Well, as long as Michelle is swimming the channel for charity…

Published: June 20, 2015 at 6:46pm

If Muscat weren’t such a rancid coward, he would have surprised the demonstrators by meeting them and saying that he would address their concerns, even if he didn’t really mean it.

That would, at least, show some democratic spirit, some statesmanship.

But the man has had no experience of head-on personal opposition on this great scale, and in any case he can’t handle criticism at all, even the most minor, except with a spiteful remark to camera while wearing a vicious smirk.

Whenever the going gets tough, he hides.

It was a big crowd but a polite one. They were never going to lynch him or tell him, in the style of his own supporters, that what he really needs is a good seeing-to from a black wotsit.


nothing else matters