Looks like they’re hatching a new role for James Piscopo
The Prime Minister was spotted dining out at Tarragon in St Paul’s Bay earlier tonight, and his companions were the government’s head of communications, Kurt Farrugia, and Transport Malta boss James Piscopo, who was the Labour Party’s CEO before being appointed to that position.
The Nationalist Party’s Sunday newspaper, Il-Mument, reported that James Piscopo will replace Keith Schembri’s as the Prime Minister’s chief of staff, but the government immediately issued a statement denying this.
My take on the matter is that Keith Schembri will remain chief of staff to the PM, at least nominally, while he perpetrates whatever crimes are required to make his hidden money accessible without prosecution or investigation to his wife/children/parents after his death. But because he is and will remain incapacitated with respect to the requirements of the job, somebody else will be drafted in to do it, and that somebody is obviously going to be James Piscopo, because he was the party’s CEO and knows the tricks – or at least, some of them.

James Piscopo, the former Labour Party CEO who was moved to the state payroll as Transport Malta CEO in March 2013.