Would you buy a used car from Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando?
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando lied under oath this morning when he said that Richard Cachia Caruana had asked me to attack him, and that I had told him this.
I said, also under oath, that Richard Cachia Caruana had asked me to do no such thing, that nobody tells me to do anything, still less Richard Cachia Caruana of all people, and that even if he had done so, I would never have told Pullicino Orlando, who I barely knew from Adam at the time, about it.
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando was called back to the witness stand and he went one further with his lying.
He said I had told him that if I were ever asked about this publicly, I would deny it.
I could see the wheels turning in his mind: “Damn it, she’s said under oath that Richard Cachia Caruana did no such thing. So now what do I do? I know, I’ll say that she said she would deny it.”
The man is abhorrent. He is not insane; he is a cornered rat.
Do I strike anyone who knows me as the sort of person who would say “Look, I’m going to tell you this, but if you ask me about it publicly, then I’ll deny it”?
As I told the court, if I am known for anything, it’s for saying and writing exactly what I wish to say and write and paying the price for it.
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando is so cavalier about perjuring himself that he thought nothing of saying – which is what he effectively did – that I was the one committing perjury and, worse still, telling him in advance that I would commit perjury.
The man needs to get a grip or take a trip. Whatever his problem might be, he needs help with it, and fast.
I have no doubt that he felt it necessary to lie under oath because he had lied already to Malta Today editor Saviour Balzan, who was there with him, as was Labour Party deputy leader Toni Abela, wearing his hat of defence lawyer to Balzan.
If he told Saviour that lie, then he was going to have to perjure himself to back it up, or risk Malta Today’s wrath once again. So he perjured himself.
I am willing to bet that the scummy little toad hasn’t told his other scummy little toad friend, Balzan, or that puppet-loving idiot, Toni Abela, that after the general election he and his girlfriend Carmen Camilleri Ciantar invited me and my husband to supper at their home in Haz-Zebbug. The other guest was Richard Cachia Caruana, the man he would have us believe was ringing people to tell them to attack him.
Perhaps he’s in the habit of inviting his enemies to supper so that he can keep a close watch on them as they phone journalists to suggest that they demand his resignation.
Or maybe he’s just crazy. Who knows.
I think we’ve understood over the last three and a half years that Pullicino Orlando will do anything to stay in the limelight. If you look back, you’ll realise that he’s invented one thing after another to stay in the headlines. One thing after another. When the limelight ebbs away, he does something else to grab at it.
Yes, even perjure himself.
As I told him in court (under oath), he prides himself on being a gentleman but he doesn’t even understand the meaning of the word. His behaviour all along has been reprehensible and utterly dishonourable, not gentlemanly.
I regret helping him, I regret sticking my neck out for him, and I regret voting for him. He lied to me, lied to the prime minister, lied to all those who went out of their way to help him because they thought he was a victim, and now, he has lied to the court. Under oath.
He belongs in Labour’s skip, along with Saviour Balzan and that cheap and tacky pond-life Toni Abela. They deserve each other.
The irony – the oh so delicious irony – is that all three of them stood there in court this morning colluding with each other to depict some kind of cabal between those they perceive to be their enemies.
The reality is that they are the cabal: the deputy leader of the Labour Party acting as lawyer to the editor and owner of Malta Today, plotting with political lost soul Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando who just so happens to have a seat on the other side of the house and hates Lawrence Gonzi as much as they do.
And then they say that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Unless those three have had a sex-change we haven’t been told about – LGBT Labour, anyone? – God save us from nasty little men who are vexed.
I told Pullicino Orlando (under oath) that he must have no self-respect at all to plot with those who tried to harm him – the Labour Party in the form of Toni Abela, and Saviour Balzan who hounded him as a liar three years ago (see one of Saviour’s front pages here) – to stab in the back those who went out of their way to help him.
Maybe the man is just plain stupid.
But not as stupid as I was for believing the lying scum.
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The last two paragraphs are priceless.
About what did JPO lied to you and the prime minister?
[Daphne – The prime minister can speak for himself. Jeffrey lied to me about the extent and nature of his involvement with the Mistra contract.]
How much was JPO involved in the contract?
[Daphne – How about you ask him? Or read Lou Bondi’s blog, where he gave the details.]
How do you know that he lied to the prime minister?
[Daphne – Because he told him the exact same things he told me. But lying to the prime minister (who is your party leader) is far more serious a misdemeanour than lying to me.]
How much was he involved?
[Daphne – Here you go: http://loubondi.blogspot.com/2011/10/jpos-new-circus-is-in-town.html#more%5D
Was he involved that much for him to qualify as a corrupter, as Alfred Sant accused him of being?
