Hang-out ma’ Joseph Muscat

Published: July 30, 2012 at 3:49pm

10 Comments Comment

  1. Silverbug says:

    Well, then we’re all going to hang (out) with him after the next general election.

  2. silvio says:

    Dear Daphne. don’t you think the picture of the gallows is somewhat cruel?

    [Daphne – Silvio, go home and develop some gallows humour.]

    • silvio says:

      How did you know I’m not at home?

      And what, pray is gallows humour?

      One of the reasons I like your blog, I’m always learning something new.

      [Daphne – http://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/gallows+humour ]

      • Galian says:

        Silvio vs Daphne: it’s like watching Fomm ir-Rih (imagining such a football team exists) vs Real Madrid.

      • Redneck Rabti says:

        To think I probably paid for this guy’s education. I demand my money back.

      • silvio says:

        @ redneck rabti.
        Could be, if you are over 90 years old.

        But anyway, when I went to school we didn’t expect any handouts from peasents to pay for our education.

        The probability is that it was persons like myself who paid for your education, and I don’t regret it, considering that we were always brought up believing that it was our duty to be charitable and see that the underprvileged receive an education instead of running barefoot, like their fathers, in the street giving our country an impression of a place inhabited by urchins and good for nothing people.

        I’d like to think that you are one ot the ones who made it, but on the other hand I have no doubt that a few more years of schooling would have been of benefit.

      • silvio says:

        @ galian

        Would you be surprised if I were to tell you that some of the best football matches I watched were by small unknown teams?

        Anyway, it was never my intention to play against Daphne. I do not hesitate to declare she is a class on her own, and she has my full admiration.

        As for you, may I suggest you stick to watching cartoons. They are said to help develop the brain (for your information this is usually found at the back of your head, and it’s not so difficult to use, even chickens have one).

  3. Gahan says:

    If Gonzi makes an impromptu Q&A on the internet and on all the media, Joseph tries hard to emulate him and names this a hangout with questions to be fielded three days before he answers them.

    If the PN have their traditional boat party there go the people with the nameless movement organising another one.

    If anyone understands young people it’s surely not Joseph.

    Young people dislike fakes. That’s why they buy brand-named clothing. They like the original. For them Joseph is a Made in China knock-off.

    About the hangout: young people hate a controlled atmosphere and yearn for spontaneous answers (they want it all here and now), not carefully worded answers blabbed out from a talking robot.

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