A new name, but still a shyster: the bios and CVs of Ernest Anderson/Edward Banayoti

Published: November 14, 2016 at 8:09pm

After acquiring a new name and a four-week marriage to a sister of the Jordanian king, Edward Banayoti set about reinventing himself. The very odd personal bio on the website for one of his companies, which claims to be in the defence business, says:

Mr. Ed A. Banayoti has a distinguished record of ethical leadership. He is the CEO of Defence Unlimited International and the CEO of the League of Lobbyists & Advocacy Professionals (UK).

He is a registered Lobbyist in Canada, Federally & Provincially (Ontario). He is dedicated to supporting the highest standards of business ethics, with his extensive experience of more than 15 years in the fields of intelligence, international security, and diplomacy as a trusted advisor to the highest levels of many governments.

He is an officer of the Most Venerable Order of St. George, and a member of Royal Heraldry Society of Canada, also a member of the Canadian Centre for Ethics & Corporate Policy. He is also a member of the Middle East Studies Association.
He is a distinguished member of the ICDT is an international non-profit organization based in Budapest, Hungary.
He is a member of the prestigious C.D. Howe Institute.

Mr. Banayoti is a contributing member to the National Military Intelligence Association.

Here are some Ernest Anderson bios you might wish to look at, including this one: ernest-anderson-cv

