Not just Montenegro and Malta: Vitals is also trying to sell its sham services in Oman
In October last year, Vitals Global Healthcare – a brand-new suitcase company which has never operated or managed so much as a village pharmacy – gave a presentation in Oman similar to the one it gave recently in Montenegro. That time, it wasn’t Ram Tumuluri who led the show, but another shifty personage called Godfrey Coelho, who claims to run ‘health services’ in “the Mumbai area”.
In that presentation one year ago, which you can read here, VGH falsely presented itself to the Omanis as being a “proven healthcare PPP/management/capital group, currently underway with 800 bed expansion of Malta healthcare system along with development of Barts London School of Medicine and Dentistry Gozo Branch”.
Coelho’s 3G Global Healthcare is yet another shell company, registered in the ‘letterbox company’ jurisdiction of Delaware in the United States.

Godfrey Coelho of Mumbai, who represented Vitals Global Healthcare in a presentation in Oman in October last year.