘tourism’ from Malta.
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But the header still says “Carnival”.
Presumably it only serves to draw the tourists closer, then when they can’t make out the smaller text in Maltese, out comes the proverbial birdie.
So why are the heading “Carnival” and date in English?
Stupid people.
Tgħid għaliex kitbu Carnival? U ghaliex kitbu d-data bl-Ingliż? Ħawwadni Mulej ħa nifhem l-imħuħ li hemm fl-Uffiċċju Kulturali. Jew anki diffiċli għalik, Mulej?