[Daphne – Corruption implies working outside the law. There is no indication of that here. Pullicino Orlando hit the nature of the agreement not because it was illegal but because it didn’t fit with his Green Politician of the Year image to be seen to be making hundreds of thousands from a nightclub at Mistra.]
Would you, at least for once, agree with Dr.Sant?
[Daphne – No, because he described lease money, in a contract, in court today as ‘corruption.’ ]
If what Lou Bondi said is true, JPO is a corrupter, isn’t he Ms Caruana Galizia?
[Daphne – Really, why?]
Thirteen more question to go, Francis. Don’t give up on her, not now.
How is it that I was always under the impression that it is illegal to comment on cases that are sub-judice.
I don’t mean reporting, but commenting.There is quite a difference.
[Daphne – Because you swallowed the lie, Silvio.]
If you mean the lies of J.P.O. you can rest assured that I didn’t swallow any of them.
The problem is that I doubt whether I would believe him, even if he is saying the truth.
I did not believe him before the election, and I will not believe him ever, let alone trusting him with my vote, if I were in his constituency.
[Daphne – The trouble is that he has taken all those votes for divorce as votes in support of him, when the reality is that all people saw was the means to the end, even if that means was Jeffrey.]
Dear Daphne………. why are you angry?? You should be but you do not have to be. Do you think that people with a sane mind would believe one word that JPO says? No way. For one, I definitely believe you… whatever JPO says.
[Daphne – I am angry because I am hurt at his disloyalty, indecency and lack of gratitude. And I am angry because I have seen – twice this year (the first time was with Jason Micallef – how easy it is to lie under oath and get away with it, and how some people think nothing of it, seeing it as the means to an end.]
Daphne, their tactic is always the same. Indeed, they have used it for many years . The only thing that matters is to plant a doubt in people’s mind.
Yes. He must have been coached by his legal-eagle friends.
” twice this year ”
Should that be three times perhaps? I think I may vaguely remember some magistrate doing that as well earlier this year.
Consuelo Scerri Herrera, friend of Jeffrey. Ma’ min rajtek, xebbahtek. It’s just so true.
This little tantrum thrower (JPO) truly disgusts me. I cannot believe that there are people who are stupid enough to continue believing in him.
The root of the problem might be that he is actually believing himself.
Yes, I think so too. He manages to convince others because he has convinced himself that he is telling the truth, and that he is both a victim and a hero.
He thinks he is Martin Luther King, St Francis of Assisi, Columbus and Gandhi, rolled into one.
Pullicino Orlando was morally bankrupt before he decided to perjure himself. And although I’m a relative newcomer to this blog, the idea that you’re lying would ruin the condescending tone of self-righteous indignation that makes these vitriolic paeans to a Liberal Malta so entertaining and, in their own way, richly informative.
For this reason and no other, I believe you (and hope you’ll no longer accept supper invitations from obnoxious toads, even if they do pretend to be Princes).
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando must really be desperate to claim that you’d take orders from anybody. You’d probably be the last person to do so.
These days The Times is not taking kindly to my comments which either appear for a few minutes and disappear or are not published at all.
In a related article about JPO and Mrs Caruana Galizia’s testimony, I commented that given an opportunity to choose between what JPO said and what Mrs CG testified, I would, without hesitation believe Mrs Caruana Galizia.
I also admonished the NP to think twice and hard before endorseing JPO as a candidate in the 2013 election.
Needless to say The Times thought that my comments were unfair and never published them.
But they regularly publish blatant lies by Joseph and his gang even if they insult every Tom Dick and Harry as long as they belong to the Nationalist Party.
The Times seems to be hard pressed finding good help these days.
“He said I had told him that if I were ever asked about this publicly, I would deny it.”
He’s probably judging you with his own yardstick, or with that of the company he likes to keep.
Ok fine Jeffrey lied.
But come next election, if a similar situation were to arise (with different people involved of course) would the Nationalist party be more careful who to back, even if it risked losing votes and the election?
Or would it still do anything in its power to win even if it would be a dishonest thing to do?
Dare I say that he may have been “coached” into what to say by somebody high up in the law courts who should know better, but has proven that she doesn’t?
A person is not defined by how much he/she is in the limelight or the number of votes he/she gets but his / her character.
In this case, absence of character.
French expression still very much in use today: ‘Mentir comme un arracheur de dents’ – It means ‘To lie like a tooth puller’.
As a dentist I do not like it but historically there must be a very valid reason. I like the Italian saying: I dentisti mangiano con i denti degl’altri.
I sincerely hope he’s good at dentistry at least, and that he doesn’t lie to his patients.
If he’s telling the truth and nothing but the truth, why doesn’t he sue Joseph Muscat as well?
After all, he did say he got to know of Labour’s offensive when someone heard Joseph saying they had some explosive material which they intended at the end of the election campaign.
