No, Mario Demarco will not give up his seat for Adrian Delia
Some of Adrian Delia’s people have been putting the word about that of course Adrian Delia can take his oath as Opposition leader – for which he needs a seat in parliament – because Mario Demarco is going to give up his seat for him. I thought this highly unlikely, but contacted Dr Demarco anyway.
Good afternoon, Mario. People close to Adrian Delia have said that you are prepared to give up your seat for him. I realise that this is unlikely to be correct and in any case it will trigger a casual election. But I’m still obliged to ask you about it, and would be grateful for an answer. Thank you. Daphne
Hi Daphne, absolutely not true. I am not prepared to give up my seat as I do not even believe it is mine to give up. I was elected to represent the first district and I intend doing so throughout the whole term of the legislature. I trust this answers your question.

Adrian Delia with Tony Aquilina, the former Mqabba policeman who kept a brothel at the Berkeley Hotel in Howard Street, Sliema, and now lives in a flat on the Sliema front, and their wives at a campaign event: how is Delia going to become Opposition leader without a seat in parliament?