The prime minister’s special aide continues to tweet about what wine he’s drinking

Published: February 15, 2015 at 11:31am

Like anybody gives a cuss. Grow up, Glenn. You’re so unsophisticated. Drink it and keep it yourself.

This island is riddled with grown-ups behaving like fifth-formers, wanting to tweet everyone about what they’re doing so they don’t look like losers. And they don’t realise that this is exactly the kind of behaviour which, at their stage in life, makes them look exactly that: losers.

Anybody who really has a life isn’t tweeting it or putting it on Facebook, rest assured.

Advice to Glenn Bedingfield: tweet about your bottle of wine and people will assume that it’s an exceptional event for you, so noteworthy that you have to tell everyone about it. The same goes for all those idiots posting rubbish on Facebook about where they’re eating, going, spa-ing, chatting or drinking.

Grow up, the lot of you.


29 Comments Comment

  1. Miaow Miaow says:

    Naħseb li Glenn mhux sofistikat għax ittieħed minn dak li qed jagħmilha miegħu, dak li joqgħod Burmarrad.

    Jew kien hekk qabel u issa sar anqas soffistikat ghax qed jagħmilha ma’ dak ta’ Burmarrad?

  2. Joe Fenech says:


  3. Mila says:

    Qisu qatt ma ra xejn dan.

  4. Observer says:

    Kuntent ghaliex cuc (bit-tikek)?

  5. Brum says:

    Bedingfield and his sort never were or will be sophisticated.

  6. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Is he getting any?

    • P Bonnici says:

      That’s the problem here H.P. He is not getting ‘any’ and that is why he writes about wine instead.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Thought so. But I find it strange. Financially, he is more than well set up. And in the end, that’s all you need.

  7. etil says:

    I do not give a rat’s tail about what Glenn is drinking. Does he have nothing better to do? It appears he has only just found the pleasures of drinking. Stupid fellow.

  8. Augustus says:

    Maybe he’s getting paid for advertising. Kullhadd irid jaqla, hu.

  9. A. Charles says:

    Maybe your Taste&Flair magazine would help Beddingfield to widen his worldly pleasures. By the way, as usual, this magazine is excellent.

  10. Alison says:

    Glenn, who cares about the wine you’re drinking? You went into wine business at the wrong time. It’s so bloody cheap these days.

    It’s so cheap that the previous government had ordered the collection of glass items to be collected every Tuesday in certain areas of Malta and now thanks to you and your sort, the scheme has been stopped and people are buying so much wine, they’re cluttering the pavements with empty bottles.

    So much for your Malta, nifs gdid, nifs nadif slogans, cleaner air verses in your Taghna Lkoll song, but all I see is dirt, dirt and more dirt.

    The country is so dirty, I’m beginning to wonder what people like you and your group are being paid for.

    Give back to the Maltese people what the Maltese people deserve to have – that is, the money you are all stealing from us.

  11. Nighthawk says:

    But, but, but Daphne, don’t you know Glans Baddinkfield is famous and everyone wants to know what he’s doing?

  12. Personal says:

    Min ghandu l-bzar ha jroxxu. That is a Maltese saying. I do not care what others eat and drink. I eat whatever I like and I do not make it public.

    These things are personal and not for public consumption.

    Some think that by saying at which restaurant they dined and which wine they drank makes them a cut above the rest. Simple minds.

  13. Gee Dee says:

    Simply idiotic.

  14. canon says:

    Nahseb li Chianti Classico Peppoli 2011 huwa tajjeb ghax tajjeb.

    U tajjeb ghax b’xejn.

  15. Lizz says:

    Vorrei ma non posso.

    Allura ninfexx nghid lill kullhadd kemm jien sofistikat fil-gostijiet tieghi. Bhal dak li qallu, mhux internet search tmur fin-nofs; best wines.

  16. H.P. Baxxter says:

    I drank tap water from the toilets at The Palace once. Next day I got the runs for three days straight.

    Must have been 1600s vintage.

    This is a true story.

  17. Frans Cassar says:

    Dak biex jurina fejn qed jonfoq flus il-poplu. Din bħal taċ-ċitazzjonijiet – IĦALLAS L-UFFIĊJU TAL-PRIM MINISTRU.

  18. C C says:

    Besides posting what they are doing, eating etc, what I think is even worse is posting what their children are eating, doing or achieving. Get a real life not a virtual one on Facebook! You have children so don’t behave like one.

  19. ken il malti says:

    Nothing says intelligence like having a fat and annoying drinker as a special aide to the PM.

  20. janni says:

    Ghalxejn jippozaw ta’ puliti u jixorbu l-ifjen inbejjed ghax xorta l-istess nies baqaw.

  21. Francis Saliba M.D. says:

    Glenn sounds like like an excited schoolboy who has just tasted wine for the first time.

  22. jim says:

    Maybe we’ll see a tweet from Michelle about 50 Shades of Grey.

  23. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Glenn is the Cool Aide.

  24. triple chin says:

    A nice Chianti, after eating Glenn, my dear Cherise.

  25. verita says:

    We shouldn’t waste our time writing about this as it can be used as an alienation from the serious problems we are facing that require our attention. Glen loves the publicity.

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