How convenient, giving testimony which cannot be countered. Doesn’t that render it objectively unacceptable?
So now he won the election for the PN?
Maybe he should try winning the next one for Joseph.
He’s history, and these Christmas holiday re-runs only serve to underline that.
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando needs professional help, urgently.
No, I would not buy a used car – or a fibre-optic Krismiss fader – from this man.
What have you got against second hand cars?
Seriously, you shouldn’t be hurt because JPO lied under oath. He has recently acknowledged that he’s no practising Catholic. You shouldn’t have expected better given that even ‘convinced’ Catholics perjure themselves.
The whole perjury thing has always made me wonder. You’re asking someone, often someone accused of a crime or some other sort of offence, not to incriminate him/herself by lying.
How on earth is that supposed to work? Why would anyone expect a criminal to come clean in the witness box?
It’s no wonder that in some developed countries, oaths – and therefore the possibility of perjury – aren’t part of the legal process: it’s almost impossible to prove when it comes down to two parties’ words against each other.
“Ghalfejn qed thammigli wicci?”
“Shame! Shame! You should be ashamed of yourself! Shame on you!”
“Allahares issir prim ministru, Dottor Alfred Sant. Qed tkissru n-nies issa, ahseb u ara kemm ikollkhom sahha izjed” (jekk tkunu fil-gvern).
( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jl8KFobxFQ4 )
U Jeffrey jisfida lill-Alfred Sant (taht it-tinda) – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTMuaiokTMs
I remember the chase around the Maltese Islands.
He reminded me of Jocelyn Hattab on his caccia al tesoro.
OK, you have said it in other words and with pictures, but can I summarise it this way?
How can Saviour Balzan the Editor of Malta Today, who stands accused, bring JPO as his witness when it was Saviour Balzan himself, as editor of Malta Today, behind that headline telling JPO “You are unbelievable”?
It is going to be fairly easy for the lawyer of the plaintiff to question the credibility of the witness of the defence in court.
All he has to do is to pull out a copy of that issue of MaltaToday and ask Saviour whether he thinks JPO is credible or not… or maybe he should first ask the question and then pull out the copy.
“It is shameful that, right up to this day, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi and the PN have not yet taken steps against Pullicino Orlando after he was caught lying more than once on his personal involvement in the Mistra scandal. Labour insists Pullicino Orlando is not fit to represent the people in parliament.” – The Labour Party
Neither the PM nor the NP had the option to sue JPO for lying. If one can sue successfully any person for telling lies, then the Courts would have to open a special section to deal exclusively with law suits brought up against the Labour Party.
The government could not ask for JPO to resign because it would have risked bringing down the government because JPO would still sit as an independent or cross the floor. Both eventuialities would have given JPO the power to either hold the government at ransom or bring it down.
The judgement will be passed by the voters of either Party come next election. If they still choose to vote for someone who is extremely economical with the truth, to put it mildly, then so be it. They will get what they would deserve.
“Jekk Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando mhux qiegħed jiġi “framed up” u jalla hu biex joħroġ nadif minn din is-saga politika, jiena ngħid li lanqas biss għandu jersaq lejn il-Parlament. Ma nafx x’qiegħed jistenna biex jgħid li ser jieqaf hawn.”
“Minn dak li nafu s’issa fuq il-każ tal-Mistra, il-fatti huma ħafna aktar gravi.”
Tghid anke lil Toni Abela ghamlulu pressjoni minn Kastilja biex jattakka lil JPO?
I do not know what has happened to Jeffrey. I have known him since we were at university – through the bad times and the good times.
This is definitely not the Jeffrey that I know.
I cannot see any strategy in his behaviour – it is 100% self destruction.
Sometimes I think that this sudden change in character is due to serious neurological problems that need medical treatment.
I hope that he is reading this and really takes action and speaks to his GP.
People change all the time for many reasons as well as to hide their true nature.
JPO is probably a bit of both. I’d feel sorry for him, if he wasn’t such a c*nt.
JPO lost in love, lost his friends, lost his constituents and now he’s lost his marbles.
Did you say lost in love?
X’fik, Baxxter
I do not think the PN will ever dream of having JPO on the PN ticket in the next elections. JPO might be needed to fill Muscat’s skip.
Ara kemm jaghtu hu u l-ex mara!
Iktar ikonna kummiedji fil-parlament kieku.
Daphne taking orders from anyone – the best joke this year!
The Times could not get so low as this morning’s ediiton front page in large bold letters PN OFFICIALS , MPS ASKED JOURNALISTS TO ATTACK ME – as if this is gospel truth by JPO.
The Times should change its title – The Worst of Times would fit it to a tee – since its professionalism has reached apocalyptic proportions.
Blog title would be more appropriate as “Would you have your root canal treatment done by JPO in his present frame of mind ?”