Everyone’s glued to Net TV right now

Published: February 3, 2017 at 8:07pm

I love the ’16’ icon at the bottom right of the whorehouse footage. Right now they’ve got Kurt Farrugia, spokesman for the government, on the line. He’s telling them that Net TV is “the only media house in Europe” which is discussing this subject because right now, all European eyes are on Malta and Net TV is busy with its “fake news”.

“You are a laughing-stock,” the government spokesman has just said. “You are ridiculous when everyone is focussing on Malta.”

Well, Kurt Farrugia is out of touch, isn’t he. Nobody’s talking about the European heads of government. People are wondering whether those are the Minister’s Y-fronts which Mario Frendo filmed abandoned on a cubicle floor.

And it’s the Economy Minister who’s the laughing-stock. That “Haqq Alla kemm u kiesaħ” has already passed into legend. Somebody I know is considering a bleeped version to advertise his cold beverage products.