The delusion of some knows no bounds

Published: April 17, 2015 at 12:45am

“My heart is pure”, says Lara Boffa, who dated a married man and broke up his second marriage which was just a few months old.

“My heart is pure”, says Lara Boffa, who lives with the very impure Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando.

“My heart is pure”, says Lara Boffa, who got her married boyfriend to put her on the state payroll as his personal assistant, corrupting the interview process.

“My heart is pure”, says Lara Boffa, who used her own father, dying, suffering from senile dementia, vulnerable and unaware what was happening, to promote Joseph Muscat in the general election campaign.

“My heart is pure”, says Lara Boffa, who traded her heavy presence in the Labour Party general election for material advantages, position and a directorship on the board of Enemalta Corporation (she didn’t last).

“My heart is pure”, says Lara Boffa, who, when asked whether she wants migrating birds to continue to shot during the breeding season, voted Yes just as Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando did.

Your heart might be pure, Miss Boffa, but precious little else is.

Being a grown-up means staring yourself straight in the face and accepting yourself for what and who you really are. Try it.

I’m glad, though, that your strength is as the strength of 10. Going by the accounts of both of your boyfriend’s ex wives, there will come a time when you will need that – and a gun.

lara boffa