Take note of Muscat’s body language and expression in this video

Published: April 18, 2017 at 10:22am

Yesterday: the Prime Minister is challenged about the ownership of Egrant Inc. When Mario Frendo suggests that it might belong to Muscat or to a member of his family, Muscat stops, freezes, becomes hostile and threatens him with a libel suit.

This is exactly how he reacted in February last year (see below), when he was challenged about Konrad Mizzi’s company. He grinned nervously and tried to give brush-off answers with an embarrassed expression on his face, until the journalist mentioned Keith Schembri. At that point, Muscat did the same thing he did yesterday at the suggestion that a member of his family might own Egrant Inc: he stopped, changed his tone of voice, and issued the threat of a libel suit.

At that point, the news about Konrad Mizzi’s Panama company and New Zealand trust had just broken, and nobody knew yet – and I mean nobody, not even me and certainly not the journalists in the video below – that Keith Schembri has exactly the same structure (as does a third person with them) and that he and Mizzi set them up together.

But with hindsight, Muscat clearly knew – hence his threatening reaction. Equally, you should now take note of his threatening reaction yesterday when Mario Frendo asked him whether Egrant Inc is owned by a member of his family.