This Libyan man is not Dom Mintoff’s daughter or his grandson
A man, a Libyan citizen, yesterday stabbed another man after catching him in flagrante with his wife. The wounded man’s injuries were categorised as ‘slight’.
Just 24 hours later, the man who stabbed him was in court being sentenced.
Yana Mintoff Bland or her son Daniel Mainwaring stabbed her boyfriend Gheorghe Popa in the abdomen, puncturing his stomach and other organs, and causing him to scramble up a tree in his fear. He was in intensive care at the state general hospital for several days and remains hospitalised.
Neither of them has been arrested or arraigned. And Mrs Mintoff Bland was seen nonchalantly dining out at a restaurant in South Street, Valletta, a couple of evenings ago.
Even the most avid supporters of the Labour Party are speechless in the face of such corruption and unable or unwilling to defend it. Even they know that you shouldn’t be able to get away with almost killing another human being, when it is beyond dispute that you did it, because you’re Yana Mintoff or Yana Mintoff’s son.
Muscat’s government is pushing the envelope way too far.