You can’t run with the hare and hunt with the hounds

Published: March 5, 2017 at 10:56am

This, and not the antiquated ‘many hats and friend-to-all-because-it’s-good-for-my-interests’ compromises of earlier generations of politicians, is the right attitude.

Those earlier generations of politicians got away with murder, outrageous compromises and behind-the-scenes relationships because in the pre-tech media age, they could. That allowed them to think that their compartmentalising behaviour and inappropriate business and political relationships and ‘friendships’ were normal and acceptable.

The days when half the cabinet of government could spend their Sundays on Joe Gasan’s boat or in his home, or in Beppe Hili’s living-room or round George Fenech’s restaurant table or hosted to dinner by Silvio ‘Bogan’ Debono are long gone. And the same goes for who works for whom on the pretext that he ‘has to eat’.

The sooner those in the Nationalist Party understand this, the better for the country because right now, that party is Malta’s only hope for salvation from being cast into utter oblivion with another five years of Muscat and his criminals in charge.

If you don’t like it, get out. Do something else. But get out now before your torpedo the absolutely crucial objective of saving Malta from this horrendous web of abuse and criminality. All boundaries have gone. All institutions and offices have been subverted. The situation is dangerous.

And when the situation is dangerous, you fight it with all your might, even if it means going without. You don’t say that you have to eat. If you want to eat, pull out Silvio Debono’s, Joe Gasan’s and the Fenechs’ troughs and jump right in and roll in them. But get the hell out of politics first – and then see whether they still want you.