GUEST POST/Prove to me that Mars exists, by Richard Thewma
Prove to me that Mars exists. I need FACTS and EVIDENCE. Has anyone ever been there? They haven’t, have they? So how do we know that Mars exists?
It’s not like the mainstream media never lie to us. I see fake stuff on Google all the time and Wikipedia is made up by random people.
We’ve seen films depicting fiction in space and we know that’s not real, so it’s easy to conclude that Mars is made up.
Quite a convenient ploy to get everyone to spend taxes on the ‘Mars Rover’ when in fact they’re just making films while pocketing the extra cash.
Use your brain: a RED planet? COULD IT BE? Planets aren’t red, they’re blue. Stenna ma rridx nghid li l-ahmar ma jezistix ta! Labour is red u ahna l-aqwa fl-Ewropa. Earth is better than Mars therefore Earth must be red and Mars must be blue.
Halli ghalihom, fallew pjaneta u jixtiequ jigvernaw dawn? Kemm huma fejk. Attakk faxhi fuq il-pjaneta taghna lkoll.
Irridu naghmlu libell, he who alleges must prove, how do you know that the Earth is round? Is there documentary evidence for this? You can’t just say the Earth is not flat, FEJN HUMA L-PROVI?
X’kull wahda wkoll. How is this possssssibil? Mela tlaqna ha naghmlu fenkata b’serenita. Tista ma taqbilx maghna, izda tista tiekol maghna.
Heqq, ghax everyone has to eat huwx? Ahh kemm hu kiesah, tlaqna ghand is-Serkin #jesuispastizz.