So people are still starving under Joseph

Published: June 8, 2015 at 10:55am

food aid

Michael Farrugia and his girlfriend Amanda Mifsud - instead of fixing the food aid programme, he's been busy fixing prominent and well-paid government jobs for his girlfriend.

Michael Farrugia and his girlfriend Amanda Mifsud – instead of fixing the food aid programme, he’s been busy fixing prominent and well-paid government jobs for his girlfriend.

And they’re waiting for EU food aid. Thank God we defied Joseph and voted for EU membership when he told us not to, because otherwise he would now have to give those “deprived Maltese” bags of pasta himself, leaving him with a little less money to hand out to his cronies, hangers-on, henchmen and paymasters.

Yet Joseph’s government has even managed to botch this up. It’s beginning to look like the only thing that Joseph’s government does efficiently is negotiate corrupt deals.

Times of Malta reports this morning on the mess Joseph’s government has made of food aid distribution:

“Technical problems” have prevented the government from rolling out a new EU food aid programme for Malta’s most deprived.

The last programme, under which bags of food were distributed to those in need, came to an end in February and Malta was granted €4 million by the EU to introduce another scheme lasting until 2020.

But the new programme – described by the EU as an important source of provisions for organisations working in direct contact with the least fortunate people in society – has yet to be put into action.

A spokesman for the Social Solidarity Ministry admitted it had encountered technical problems as tender submissions and a call for partner organisations “did not fully meet the eligibility criteria when these were issued for the first time”. However, a second round of calls has now been issued and “it is anticipated that the distribution of food items in Malta will commence in September/October 2015,” the spokesman said.

There has also been a mix-up over who was supposed to be in charge of the programme. The spokesman said that at first they were told it would be administered by the President of Malta as part of “the new powers” she had been given. However, a spokesman for the President told this newspaper that this was not possible as “when this programme was delegated to this office, there was no proper structure in place to ensure this operation.”

This is insane. I know people have positive words to say about Marie Louise Coleiro (nowadays), but what in heaven’s name is she thinking, trying to use the head of state’s office and her position to distribute EU food aid?

If sticking to meeting girl guides, boy scouts and occasional delegations of pensioners from town in Britain is too boring for her, she has a choice: leave. Turning the role of head of state into a charity operation and food aid distributor is not an option.

As for Michael Farrugia, the Social Solidarity and Family Minister who was supposed to have dealt with this, I hate to be vulgar about this, but is he too busy having sex with Amanda Mifsud and fixing one job after another for her, first at Malta Freeport and now as director at Identity Malta?

These people are revolting.