Top comment: Phyllis Muscat and Alfred Sant in Barcelona

Phyllis Muscat – first tried to play Theodora to Alfred Sant’s Justinian and when he failed three times at the hurdle, she turned her focus on the coming man, his minion Joseph Muscat

Joseph Muscat – he travels regularly with Phyllis Muscat and their families, receives hospitality at her home and spends summer weekends on her boat which is moored at Mellieha.

Former Labour leader and current Labour MEP Alfred Sant – before Phyllis Muscat began preying on Joseph Muscat, she did the same with Sant. When he lost his third general election, in 2008, he disappeared from public view. He was holed up at Phyllis Muscat’s house on the Santa Marija Estate in Mellieha.
You know how I told you yesterday something that I had known for years – that Phyllis Muscat tried to be Theodora to Alfred Sant’s Justinian before she wrote him off when she realized his minion Joseph Muscat was the coming man?
And I also told you yesterday that when Sant disappeared after losing his third general election on the trot, in 2008, and the press couldn’t find him anywhere, he was holed up at Phyllis Muscat’s (I can’t write ‘Mrs Muscat’ because you’ll think I mean The Spouze) house on the Santa Marija Estate in Mellieha, being handled with care and chicken soup.
And beneath that post, this absolutely hysterical comment has just come in (see below). You know what I always say right? That big and/or ugly women are the most insidious, because nobody notices them or thinks they’re a contender, so they slip right in, manipulate their way through, and manage to stay completely invisible to the press in terms of their political machinations because nobody imagines they’re up to something.
When Phyllis Muscat was first appointed to the CHOGM top job, and I wrote – have I been proved right, or what – that it was possibly this government’s most insane appointment because the woman has done nothing but import face cream and sell it to beauticians, and however much face cream you sell and however much money you make, the process is still exactly the same, I was criticized by quite a few men and the occasional beautician. The men, fascinatingly, all said the same thing – that Phyllis Muscat is a wonderful person of amazing abilities (and I realized immediately that she had been sucking up to them big-time) and the women beauticians said ‘miskina Phyllis – she’s always been so nice to me’. Well, yes, dear – it’s always a good idea to be nice to your customers.
This Phyllis is one cunning Big Mama, and the people she smarms around strategically don’t realize what she’s up to preciselybecause she’s not some sex kitten in her 20s or some glamorous and ‘experienced’ older woman. Look at the way everybody immediately clocked the mayor of Hal Qormi, with her every move making news to the point where she can’t operate below the radar for longer than a few weeks. If people were to see Rosianne Cutajar coming off a yacht every other summer weekend with Joseph Muscat, or walking through the streets of Barcelona with Alfred Sant when he was party leader, or coming off a plane with ‘Joseph’ and/or The Spouze, they would have sat up and taken notice.
But when they see a woman who looks like one of those Mamas I remember cleaning doorsteps or queuing at the tiny grocer when I worked at an office in Marsa docks more than 30 years ago, their eyes glaze over and they nothing goes ‘click’ in their mind. She might be his mother or his aunt or something. Women like that are invisible until they cease to be, which is why Phyllis Muscat made the biggest mistake of her life in accepting that high profile appointment.
This comment was sent in by Rob.
Some years ago this woman (Phyllis Muscat) was spotted with Alfred Sant in Barcelona centre walking cheerfully down a main shopping street.
Sant was in a suit and looked overweight.
Phyllis Muscat was dressed like a whore and you’d think she was one if they weren’t social and obviously good friends.
Not saying she had her boobs showing but she had high boots and a short skirt and looked little short of a seductress.
Had her skirt been black leather and had she held a whip she would have fit the dominatrix part superbly.