“Il-aħwa x’sorm għandha dik li għaddiet” – Economy Minister to EU Presidency policy officer in Velbert brothel

Published: February 3, 2017 at 5:49pm

I have more qaħbarijiet to report after a chat with my source, with a more specific outline of how things occurred last Monday night at the FKK Acapulco Sauna Club in Velbert near Duesseldorf.

It appears that the Minister for the Economy is now so jaded that he has to watch pornographic films (plural) before he is able to perform – though of course, we don’t actually know whether he was able to perform, because the door was closed on the three of them.

On two sheets of paper, the sourcce drew a map of the place, with lots of details which – at this stage – I don’t think are significant. He explained that he first realised that there were Maltese men in the establishment when he heard a voice say: “Il-aħwa x’sorm għandha dik li għaddiet.”

The rest is in his own words.

“I turned round and saw that it was the government minister, Chris Cardona, with a bald man who I didn’t recognise. They went in for a shower and I followed them. The other man, who I now know is called Joe Gerada, was on the right hand side of the shower and Cardona was facing the wall. That was when I saw that he has Che Guevara’s face tattooed in blue on the back of his right shoulder. Then the cold water thing followed: “Il-liba kemm hu kiesaħ l-ilma, ħaqq Alla..” and more of that.

“I noticed that there were some comments about finger food. I just want to correct that. They don’t serve finger food – there’s a buffet and the soft drinks are free but you have to pay for alcohol.

“After they got out of the shower, Cardona and Gerada put on towelling robes and went to the buffet to help themselves to some food. They sat on two different sofas on the first floor, with one of the girls, watching porn films and after that Gerada went into a room with the girl. Cardona followed him. There are some rooms that are just curtained off, but the majority have proper doors. They went into a room with a door.

“When I first noticed them it was around 7pm. They left at about 10pm or 10.30pm.”